I yanked this off of one of my other favorite psychic/popular culture discussion boards today...take these with the gigantic bag of salt you must, of course, considering the source. I mean, I love a lot of Sylvia's predictions, but I've seen her miss pretty big, too, as have we all, and like a lot of modern day "practicing" psychics, um, well, she hasn't had a perfect personal life. But who has? Okay, here are her thoughts about the coming year, including celeb gossip for those who tangentially follow it like I do:
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will have a baby boy, stay together for 2 more years, and divorce. Brad and Angelina wont make it either, they will split. Marc Anthony and J Lo will never have a baby and will break up. J Lo cant have a baby. Nicole Richie will end up in the hospital for so much self abuse Martha Stewart's show will be canceled Mel Gibson will just kind of go away Tom Hanks will win some Excellence Award Liz Taylor is dying, her "life force" is flickering. Jen Aniston will marry a producer/director type 8 years and we will have a black president. Polio and Whooping cough are making big comebacks because of crazy people who think vaccines are not good for you and contribute to autism Bush will bring the troops home. More states will approve gay marriage, not just civil unions FEMA will be investigated, people will go to jail for stealing money. Major drug bust in Eastern port in June, then another big one on west coast Bomb parts will come in through the ports too, but NO major terrorist attacks here, although she is worried about England and France Economy will bounce back, although stock market is a real roller coaster Property is the best investment now, buy now, because its going down but will go back up next year New drugs for HIV, AIDS, Hep C that really help patients East coast will have one of the mildest winters you have seen (The current winter. She's right. This winter has been warm as hell here.) West Coast will still be cold/rainy like it is now Depression will be linked to diet There will be an amino acid found that will put HIV into remission Some glaciers will be breaking up at rapid speed, we are in a "polar tilt" tornadoes in odd places. More volcanos everywhere erupting, flooding in the south, earthquakes and tsunamis Some crops will fail because of drought at end of the year and you wont even be able to afford corn and other produce Really hard winter next year More spirituality next year, bad press for Evangelicals, they are misusing money, buying lots of things for themselves Tsunami in New York, she has been worried about this for years, and its coming Cure for insulin dependent diabetes end of next year, major breakthroughs happening Democrat in office next time Worried about trucks and trains for terrorism worldwide, not planes Find missing amino in autism kids that can be reversed Gas prices will go down in February.
I hope she's right about gas prices. Oregon is hovering at the $2.65-85 mark for regular in most places and though I've really cut back my consumption--ugh.