Rip away. . .I'm going to dine out shortly but will hover for a while. . .
Here's an initial effort. This is ONLY a first draft and I'll be tinkering with it over the allowed editing period. So if anyone has suggestions, please "refresh" before responding over the next hour as it's likely to morph continually as per "stellaphonic" suggestions.
Subject line. . .
"Oooga, Boooga, Woooga, Smoooga". . .Something magical to consider doing tonight. . .
Okay before I begin, as some of you are aware, I've posted in the past about spiritual approaches to seemingly intractable political problems and though the vast majority of responses have been amazingly positive, fun, and supportive, there have been a couple thought provoking nay sayers.'s just fine with me as I do enjoy a lively cyber discussion and as the founder of my dinky little state who supported religious tolerance when most states did not, so aptly put, “to hold forth a lively experiment, that a most flourishing civil State may stand and best be maintained, with a full liberty of religious concernments.”
More from that wise one here. . ., aside from an effort on the Solstice, I've rarely referenced astrology in GD. This is not intended to be a thread upon which to argue the merits of astrology. It is a soft science, an experiential art, and like any esoteric tools, is often more notorious for it's misuse by manipulators, hustlers, and fatalists, than for it's true, though trancendable essense.
My most successful clients have intuitively known when to buy, move, sell, move, merge, and marry. I've only needed to say to them, "Yup you're right on the money again."
I would guess for that natural gift of timing is a gift that fewer than five percent of the population truly possess. Most want everything yesterday and impatience may indeed be the quintessential not so "original sin."
Take it or leave it. Astrology either helps or confuses some and was never intended to be a convoluted rationalization for "b-b-b-a-a-a-d behaviors."
Yet perhaps, consider a momentary effort in collective participation in "a lively (cyber) experiment" involving a fleeting focus of consciousness, for free, free, free and maybe for the highest good of ALL.
Disclaimer: any spiritual suggestions I put forth are only intended to be SUPPLEMENTAL to more traditional forms of activism and for entertainment purposes only. :)
ASTRONOMICALLY, Mars will conjunct Pluto really close to the galactic center by longitudinal measurement, Saturday at 5:00 am EST. That former aspect only happens once a year unless Mars retros over Pluto which is a total rarity. Pluto in relative proximity to the galactic center only happens once every 247.7 years (not including retro cyles that can occur for one to two concurrent years within that broader cycle and the year of the conjunction's occurance particular year.)
The last time this occurred was vaguely pre Revolutionary War, French Revolution, and Industrial Revolution times. Holy Moly. Just in terms of historical significance, consider setting the "wayyy back" machine and pondering all those inspiring pamphlets that may have come in the years to follow, possibly birthed of the events that transpired back then. We just may be cyber pamphleteers here. :)
Of course, that was around the time of Uranus's discovery. Thus, the operative word was "revolution."
That conjunction potentially represents the transformation and purification of and possible enlightenment of the individual and collective will.
Or as some cynical though funny people say "afgo" (another "flopping" growth opportunity.)
Mars is oft represented as solely "the God of War." Sure, it represents that unbelievably stupid behavior ad practice but it represents sports as well as a bunch of other things. One could speculate on whether either of those manifestations are entirely healthy. War is clearly not. Yet sports certainly are for the individuals involved though the degree to which some individuals project onto sports figures can unquestionably be massively disempowering.
A healthy Mars governs that sense that we all have periodically, that we have something unique to contribute to the planet. It also rules the solar plexus, the immune system (warrior cells,) the adrenal and testosterone levels in the body, and ahhh. . .the libido.
Still, a collective effort in prayer might just quell a boatload of destructive urges. With the consensual dialogue about the war amping up. What do you guys think we can do with our group consciousness to goose a speedy resolution and inspire more folks to realize that violence solves absolutely NOTHING in efforts to manifest a true and lasting peace ? A restoration of real justice wouldn't hurt either.
I've been pondering the possibility of those who have evolved, collectively considering projecting a dream for all of our leaders to experience suggesting that they recognize the unquestionable error of most of their ways and to no longer repeat the more than obvious and pathetically non productive "mistakes of past history."
Ho Hum.
They could consider just stepping down and going away, if we would only all think about it intensely enough for a short spell.
That may sound crazy, but I've been thinking about it a lot of late, and it's no crazier than our "misleadership" has been for the past 6 woh-ful years.
Interesting about that period of history though. I heard one guy interviewed, I can't recall where, who had written about how the history of our country is generally taught us about the Pilgrims>>>>>>>cut to the Revolutionary War.
Ummm. . . there was roughly a century and a half that transpired between those two events. It was interesting for sure, especially for me who has roots in the general region where King Philip's War occurred, though not to closely. Our natives were matriarchal, signed a peace treaty, and sadly died of "white man's disease." Ughhh.
Petitions are certainly great in terms of a collective intent. Meditations are certainly great as well. But I think another prayer might just be in order.
Here's one that may require more than a little tweaking. . .but time is short.
"On this unquestionably auspicious juncture in time, I co create with spirit that those in power who believe they can live above laws long established, will have tomorrow, on the threshold between sleep and wakefulness, a divine awakening to universal law. That those individuals may finally realize and be truly cognizant of the absolute universal truism that violence solves NOTHING and never has done anything but "perpetuate (even more heinous) retributions." May they be tweaked by the "cosmic parole board" in their sleep, and recognize the gross errors of their ways and change their approach for the greater good of ALL. Or may they be truly exposed for what they are and surrender forever their positions of assumed power."
We argue a lot about impeachment. Though that is clearly warranted, resignation would truly be far more expedient.
Addendum from a dearest of friends:
"My thoughts for a new agenda.
We don't need a new agenda. All the basic human desires for survival, have and are being, superceded by a non sustainable collective consciousness. Risk of loss of safety at the most primitative levels by enforcers of centralized thinking have had drastic effects. The promise of anything outside of our dependency on life and our present physical manifestation is downright dangerous.
Our resources from Mother Earth to nourish the numbers of us must be put into perspective. Perhaps it's too late I hear but I don't really know. I do know that killing each other as a sanctioned act endorsed by any organization of man, is criminal in intent, regardless of latent reward. (or reward after death)
When will we collectively ask ourselves individually where are the limits we must set for ourselves regarding the consuming of the resourses to sustain us as a species? Remember your mother doesn't care! She will, just as happily, a human charachteristic I might add, provide for glowing cockroaches long after we are gone.
Any questions. . .?"