I don't recall which thread it was back in the early fall that sparked my interest in the Great Year (maybe one of you does); (
http://www.thegreatyear.com) ; but I was re-directed back to the concept by the interview of Dr. Claude Swanson that rumpel posted (
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=245x33207). From that interview I was prompted to watch Cruttenen's interviews on the same site. I found him to be very down to earth and intent on expressly following the
scientific approach to the idea of a binary star for our solar system and the curvature of our system through space.
So I popped on the great year site this evening for a minute and discovered his new book about the subject. You can download the first chapter here:
http://www.loststarbook.com/excerpt.shtml . I personally find that this whole idea just resonates with me. Of course I reserve the right to be wrong; but it certainly has potential. What really interests me is the way he/they are trying to see if electromagnetic activity is the determining factor, or part of such, for our mental states and the rise and fall of enlightenment in civilization. I will be very interested to see more research in this area.
I definately want the movie (The Great Year one) and the book.
Just wanted to post in case anyone else found this stuff fun and facinating. I know I do.
ETA: Following the links further took me to the emagazine Sub Rosa. Lots of free downloads to listen to; etc. Looks like fun.
http://subrosa.dailygrail.com/(Yes; I'm better. Hope to be in a meeting later this week; trying to get it fit with our schedules. Thank you all so much. :hug: )