(NOTE: Many people who visit this forum will already be very familiar with this information. However, it's being included for those who have no astrological knowledge at this point and for those who wish to refresh their memories.)The Zodiac ("Circle of Animals") is the name given to the band of the ecliptic encircling the earth. It is like a belt in space, about 15 degrees wide, across which the planets move and form their geometrical relationships. The Zodiac forms the stellar backdrop for the apparent path of the Sun, called the plane of the ecliptic.
Astrologers divide the circle of the ecliptic into twelve parts, each subdivided into 30 degrees, making 360 degrees in all. The twelve divisions are called the Signs of the Zodiac. These signs are related (but not exactly identical) to the constellations (star groups) of the same name.
(The above information was taken from
The twelve signs of the Zodiac are as follows:
- Aries, the Ram (March/April)
- Taurus, the Bull (April/May)
- Gemini, the Twins (May/June)
- Cancer, the Crab (June/July)
- Leo, the Lion (July/August))
- Virgo, the Virgin (August/September)
- Libra, the Scales (September/October)
- Scorpio, the Scorpion (October/November)
- Sagittarius, the Archer/the Centaur (November/December)
- Capricorn, the Sea-Goat (December/January)
- Aquarius, the Water-Bearer (January/February)
- Pisces, the FIshes (February/March)
Information about each individual sign can be found at the link below: (This is just one person's description of the signs.)
(Please disregard the information about the elements, modes, etc. which will be discussed as later topics.)http://www2.bitstream.net/~bunlion/bpi/Sign.html#ArThe above link also states the following:
Planetary Rulers of the Signs
Each sign is associated with a planet that is called the "ruler" of that sign. Usually, there is some similarity in meaning or energy between the sign and its ruler. A planet is supposed to express its energy in the most natural, straight-forward fashion through the sign it rules.
Some signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces) have two rulers, an old, traditional ruler and a modern one. Since the discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto the last few centuries, these planets have replaced the traditional rulers. And with the introduction of Chiron and the major asteroids into astrology, yet-another-round of arguments about rulers is breaking out. Perhaps the entire notion of "rulership" should be taken with a grain of salt.
The planets themselves will be discussed in the next astrological topic.