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Okay here goes another OBSW effort for the New Moon

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 05:22 PM
Original message
Okay here goes another OBSW effort for the New Moon
Edited on Thu Jan-18-07 06:21 PM by stellanoir
Here's what I've got thus far and it's so-o-o uncharacteristically long. :silly:

I won't post it in GD for a couple hours as I have to integrate the stuff rumpel so kindly provided on the Pluto in Sagg thread, may need to cut it down a bit (yet with the New Moon trining my Merc, that may be tough.)

Any and all feedback is mucho appreciated especially in terms of making it more brief, and I want to ferret out some good MLK quotations since his birthday was overshadowed by totally distracting self serving BS this year.

Thread title: hmmm. . How about a "surge in consciousness" instead? "Ooga, Booga, Smooga, Wooga" New Moon alert!!!

Yesterday, I was reading about the Israel/Palestine mess over at Huff Post regarding a dispute between former Pres. Carter and Dershowitz over the "roadkill to peace" and I was thinking about the New Moon in Capricorn which will occur at 11:01 pm EST tonight at 28 degrees and change.

If anyone cares to refute astro influences then scroll below to the first link at the bottom of this thread for what I said last week and still stand by now regarding such arguments. If it doesn't work for you then that's fine with me. "Different strokes for different folks" and all of that.

Or to quote Isaac Newton in regards to astrological detractors, "I have studied it, you have not."

ASTRONOMICALLY by precise longitudinal measurement, Pluto (though allegedly dwarfed???) will enter Capricorn (tropically) for the first time in 247.7 years in about a year's time. This year Pluto will transit the Galactic Center for it's 2nd (mid July) and 3rd (latish October) times in 247.7 years. It's transit to the Solar Apex (the direction in which our Solar System is headed through our galaxy) will happen late next January, 5-6/08, 11-12/08, finally stationing there in 9/09.

It is my fervent wish and deep seated belief that this influence among others, could goose our collective evolution and consciousness in a very BIG and unprecedented wayyy.

A few of the myriad of things that fall under Capricornian rulership is leadership, government, the rule of law, and "business as usual." Since 1988, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Chiron have all scrambled and altered that particular sign . If you hadn't noticed, business has hardly been at all usual since then nor have any of its other realms of rulership. New models for those arenas are more than a little warranted IMHO.

On a superficial level, it would appear that the kids born since then until 12/95 will more than likely be the ones to purify, reorganize, and overhaul the structures that seem to be so irretrievably broken and totally dysfunctional at present.

Psssssssst. . .Perhaps we could help them along to have an easier time of it. Maybe "Graceful transitions (could be) "R" Us" for far more expedient ameliorations. :)

In contemplating the Israel/Palestine dilemma I was reminded of a "Prayer For A United World" by Paramahansa Yogananda (Disclaimer-NO I'm not a devotee-I know very little about him-just stumbled upon some of his most inspiring quotations several years back-the spiritual wells I draw from are limitless and varied so don't even start.)

The first time I typed that particular prayer, it was for a stellascope I wrote shortly after 9/11 and I was strangely shown a vision of how, if only Jerusalem could be turned into an international zone for a decade (at that time) it would be more than likely that by now, with the energies that now are hovering, that all the hot heads would have possibly chilled and gotten over some of their rancor, hostility. purposely destructive urges. Of course that didn't even remotely happen for many assorted and unbelievably dumb and unenlightened reasons. Sadly it's been quite to the contrary.

Okay here's a humbly presented non gender specific revision to Yogananda's awesome prayer updated for more current expansively "gender bending" times. It may be appropriate for this pending lunation. Edits are notated by quotations marks. I do so think it's really silly to quote myself. :)

With all due respect to the Yogi I never knew. . . (how's that for a trashy romance novel title . . .?) :)

Revised & Updated "Prayer For A United World"

""I'm co creating with spirit that" the heads of all countries and races be guided to understand that "those" of all nations are physically and spiritually one: physically one, because we are the descendants of common parents-the symbolic Adam and Eve; spiritually one, because we are the immortal children of our "Creatrix (aka Go/Goddess)**", bound by eternal links of "humanity."

Let us pray in our hearts for a League of Souls and a United World. Though we may seem divided by race, creed, class, and political prejudices, still as children of the one "Creatrix" we are able in our souls to feel "ONENESS" and world unity. May we work for the creation of a United World in which every nation will be a useful part, guided by "love, great humors, true compassion, and generosity" through "our newly restored" enlightened conscience.

In our hearts we can all learn to be free from "hatred" and selfishness. Let us pray for harmony among the nations, that they march hand in hand through the gate of a "truly" fair new civilisation."

The thought of revising that prayer reminded me of a conversation I had a couple nights ago with an older wise one.

We were talking about Iraq and she said with absolution that it would only be resolved through the gentle application of feminine energy. That may sound sexist so with another disclaimer, may I offer up that I feel as though both genders are generally a mish mash of archetypal feminine and masculine energies. Can we all agree upon the apparent truism that the disaster in Iraq could be construed as Mars gone amuck. (again see last weeks link, the first link at the bottom of this post for explanation of the healthy versus unhealthy Martian influences, manifestations, and phenomena)

Prior to our invasion, from what I've read from the Iraqi ladies, the ratio between incomes of professional men and women was far better than it was in the US. Sure they had a tyrant in charge but we put him in power. Yet despite all of that it was in some regards, one of the more progressive and secular countries in that region, despite other obvious problems. Individual freedoms weren't thriving necessarily, but in terms of education, and in many regards, women's rights they were far better off than many of their neighborhing more sectarian neighbors. Back then I heard there were more Phd's per capita than we have here, though many have either fled or been assassinated by now.

I had posted several months ago in GD about how Faiza (a Shia married to a Sunni) who has a Phd in Engineering and is more knowledgeable about her culture, world history, various religions, and literature than most of our leaders (that doesn't say much) ( ) & riverbend (a Sunni who is so savvy and delightfully clear despite her now horrific circumstances) ( ) could only have political influence for a transitional period, instead of our installed puppets, I bet that things would be straightened out in short order far more humanely than the absolute idiocy, of non effective, onerously costly and counter productive escalation. Ahhh that particular post scarcely got any responses.

I've known far too many who have lost their precious children to this ill begotten and purposeless cause.

Psssssssssst. . . the time has long since past that we could be anything even closely resembling honest brokers of peace or democracy.

Someone in GD nailed it in three words a few weeks ago. . .in reference to *'s Iraq policy and described it as "a vendetta on failure."

In searching through the 5-6 year old copies of stellascopes I saw something that I'd been thinking of digging for ever since I first heard John Mayers' "Waiting on the World to Change." last summer . . .

From shortly after 9/11. . .

"Our opponents in this conflict have sleeper cells. Well, in my humble opinion, so do we. Anyone who has flirted with a spiritual path even for a milliscond is now hereby officially qualified to create their very own "waking cell." Also included in this oh so exclusive spiritual society is anyone who's soul's desire is to wait no longer for the world to change . . ."

I then went on and on about mirroring the attributes of one's opponents instead of creating intractable further conflicts by indulging in shadow projections and the foolishly counterproductive nature of labeling anything or anyone "evil."

In a letter I foolishly sent to the pres on 10/16/01 (which I'm quite sure he never read LOL) I summarized my reasons for this theory more succinctly. . .

"I humbly beseech you to eradicate the word "evil" from your lexicon of verbiage. Consider for a moment it's definition when it's spelled backwards.

From an energetic point of view, "the overuse of the word "evil" only empowers one's opponents and always has.

There are many more creative terms to use. . .misguided, unenlightened, destructive, hateful, mean spirited, sadistic, obnoxious, cruel, deviant, villainous, absurd, totally uncalled for. . .etc."

A lot of good that effort did. . .not.

Then I threw a moccasin at my television during the SOTU when he coined the phrase "axis of evil." Gee years later, now two of those countries may or may not have gone nuclear and we've not so ingeniously decimated the third.

In kicking around the notion of unenlightened shadow projection and assorted dualistic thinking, another mentioned the Yin Yang Symbol and reminded me of this. . .

Here's what I wrote last year and have been saying for eons about the Yin Yang Symbol. . .

"Consider also being squiggle in the middle of Yin Yang symbol because at the
center of the white is black, at the center of black is white. 'Round and
'round we go. That is the trap of dualism, and why it is far more fun to be
the squiggle in the middle. The dark (unconscious) is simply as sacred as the light (conscious).
Problems arise when imbalances and repression and resulting deviance occur
through an unbalanced relationship between the two and not by the fault or
exclusive virtue of one or the other. (lots more on that later)

The Yin Yang symbolizes a gateway to upper universes FYI, or is at the
verrry least one of them. There are many, and are several such symbols for
every faith and culture. Though the uncircled cross is a symbol, most
crucifying and damning for many. It simply has no flow. Maybe start
circling that around."

Anyhoo the "surge" in the collective racism and bigotry over the past 6 years has my head spinning. If I have to hear another RWnut disparaging Muslim as "towel heads" who have been killing each other for eons and always will, I may suffer from spontaneous human combustion. Their's is the Cradle of Civilization which was respnsible for Hammarabi's Code in the first place.

Approaching Pluto's planetary ingress into Cap and it's conjuction with the Solar Apex and subsequent retrograde passes over the cusp and Galactic Center and it's station at that degree in September, perhaps there is a better way.

Oh and as an aside. While I was riding the "Ooga, Booga, Smooga, Wooga" wave last weekend and on MLK Day, I felt a spiritual movement hovering based on shared humors. It was really amazingly cool.

Furthermore, on MLK Day, on the Today Show, which I rarely watch, the opening line was "__________ & ___________" were hung in Baghdad today. Neither was mistreated." 'Scuse me but, since when does lynching and decapitation not qualify as mistreatment regardless of alleged culpability. The degree to which our handsomely paid oft disingenuous talking heads are working towards desensitizing us to inhumane treatment, brutality, and cruelty is reminiscent of the Colosseum and days I foolishly and naively thought had long since past. Hope Lester enjoys his big fat pay check. On MLK's birthday no less. Atrocious

rumpel's contribution:

"Oren Lyons

I believe that all of this discussion between human beings is one of morality. I think that everyone has to deal with the emotions that are in each individual. And we understand that we have both good and bad in us and that you must strike a balance at all times. This spiritual center then, is what the Great Tree of Peace is. It's a spiritual center. It's a spiritual law--

Bill Moyers:

The Peacemaker, when he came, planted a Tree of Peace?

Oren Lyons:

A Tree of Peace, a Great Peace, a great law. It's a spiritual law. He said, `When you become afraid or when you become weak or when you become not able to carry,' he says, `it's the spiritual law that will stiffen your spine.' He said, `That's where your strength is. So you must make your laws in accordance with those spiritual laws and then you will survive.'

He called that council the Council of the Good Minds. He said the Hoyanni -- that's what it means, the all-good, the good, peacemakers. So that's what he set up. And when he uprooted this great tree and he asked the Nations to come forward and cast their weapons of war, he says, `We now do away with the warriors and we do away with the war chiefs. And in their place we plant the Council of the Good Minds who will now counsel for the welfare of the people.' And he said, `I shall not leave you defenseless.' And he gave us a spiritual strength, Oyenkwaohweh, the Great Tobacco. He said, `This will be your medium for communication, directly.'"

The "Council of Good Minds" concept is cracking me up not only because it's what we are sorely lacking but because when I was reviewing the writing from 5 & 1/2 years ago, I read something I had forgotten about. At the time, I was thinking we needed to initiate a "Department of Ingenuity" instead of another big bloated behemoth dysfunctional so-called intelligence agency like Homeland Security. I'd always wondered and wanted someone to explain to me WTF the obtusely subtle distinction between Homeland Security and National Security was. e-gads.

The phrase "surge in consciousness" is sort of hovering around this effort. Happy New Moon and may we make it so.

hmmmmmm. . .

Backround info in first two links and goofily fun OBSW merchandise at the 3rd one.

**I've playfully referred to our collective spiritual source as the "Creatrix" for a long time, as it transcends all dogmas and EVERYONE has access to that force, if only they may find laughter and express kindness in as many moments as possible.

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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 05:38 PM
Response to Original message
1. Great post stella and perfectly appropriate for this forum.
However, I think to post this in GD, you are going to have to bring it more down to earth and cut out a lot of the astrological and spiritual references to a bare minimum while emphasizing the historical and political. You can then sneak in how the influences work on them. This is just my opinion of course and maybe others in this forum will have better advice.
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mother earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 05:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I think so too, Cleita. But I'll tell you what, Stella, you deserve
major kudos for doing this. You are shining the light and we all need to join you in your effort, we need to form a beacon.

I am behind you a 100%, but you have to remember that the general public is completely clueless about why spreading "light" is of great importance at this time. Cleita's right you need to appeal to their political side and keep it simple. No easy task.

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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 09:04 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. Cleita thanks dear
but it was so great to do an astro thread on GD last week for the first time ever. Sure I'd done spiritual threads before and gotten a few detractors but the one last week garnered no detractors whatsoever. Things may be changing.

I got all sorts of conflicting editorials so I embellished further as spirit guided me too. We'll see how it turns out. I'll go do another edit while time still allows and thanks.

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Squeech Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 06:14 PM
Response to Original message
3. My vision
I respectfully disagree with Cleita, I think it needs more specificity on Capricorn and Pluto and how they manifest in human affairs.

I don't think you need to soft-pedal the feminine energy bit, since that's pretty well known to be a lunar trait even by non-astro-heads.

I love the idea of "waking cells." That could be the underlying theme of the whole piece.

The Jerusalem idea, while I agree it would be a boon to humanity, is a distraction here and should be edited out. I kinda feel the same way about the discussion about evil-- not that I don't agree that anyone who habitually uses the word is PROJECTING, but I don't think it supports your analysis. (And it's gonna sneak in anyway, since Pluto was the god responsible for the underworld, a/k/a Hell.)

Re Council of Good Minds, are you familiar with Dave Barry's argument for the Department of Louise?
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 09:39 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. not me. but would love to
Dave Barry's argument for the Department of Louise?

Link, please, if you have one.
I read his books. Why did I stop that? silly me
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 06:54 PM
Response to Original message
4. woh
Thanks for all the feedback. It's strange, I've gotten e-mail feedback as well as what has been posted here that is all contraditory in terms of what I should edit.


I'm gonna sit with it until Uranus hits the transiting descendant for a divine awakening.

This stream of consciousness stuff is damn near impossible to edit as one thing relates to another, and another, and another.

Thanks for the responses though. All very legit and wise commentary.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 09:32 PM
Response to Original message
6. Where to start?
I haven't even finished reading yet, but feel a need to say. ZOWIE

Whatever you said! Well done. :applause:

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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 09:44 PM
Response to Original message
8. Stella ..
Edited on Thu Jan-18-07 09:45 PM by votesomemore
I love ya. I am not known for brevity of thought or type.

I had it in my mind to be an English teacher! But when I read your essays, I have mixed emotions.
I am so glad I did not pursue that path. So much information to absorb! But, the longing.

Personally, I have never seen you in this form. Whatever planets are doing what, it looks good on you.

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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 10:17 PM
Response to Original message
9. sorry getting back so late...
i also read the response in your other thread

good vibes to you....:)
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-18-07 10:22 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. ok
It's on GD now and woh . . .

do I ever need an editor. . . ?


Hope you are all well and happy,

Happy New Moon,

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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-19-07 04:07 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. Happy New Moon
let's keep it kicked tomorrow

good nite
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-19-07 09:07 AM
Response to Reply #11
12. thanks Again rumpel
Edited on Fri Jan-19-07 09:27 AM by stellanoir
I'm sounding like a broken record here.

FYI Just added some more stuff about Pluto in Sagittarius for anyone who's interested in why the fundies are going ballistic.

Glad it's almost over and phew.

Hey guys, I just got my first detractor. A guy whose screen name is derived from a Norse God thinks "astrology is crap." LOL

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mother earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-19-07 09:27 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. Love that Isaac Newton quote!
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-19-07 02:56 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. I will checkkit out now
as I am done with my obligation to the ERD forum :)
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-19-07 06:43 PM
Response to Original message
15. Woh everybody
That was great fun and thanks to all of you (especially OB) the two token detractors didn't stand a chance.

I added quite a bit of somewhat interesting text over the course of the day and some was humorous.

The fact that it got as many rec's and the number of responses it got given it's length and astro content is really astonishing to me.

Next time I'll try to be brief (famous last words.)

Thanks again to ALL of you. I love and appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to many future postings.

OBSW as ever.
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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-19-07 09:24 PM
Response to Original message
16. I posted in the thread asking helderheid whether she would consider...
making an avatar of her "Ooga, Booga, Smooga, Wooga" design so that we could use it if we wanted to do so. I hope that she sees it. (If not, maybe I'll send her a PM.) That would be wonderfully fun to have as an avatar!

:bounce: <--- I usually don't much like this little guy, but he just seems appropriate here!
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-19-07 09:29 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. I was gonna hassle her about using that purple hearted earth
Edited on Fri Jan-19-07 09:30 PM by stellanoir
for the same purpose. Let's gang up on her. LOL

Thanks for all your support Dream.

bounce away bounce away bounce away "OM"
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