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"Moving Into Our Divine Birthright" - Karen Bishop - January 25, 2007

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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 07:57 AM
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"Moving Into Our Divine Birthright" - Karen Bishop - January 25, 2007
(I'm including the entire article because it was distributed with the following notice:
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Karen Bishop
January 25, 2007


The star beings have been hollering in my ear, loud and clear the past few days. Rarely do I receive unsolicited visitation from them, and at this magnitude, but their message closely resonates with what we are feeling, and absolutely validates what is occurring.

They are saying that it is time to claim what is rightfully ours. Claim what is rightfully ours. It is evident that we are at an evolutionary pivotal point. We have reached, as a whole, a very new space in the energetic and vibrational hierarchies. This new space is now wide open to whatever we choose to create and claim. It is wide open because it is now devoid of much of any prior density and lower vibrating energy. Much has been cleared away, and this new lightness and higher vibrating existence, within and without, has gained us entrance into a higher realm.

And we could not get here until nearly everyone was on board. This brings tears to my eyes and makes me so emotional whenever I view this scenario. Yes, we are now here is a whole….we waited for all to arrive.

Now that we have arrived, this new space then, has a certain degree of vulnerability to it. It is open. It is our responsibility, then, to claim ownership of it. Anything and everything that has hindered, interfered with, or taken possession of what is rightfully ours, is no longer there, and no longer has any power or influence over our divine rights to what we have a blueprint to steward.

This means several things. It means that, for instance, if we have known for eons that we were meant to have some incredible land to create our dreams and manifest our higher visions of a new reality, we will now have access to this land, with no interference or roadblocks. Miracles will occur. We will be granted our divine rights as the stewards of the earth that we were meant to be. It is finally time.

This means that absolutely all the balls are now in our court. This means that denser and darker energies have absolutely no power left whatsoever (unless, of course, we are allowing and creating this within ourselves, because we are not truly focusing on where we are now residing).

This means that we are now the kings and the queens, and are being asked what it is that we truly desire….and it will be granted. I was told that we need to please be very specific, detailed, and succinct. Exacting, precise, and succinct. There is monumental opportunity here. And we can hold onto and grasp this gold ring with all our might.

In viewing this new space, it reminds me of a third world country that has just been liberated. Set totally free. Or a dog that has been on a short chain for its' entire life and has suddenly just been freed to roam all of nature, in pure heavenly bliss, ready to explore and experience anything that it desires.

This exciting energy is manifesting here in the US in the form of many presidential candidates announcing their intentions to run. There is so much excitement that at some level, we can hardly wait to get started in creating this new and more highly evolved planet Earth. With two years still to go, think of what ideas and individuals can come to the forefront during that time! Like racehorses at the starting gait, jumping at the bit, we are all so excited to get going! At some level, we know that the coast is now clear.

Another manifestation can be experienced as a sudden jolt forward. What we may have created only a few short weeks or even days before, may now become defunct, as we are pushed into a much higher version and better version of our divine futures. What a fun ride!

I have literally been pushed away by my closest non-physical companion who keeps saying, “Get out there now, and claim what is rightfully yours. Go on!” This is why we have been challenged in the past few weeks to be comfortable with asking for what we want, and in putting ourselves first. It was all pre-planned as training for this time we are now in, so that we would be able to take full advantage of this amazing space and opportunity.

Watch now, as miracles transpire, as our dreams come true, and as we begin to experience more unity than we have ever known. Happiness, joy, laughter, fun, and playing in our realities will become the norm.

Our divine rights are now truly available to us….it is time to claim them and to believe it is so.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time,

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 12:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. thanks as always Dream
I need to clear some chakras and get busy methinks :D
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 09:58 PM
Response to Original message
2. Just yesterday
I was completely discouraged, and I suddendly thought maybe what I am trying to accomplish is not to be.
Maybe I am not up to dealing with people who control money- it is soo old energy - don't want the risk but want to make gazillions - we risked everything we had. It feels like in order to complete what I started, I have to mingle in the middle of "the dark energies"- same old, conform - they still wield the power.
Our basic survival is at stake, and I have been weighing different scenarios and modifications - but unlike Karen, I see obstacles everywhere ...

So, I hope Karen is right.

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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 11:35 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Do you want to share
something about what you are trying to accomplish? Or did I miss it?
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-26-07 04:26 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. well
I have created a rather massive participatory entertainment project, which has an ultimate goal of expanding the minds of our youth, it has so many intertwined elements - it's hard to post in a few words. It has the elements of film, web and game, it is a campaign for literacy and education. Initially, a banker called it We Are the World, movie version. With the changing times, I tweaked, added over the years, so it is so much more. For example when my daughter was abducted, and I saw other kids being vulnerable, I added a sub-element into the plan, so they can have a safe forum. I actually came up with this chatting with the Sp Agent at the grand jury, while waiting for my daughter. Sometimes, some kids need other kids, they don't want to talk to their parents, but it is so important for them to even talk. I also have workforce training incorporated into the entire process by involving Universities and their students. So far six years have past, people fear something that is a first of it's kind, you know, especially those that hold the purse and the ones that control the market are scared stiff. They like it, but it does not fit their formula, and so they watch - try Mickey. It may sound complicated but it is quite simple, we take one content and build on it - and create an environment to expand on it - co-creation. That's all, just a small gift of a seedling from the older generation to the next.
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-26-07 04:29 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. well
I have created a rather massive participatory entertainment project, which has an ultimate goal of expanding the minds of our youth, it has so many intertwined elements - it's hard to post in a few words. It has the elements of film, web and game, it is a campaign for literacy and education. Initially, a banker called it We Are the World, movie version. With the changing times, I tweaked, added over the years, so it is so much more. For example when my daughter was abducted, and I saw other kids being vulnerable, I added a sub-element into the plan, so they can have a safe forum. I actually came up with this chatting with the Sp Agent at the grand jury, while waiting for my daughter. Sometimes, some kids need other kids, they don't want to talk to their parents, but it is so important for them to even talk. I also have workforce training incorporated into the entire process by involving Universities and their students. So far six years have past, people fear something that is a first of it's kind, you know, especially those that hold the purse and the ones that control the market are scared stiff. They like it, but it does not fit their formula, and so they watch - try Mickey. It may sound complicated but it is quite simple, we take one content and build on it - and create an environment to expand on it - co-creation. That's all, just a small gift of a seedling from the older generation to the next.
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-26-07 09:05 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. quite interesting - when I tried posting this late last night
the website would not let me - and give me a blank page, or so I thought...and so, after many tries I even hit the report bug button - it would not even let me back to this forum - anywhere else, yes.

my it double posted...

I am not "deleting" :rofl:
just because I can't anymore :)
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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-26-07 11:31 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. stella will be disappointed! (that you're not 'deleting', that is)

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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 02:32 AM
Response to Reply #8
11. hehe
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Angel Wings Donating Member (328 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-26-07 11:54 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. rumble your project sounds so interesting and important
I hope you will find some good backers for it soon. I will do my part to send you good energy and light for this to transpire.:-)
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 02:46 AM
Response to Reply #9
12. thanks, Dreamy
I appreciate the good energies :)

I was thinking (maybe too much thinking) but what happens if I let go? - I mean this thing initially came into my lap out of "nowhere", I did not ask for it, and all the elements just piled on. Maybe I have not let Universe do what it needs to do, and I tried to control to much. On the other hand, I should not just sit and hope for the best. :banghead:

I have to ponder along this line a bit.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 04:50 AM
Response to Reply #12
15. Have you heard of the Placemat Process?
It's Abraham Hicks. It has been recommended to me at LOA meetup. :blush: I haven't done it yet. But I think about it! It sounds perfect for your statement, "Maybe I have not let Universe ..."
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 12:05 AM
Response to Reply #7
10. I had the same bug ..
Edited on Sat Jan-27-07 12:08 AM by votesomemore
Figured it was all the power.

edit to add: I don't have young ones around any more, so have to admit, I'm not sure of the concept. But if you came up with it, it's gotta work.
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 03:52 AM
Response to Reply #10
13. that's so sweet
on your addition :)

I watched a little of the senate hearing on the credit card companies today....from a hearing I think that was yesterday. Their mantra: consumer education - as if all consumers are idiots. Horror stories on the consumer side, of course. These companies just employ creative accounting, and for one single purpose - to squeeze out any new profit source from a stupid basic loan- is it late fees, or over limit fees, double cycle (or whatever they called it) retroactive rate increase on balances-
get this: The exchange between the Chase marketing rep and Sen. Dodd was about an example. A consumer buys something for $1,000, pays $900 the same billing cycle, but Chase continues to compute interest on the original $1,000 each month until the $100 are paid off. This woman called it fair, because let's say the purchase was on July 17th, there is interest to compute for the 20 days on the original amount in that billing cycle, but if the entire $1,000 was paid instead of the $900 there would be no interest. Something does not make sense. They make it sound difficult, and make it so, to confuse and trick the consumer, and oh, how much they care about their customers. To be fair to Chase, they stopped this practice 2 days ago. Hmm, because the hearing was scheduled?

That's the mentality I just do not resonate with, the old energies - big business, which has compltely taken out the "human" out of the equation. Business brokers always tell me to put it all in less than 5, some say 3 pages for a summary, that investors don't look at anything longer, and mainly they will just look at the numbers..
Well, for the Maya the numbers meant quality not quantity , and each number has a sound...that is how far away society has strayed

before I go into a rant, let's just hope for a major shift towards humanity, no, let's make it so.

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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 04:46 AM
Response to Reply #13
14. Do you think you could qualify for
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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-26-07 01:21 AM
Response to Original message
4. Baby; let's go!!!!
I am ready.

More than ready.

Let's roll.

Who Hooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
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