…”AT&T Park”…any last nod to aesthetic, historic or even human activity has been bleached out of the ballpark's name. But, of course, it is not really a name anymore. It is an initialing of a territory—the megabucks version of a street artist's tag.
Politics and astrology might at first seem strange bedfellows. Folks of a metaphysical persuasion tend not to resonate to the ‘political' label, and political thinkers tend not to give astrology the time of day. But it is time to shake off the constraints of both labels.
Famed astrologer and political thinker Jessica Murray begins her eye-opening book Soul-Sick Nation with this simple but profound statement. How many cynical left wing politicos have you heard disparage astrology as “bunk”? How many believers in astrology have you seen shrug their shoulders at the political mess our country is experiencing and say, “So many charts—so how can you explain the whole thing?” With a foot in both worlds, Murray weaves them together with the dexterity with which those who have read her astrological publications have come to rely, and the passion with which her left wing political friends have come to recognize as a voice of pure unvarnished truth.
http://stariq.com/Main/Articles/P0007661.HTMHas anyone read this yet?