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Gamma brainwaves and "unusual" phenomena

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hvn_nbr_2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 02:10 AM
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Gamma brainwaves and "unusual" phenomena
I've recently had some experiences and read some information that suggest that gamma brainwaves may be associated with paranormal phenomena, and I speculate that there's a lot more than I've seen.

(For anyone who doesn't know about brainwaves but is interested, I put at the end of the post a brief intro where it says "Some quick background about brainwaves.")

I've recently been experimenting with higher (gamma) brainwave frequencies using something called a light/sound (L/S) machine. It's a gadget that generates sounds in headphones and blinking LEDs in goggles at precise frequencies, which is intended to entrain brainwaves to selected frequencies. It works for some people and less so for others; I can tell that it works for me because by using it in meditation, I very quickly and easily go to states where my subjective experience clearly matches the expected phenomena for the frequency.

When I use the L/S machine at about 32-36 hz, I get a sensation in my hands that is like a powerful Reiki-like, healing energy flowing, but it's spontaneous without doing any of the Reiki activation activities. My hands get quite warm and when I put them on my body, it feels like a strong Reiki energy, and has the same kind of effects.

I've also noticed that when I've used gamma range programs on the L/S machine frequently, I start to be more effective, get things done, waste less time, perform better at work, am more creative, and such. The Reiki-like energy is also there in my hands almost all the time, spontaneously without even doing anything.

I've speculated, and now recently I've read some sources on the web that agree, that paranormal phenomena may have some correlation with gamma frequency brainwaves. Tonight I did a gamma L/S session and immediately afterward did a quick trial with psi tester software, and my results were very good--1 chance in 40 of performing as well as I did, and I'm normally a psi-misser.

I also suspect that gamma brainwaves may be at work in doing magick, for any pagans who are reading.

Anyone else have knowledge, sources, experiences, or speculations about gamma frequencies?

Some quick background about brainwaves (very general and simplified, not interested in arguing trivia): Human brains emit electrical signals of various frequencies. Different frequencies are generally associated with different states of mind and consciousness.

Delta, the slowest at about 0.5 to 4 cycles per second (cps or hertz ), are typical of deep sleep. Theta, 4-8 hz, are associated with dream sleep, waking revery and dream-like imagery, deep meditation. Alpha, 8-12 hz, are typical of relaxed wakefulness or light meditation. Beta, 12-30 hz, is the frequency range of normal awake, alert consciousness.

Typically, at any time, one frequency is predominant, but we generate varying amounts of multiple frequencies at the same time. Very proficient meditators (e.g., Zen monks, etc.) can generate approximately equal amounts of the whole range at the same time.

For a long time they thought that 30 hz was the top of the range, and EEG machines didn't even measure anything above that. Relatively recently they've found that we generate higher frequencies, but there's no clear scientific consensus on what the higher frequencies are about, as there is for the four ranges I mentioned before. The higher frequencies are called gamma, and now some people are starting to use multiple terms for various ranges above 30 hz.

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Matariki Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 05:47 PM
Response to Original message
1. hi, hvn_nbr_2
this is very interesting. i have some questions. what l/s machine do you use? or which would you recommend? I have experimented with computer software - Brainwave Generator, which is sound only. At least that's how i have it set up. The results i've got were, at best, subtle. Was the equipment you have very expensive?

Most importantly, have you found that by using the l/s machine you learn to enter different states without it or is there a danger of it becoming a crutch of sorts? That would be my concern.

thanks in advance.
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hvn_nbr_2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 10:53 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Answers to your questions
I use the Photosonix Nova Pro 100. Photosonix is the brand and the rest is a model number. I thought I got mine for about $300 a couple years ago, but I see it on sale now for $349. I got mine from a place called Tools for Wellness, which sells all sorts of odd, and some not so odd, wellness and consciousness related products. Their intro page on light/sound is at

They have a number of other L/S machines too, many at lower prices, but I'm not very familiar with most of them. I do recommend the Nova Pro 100 if you're willing to spend that much. The Muse and David lines have been around for a long time too, so they're probably good too but I don't really know them. It seems like they used to have a wider range of choices and prices than they do now.

I've never used any of the computer software that does similar things. I don't know if you get the kind of precise frequencies in both ears that you need for it to work. You need to use headphones to get the full effect. Also the visual probably helps a lot.

One reason I like the Nova Pro 100 is that you can create your programs on the computer and download them to the machine. The built-in programs for gamma range are not very good or plentiful. Seems odd because my older one that I got about 15 years ago had more and better gamma range programs. I think in the new model, they went overboard on glitzy and showing off some of its capabilities, and lost a lot in the quality of programs. But the older one was much more difficult to write your own programs for.

I'm not sure that it has helped me learn to enter the states without it. I've been a meditator for almost 30 years, so I enter the lower frequency states fairly easily, but it has helped to recognize just where I am, by noticing when I seem to be "with" the machine and what my sensations and thoughts are. It may have helped learn to go to those states more quickly. It doesn't seem to be a crutch, but then I regularly meditate without it, so it couldn't become too much of a crutch. Oh, also it can be a nice aid when I'm just not in the mindset to get into a state.

On the other hand, I don't know any tools or techniques to enter gamma states other than the machine. They're not well-understood states with a history of practitioners learning how to use them. After doing the gamma sessions a number of times when I got the "hot Reiki hands" phenomenon, I found that I could get the hot hands effect by just sitting and wanting to go to that state. Without an EEG, I don't really know if my brainwaves are there or not; even with most EEGs, I wouldn't know, because they don't typically measure that high.
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Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 06:14 PM
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2. Hello!
I've used a machine like this and love it. It does easily put me into a deep state.

Mine is now in another state - physically - so I can't tell you which brand it is. I know the instructions were in both German and English. I purchased mine ... jeez, six or eight years ago. It was from (I think) Light Tools Technology - I'm sure they have a website (if that really is their name).

Kineta, I've, too, used the BrainWave Generator. I use singing bowls and a tuning fork, as well as chimes and handballs, for moving energy. I enjoy using the BrainWave Generator and I do feel it helps.
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Quakerfriend Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 07:24 AM
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4. This is fabulous info. ! Thx hvn_hbr_2!!
I have meditated for yrs and practiced Reiki as well So, this I would love to try!

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tibbiit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-08-05 08:56 PM
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5. Thanks for this info
I have been curious about l/s machines for some time. I am also curious about Hemi-Sync from the Monroe Inst. There have got to be similarities??? I would like to hear any and all first hand/close experience with these machines and systems.

This is a link to the Monroe Gateway experiences cd's. It is a pretty good summary of what they claim.


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hvn_nbr_2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-08-05 09:14 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. L/S and Hemi-Sync
AFAIK, Hemi-Sync uses the same principle as the sound part of light/sound. That is "binaural beats." If you play one tone in one ear (say a 300 Hz tone) and a slightly different tone (say 308 Hz) in the other ear, the brain interprets them together and creates a third frequency, the beat frequency, in this case 8 Hz. When that beat frequency is in the range of brainwave frequencies, it tends to entrain the brainwave to that frequency.

Of course, since the Hemi-Sync tapes/CDs give instructions for you to follow during a session, the binaural beats are embedded with the other sounds.

I have the intro set of Hemi-Sync tapes but I haven't done much with them. They seem to be quite effective and I go deep with them. Trouble is, I go too deep and don't even remember what happened. Then the next tape builds on the previous and I don't know what they're talking about. Maybe I should try them sitting up, with a thorn in my side, to keep from going too deep.
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