This is an article I ran across today and I liked it so much I thought I'd share. Originally in Changing Face Of Compassion: Love In The New Creation
By Almine
For eons, compassion or love (the desire to include) has been the compelling attraction of lightworkers to those who live in illusion or undeveloped light. We wanted to help, to save, to ease the suffering where pain prodded others to change.
Our counterparts were equally compelled toward us. In fact, they came in droves, until we were left wondering whether we had stumbled into a madhouse by mistake. We didn’t have to look for them; they sought us out, compelled by an inner knowledge that we had something they wanted -something long forgotten. Was it integrity? Peace of mind? The power that comes with perception?
Whatever they found attractive in us – and us in them - changed when the previous cycle concluded. As we ascended, a new creation was birthed and the Laws of Attraction changed. During previous cycles, opposites attracted in the physical and with energy; now they repel. If we therefore stubbornly cling to the desire to physically include opposites in our lives, their hostility towards us will only increase.
They are not abandoned, however. In fact, great assistance will flood their lives in this new creation, where we now study ourselves in mirrors of sameness in the physical, while opposites attract on the planes of frequency and light (whereas they used to repel). This means that the more we increase our light and love by finding the joy of surrounding ourselves with a new, like-minded light-family, the more light those living in darkness will receive (because they attract our opposite light). Lightworkers used to often speak of ‘sending someone light’, but if that person was dwelling in darkness, it didn’t work. Now it will. As we simply create a joyous life with loved ones, the frequency of our joy will rush to the place of least joy, to comfort the crying child or someone who has lost their way. Our primary responsibility now is to make sure we live a path with heart; one that fulfills and uplifts us. In this way we render the highest service to all life.
Let us take a closer look at “love”, a word that is bandied about, streaming from pulpits, across restaurant tables, and in flowery cards of all descriptions. The fact is that very few philosophers have shed much light on how romantic love and the love for God and Creation can be reconciled.There is an abundance of literature which extols romantic love, yet many spiritual writings dismiss it as an unworthy reflection of Infinite Love.
Because romantic love is the most intoxicating feeling most humans will ever experience (called by philosophers ‘the enchantment of human life’), it has been compounded by feelings of guilt that such intense love should instead have been given to God.
By comparison, we found ourselves lacking in devotion to our creator, and so tried to love God with all the fervor we could muster. For many, this was a nebulous and undefined concept, often creating religious fanatics who, failing in their feelings, tried to compensate through their actions.
However, it is the very intensity of our romantic love that creates a greater love. Under the new Laws of Attraction, the frequency of our love for a father, a mother, a child, a lover, etc. reaches all people.
Intense romantic love awakens within us the ability to love others more deeply, but it also awakens so much more. The depth of feeling an artist has for art likewise stems from passion inspired by love. Eventually, not only that which we create but that which we are, gets honed and shaped into a maturity that is lacking in those who have never truly loved.
We learn through our earthly loves how to surrender to something greater, that one day we may merge with our own higher identity. We find through love’s muse the poet within us, the spontaneity of the inner child. We know what it is like to follow our hearts and abandon reason. Love mellows us and reduces our resistance to life, and as we grow older, what we forfeit in intensity we gain in inclusiveness.
The heart cannot fully love while there is an internal dialogue, though one can only know that retro-spectively. As the mind silences, the heart bursts open with an all-encompassing melting tenderness for all life. Divine Love takes its place upon the throne of the heart.
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