Welcome to March...
Saturn continues its lonely march in March opposite all the other planets. Finally, Venus is starting to break away from the pack and give Saturn some company around the 7th and 8th. Saturn’s serious undertones will soften some. Plenty is going on in March: two eclipses, Saturn’s second opposition to Neptune, Mercury going direct, along with Spring and a new zodiac!
This month we celebrate PiscesIn my opinion, it’s the ultimate sign of the zodiac. I didn’t say it was the best nor the easiest. Actually, in many ways, it’s probably the hardest to be. The entire zodiac symbolically evolves to this final stage where the ego no longer gets support. The tendency is one of selflessness – and dare I say, there are plenty hovering around Pisces to help them. Pisces must learn the difference between true selflessness and low self-esteem, between allowing life to flow by (the Fishes) and just floating listlessly. Unlike the other signs, Pisces realizes that personal ambition is ultimately unfulfilling. Therefore, their urge is to transcend the Self – a very tricky business. They still need a strong “ego” to survive, however, saying “no” is not one of their strong points. They truly are challenged to do “His will” and not their own. Their need to escape earthly and bodily confines can lead them into dangerous waters. True “escape”, or transcendence, while not easy, is accomplished only by unconditional love and acceptance of the world - not resistance. Acceptance, that is, of others, and of themselves and their incarnation.
Pisceans of Interest and Astrological Musings…Question: What do healer
Donna Eden and chess champion
Bobby Fischer have in common?
Answer: Born just nine days apart, a lot more than you might think.
Donna Eden - 2/28/43 - Perhaps once in a Royal Blue moon does one have the opportunity to meet a human being like Donna Eden.
Donna Eden is among the world’s leading authorities on energy healing. She has treated over 10,000 clients and taught hundreds of classes worldwide. She is cofounder, along with her brilliant husband, David Feinstein, a clinical psychologist, of the nonprofit Energy Medicine Institute in Ashland, Oregon. Donna is one of the world's most effective healers. Able from childhood to clairvoyantly see the body’s subtle energies, she has made a career of teaching people how to work with them.
It’s not just the effect she has on the crowd – moreover, it’s simply her. She absolutely glows and is the epitome of Piscean unconditional love. Watching her is amazing - it’s as if she falls in love with every person she meets. In an age when ballplayers get hundreds of dollars for signing autographs, Donna has to be dragged away from her “audience” after seminars or else she would be signing books for hours and hours – for free. She clearly makes every person feel special.
Getting down to what makes her so incredible astrologically…
One of the main constructs in her chart is her Venus in Aries directly opposite Neptune in Libra (universal love) making a T-square to the Moon in Sagittarius (the cheerleader.) Her ruling Neptune universalizes the Venus (as if she weren’t Piscean enough) and sends its benevolent energies to the ever-expressive Sagittarian Moon for all to enjoy. As Angie Dickinson said of Donna, “As soon as she enters a room, healing begins." Add passionate Scorpio rising, an exalted Mars in Capricorn (which Neptunians can surely use), and top it off with a forward-thinking Mercury in Aquarius.
Perhaps even more telling of this marvelous woman’s healing mission is the North Node (karmic point) together with the asteroid Chiron (the Healer) in Leo at the top of the chart – on the world stage. She is a healing avatar.
Because of her, I know what a human being can be.
Bobby Fischer, March 9, 1943 – is an American-born Icelandic chess International Grandmaster and in 1972 became the only US-born chessplayer ever to win the World Chess Championship. The chess protégé attended High School with Barbra Streisand, though he later dropped out. Many teachers remembered him as difficult. According to school records, he had an IQ of 180 and an incredibly retentive memory. Yet, he and Donna Eden couldn’t be more different.
Starting chess at the age of six, he learned fast. At the age of thirteen, his meteoric rise led him to soundly defeat Donald Byrne, who later became an International Master. This game is often called by aficionados, "The Game of the Century". This occurred when Uranus crossed his ascendant; it's always Uranus if it's 1) brilliant, and 2) meteoric.
He could have easily been world champion in his early twenties, but he wouldn’t abide by the rules. He finally won the World Championship from Soviet Boris Spassky in 1972 (during his Saturn return) in the much ballyhooed match in Reykjavík, Iceland. Of course this brought much attention to the cerebral game and chess enjoyed a huge upswing of popularity in the U.S. He was one of the highest rated chess players in history - many say the greatest. Always impossible to please, the contrary Fischer was stripped of his world title in 1975 when he refused to play Anatoly Karpov as directed by International Chess Federation guidelines.
He has had a very rocky life and has gone from rags to riches – often sleeping in cars. As an outspoken anti-Semitic and anti-American, he actually applauded the 9/11 attacks on US soil. After years of evading arrest, in 2004, Fischer was arrested in Japan for trying to board a flight with an illegal passport. He was deported after playing a rematch against Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia, thus violating an executive order sanctioning economic exchange against that country. Fischer eventually ended up living in exile in Iceland.
So, what made him so brilliant and yet so difficult?
Start with Pluto in Leo (King of the World) opposite Mars across the ascendant – deadly powerful, dead aim. He once said that he didn’t just want to defeat his opponents, he wanted to destroy them. Pluto power unleashed, and certainly used wrongly. These two planets make a T-square to the strong, anchored Moon in Taurus at the Midheaven! He pumped iron before his matches since he believed that physical stamina was crucial during the test of endurance. The eighth-house Mercury in Aquarius (genius) is directly fed via square from Saturn and Uranus in Gemini giving him his phenomenal mental library of chess openings. It’s also why he’s so irascible. There are also four planets involved in a giant Grand Trine in air signs making him a formidable force to reckon with mentally, and in all ways.
Yet why is Donna so kind and Bobby so raucous and even venomous? His amplified Mars-Pluto number one. Her Moon in Sag; his in rough-and-ready Taurus. Her softened Venus opposite Neptune but his amplified Venus in Aries at the top of the chart – the World conqueror. One using Pisces power properly and to the fullest and the other to the foolest. Uranus will go over Mr. Fischer’s Sun on May 25th of this year. I wonder what tricks he’ll be up to then, but meanwhile, I betcha I can beat Donna in chess…
3/3 Lunar Eclipse 6:17pm 13° Virgo 00” - This Eclipse is huge as it is almost exactly aligned with transiting Uranus and Jupiter! Coinciding with Mercury retrograde, you may as well turn off your computers for a few days. No, seriously, this is a symbol of chaos. Now, since the planets are basically benevolent and harmless, we need to transmute this chaos into significant change. Taking place on the Virgo-Pisces axis is the key here. Uranus urges us to become liberated and evolve – and Jupiter to spread our wings. In this sense, albeit a subtle one, we need to get on with our spiritual development. We need to reach deep and find our best avenue for reaching for our Starselves. As with any Uranus transit, we must avoid drastic, rash action but at the same time be ever-willing to risk and trust in our Higher power. I know this may sound vague, but we all know what we can do, or as David Hawkins said in “The Eye of the I”, “Remove the next obstacle within that keeps us from loving unconditionally.” It is no coincidence that this eclipse is releasing just after the movie, “The Secret,” was featured on the Oprah show. (It’s amazing how the clockwork of eclipses affect ten days before they form…)
3/7 Mercury Goes Direct 11:45pm – Can you hear the collective sigh? OK, 1, 2, 3… SIGH. It never ceases to amaze me how everything starts to work out easily right as Mercury goes direct. I’d really like to know what “good” it does for it to go retrograde in the first place, but I’m sure we’ll never know. Go ahead and install your computer patches, but from what I’ve been privy to, don’t install “Vista.” Meetings are held, communication is resumed, contracts are signed – get on with things without a shaky quill.
3/17 Venus Enters Taurus 6:01pm – A very pleasant state of affairs for a few days. Enjoy. Restaurants are full. Eat, drink, and be merry. Buy a REGULAR hammock in hopes of Spring. By God, Tauruses know how to enjoy life… follow suit!
That reminds me, what are the proper plurals of the signs? And, for that matter, what of using the signs as adjectives?
That’s one reason I like astrology so much, it’s such a vague, unregulated science/art that I get to make up stuff:
Aries – Arians, Aryans, Martian? Sounds like I might get some E-mail on that one
Taurus – Taurusi, Tauruses, Taurians, Bulloney
Gemini – Geminis, Geminians, Geminian (sounds weird)
Cancer – Cancers, Cancerians (weren’t they on Star Trek?)
Leo – Leos, Leonine
Virgo – Virgos, Virgoans, Virgins, 72 Virgins…
Libra – Libras, Librans, Venusian Ones
Scorpio – Scorpios, Scorpion, Scorpionics (60’s Soul Group?)
Sagittarius – Sagittarians, Sagittarian, Sagges, Saj, Sadges, (actually, their adjective is Jovian)
Capricorn – Capricorns, Capricornian, Capricorny
Aquarius – Aquarians, Aquariuses (I doubt it)
Pisces – Piscean, Fishy
You try it.
3/18 Solar Eclipse 10:43pm 28° Pisces 07” – This time the eclipse is square to Pluto. That dang Pluto just never goes away. This is within one degree and could prove to be a very important turning point. With the Sun and Moon in Pisces and Pluto spending its final months in Sag… It’s clearly time to reassess if your life is meaningful or not. The Archer/Centaur doesn’t aim his arrows high simply because it makes a nice statue. It symbolizes our high ideals. Pluto doesn’t sit by idly either. Combined, this means that we need to make sure our expectations have not been too low, or that we haven’t settled. Go for it. Pluto brings us the power to manifest.
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