If you watched The Secret, you may remember the wealthy, successful young man who was having problems with his love life, and it turned out that at least part of his problem was some of the artwork with which he had surrounded himself. When he changed this artwork, his love life drastically improved.
Feng Shui teaches the same thing.
Why Feng Shui?
Feng Shui awakens a clear view of what is needed and what is appropriate to correct and balance disharmony in our environment and in ourselves. It has been used for 5000 years.
By understanding the environment as a perfect expression of our spiritual and psychological states, Feng Shui methods create a new beginning, repair what has been spoiled, and increases what is already good. By both adjusting our environments and adjusting ourselves, we enliven and inspire the continual process of transformed being. Feng Shui practitioners play the role of designer, healer, priest, psychologist (therapist), financial advisor, business consultant, and match maker.
Feng Shui's exact English translation means wind and water -- two very powerful forces of energy in the universe. The wind is the chi, or energy, and the water is the vessel which holds it. The natural flow of energy has been drastically interrupted by man-made structures such as bridges, highways, and high-rise buildings. This disrupted energy moves either too quickly or too slowly to be properly absorbed and can cause stress, making us feel overwhelmed, confused, and restless. Feng Shui is a way to harmoniously balance the existing energy around us so we are fully present, relaxed and able to receive the easy flow of life’s blessings.
Feng Shui involves the intuitive and aesthetic adjustment of visible and invisible objects or factors so that all dimensions of the environment are aligned into harmony and balance. This is called “the Chinese art of placement”. By clearing our space of clutter and thoughtfully placing meaningful objects into our home or work place, we can manifest the world we want and shift our lives to a new and higher vibration with purpose and clear intention.
(continued at link below)
http://www.cinnabardesign.com/whyfengshui.htmFeng Shui is just one method of correcting problems with our physical environment. I'm sure that even just getting rid of clutter can make a real difference.
Is it possible that your phyiscal environment is interfering with your manifestation efforts? It's worth some thought.