and I am nowadays looking at various material to figure out if there is any basis to what I perceive in my gut instinct.
I had an aha moment some time ago, when I read the book by Lama Surya Das "Awakening The Buddha Within". He said when I hit a drum I hear the sound but I do not see it, but it does not mean it does not exist, in a totally different context. I suddenly thought - wait, sound = energy = light. Could it be one and the same thing? The chanting, the drumming the Schuman resonance (Earth heartbeat) all vibrations and we have been trying to synchronize with it throughout history.
And then I thought maybe "emptiness" in Buddhism is simply the core nucleus of a vibration. Which implies, we as human beings, also energy, albeit a complex mechanism of millions of energies, which processes are guided by our DNA, are supposed to try to tune into the core vibration.(?)
The energy of a group of people chanting, drumming in rhythm is an intriguing fact - you feel it but you do not see it, you know it's there. Is it matter? Are we creating matter through creating a collective energy or vibration?
So these days, I wonder about the cosmic energies. We know of the tugging of gravities, the solar winds, the electro magnetic fields. We also know that the Schuman resonance is not a process inside of Earth but is in the atmosphere. We know the cosmos, it's celestial bodies emit UV, X-Ray and gamma rays - all energies. And then there are many energies that we know exist but have not been able to identify.
The empty space, which by no means is empty at all, the dark space or to us invisible space must be a hodgepodge of All vibrations and processes.
I am currently totally intrigued and am reading a book my daughter's therapist gave me many years ago. She gave me 2 books from Lazaris. At the time, I was quite skeptic about channelers, especially those that charge an arm and a leg for their books. I read some portions of them but it was quite foreign and I put them on the shelf.
I picked it up yesterday, because of the possibility of the Sirius system being the binary system affecting our solar system in ways which would turn one current theory on it's head. In the book "The Sirius Connection"(1996) he says many interesting things among them in Birth of the Universe:
This universe is a shimmering bubble of free will floating in torus of space-time. It is a shimmering sphere that seems to function as a dimensional hologram.He then explains holographic photography. The photographic image, a reflection of light(s) of an object like "tiny little ball bearings" is recorded onto the film. To the naked eye holographic film looks like ripples, it looks like an interference pattern, a mishmosh - chaos. And then he says, "researchers now know that that on a single piece of film no more than one inch square that you could put all the information contained in 300,000-400,000 pages of a book."
Now, imagine that our film is not a one inch square but a tiny sphere. Imagine that our film is a shimmering bubble.
When those seeds of energy (tiny little ball-bearings - above)
began filling the space - landing within the bubble that is our universe - they created interference patterns, ripples. None of them were "visible". Some were elliptical; others, symmetrical. They began to "fill the space."
Out of interference patterns that are everywhere and nowhere at once, standing waves emerge. Resonance emerges As energy flows through these interference and resonance patterns, it takes formation and in time, it becomes information: molecular, gaseous, matter.Whoa - So I am looking around - someone on DU posts an unrelated article about Inca astronomy from a site - I look around and find this:
Hubble sees 'Comet Galaxy' being ripped apart by galaxy cluster
A giant luminous blue arc corresponds to the distorted image of a galaxy that lies behind the cluster’s core. This effect resembles the so-called caustic pattern of light ripples observed when looking at a sandy bottom as light is focused by the wave crests and valleys. In the gravitational lens here, the yellow cluster galaxies act as wave crests whereas the banana-shaped arcs are the caustic patterns created by the focusing power of the matter cluster."Millions of now homeless stars have been snatched away from their mother galaxy, which will lead the galaxy to age prematurely," said co-investigator Giovanni Covone of Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte.
Even though its mass is slightly larger than that of the Milky Way, the spiral will inevitably lose all its gas and dust as well as its chance of generating new stars later, and become a gas-poor galaxy with an old population of red stars. "However, in the midst of all this destruction, the cluster’s strong forces have triggered a baby-boom of star formation," adds Covone.
Lazaris talks about the Sirius Vortex (energy = information) that we now have access to. I am still working on that one....
so I have been looking for the Sirius ephemeris (for Mac) to see what I can find.
I want to also check into the channeler himself...there seem to have been some controversy.
Long story, short: Just like the Maya believed that numbers (math) is not quantitative but qualitative, it may also apply to light=energy=vibration=information.(?)
...sorry my mind is going a hundred miles in all directions..I hope I make some sense, blah.:crazy: