So don't go off on me, please! bEcause all of you seem so invested in this, I just want to give another perspective on what I read in Salon.
First, I know that the information in "The Secret" has always been there and that its real.
But . . .
I've always said that the more conscious you are, the more you are responsible for how you interact with less conscious people. If you are the adult, you have to act like the adult, and not expect the child to get it unless you show them how to get it.
So, with regard to the secret, they did make lots of mistakes in their presentation. If they only are preaching to the choir, then maybe it's fine that they don't define every little bit of their story. They expect we'll know what they're talking about. And many of us do.
But, when it's going out to people who are not "there", (wherever there is) yet, there is going to be confusion and a backlash - especially when people aren't getting the results they expect. You can't make a check saying the universe owes you $20,000 when you have no source of income where that might come from. If you already have an income stream, you can manifest more. But will a pile of cash show up at your door (unless Halliburton dumps it there by mistake. Or maybe not!)? If any of you can do that, I want lessons!
The first thing that is wrong with the presentation is its foundation. I feel they needed to BEGIN with the idea of character, consciousness and self-knowledge. Without that, abundance does become all about money in many ways. If you don't have a foundation in your own sense of self and values, then you're playing with fire. It's like young kids going into a new age store to buy candles to do spells because it's cool. they don't know what the repercussions are. Because basically, we're talking about what the old occultists called 'magic'. Creating a thought-form in the etheric and astral planes and manifesting it.
I know lots of people who can manifest their whatevers, but that doesn't mean they are conscious. yEs, the secret gang says be grateful, begin the day with gratitude - that's how we try to live our lives. But you know, don't you think that bush and co. do the same kind of visualizing and manifesting. I'm sure they're grateful they're in power for another year and a half to continue getting us in deeper sh** than we're already in. They all use astrology and 'magic'. only it's black. White magicians have always felt that you need to study for about 20 years or so, and then only do magic as a last resort.
So, maybe the secret was kept a secret because of all the things that can happen when you're not trained (as Harry P. is getting trained) in the most basic things about being human. Otherwise you create black magic. Isn't that what Hitler and gang tried to do. And I'm sorry, but people don't create their illnesses - they might not deal with them on an emotional level so it becomes physical, but it might be their initiation into consciousness. (And it's definitely our poisoned environment that creates illness. Our Biological Terrain isn't kept healthy, but who knows about that? Has anyone taught us that?) We each have soul lessons we have to go through to evolve. So I have to consider that there has to be a balance between staying positive and focusing on our goals, and understanding that we might have lessons that we need to go through that have nothing to do with being positive. I really didn't hear that in the video.
Now, before you get too annoyed at me, just let me say that good teachers begin with the basics and then go on to the possibilities. I've only seen the secret once and watched the larry king show on them, and even though I know all the information and I understand what they're saying, I still came away with the impression that abundance = money. I didn't come away from it with the stories about the joy these people had helped create in the world, or the consciousness that had resulted from the 'hard' lessons they learned.
Okay, and here is where I'm not being the devil's advocate anymore - my favorite poet is Rainer Marie Rilke and in one of his books called On Love and other Difficulties, he says something to the effect that, Love is work. We think it is only play and pleasure and that anyone can do it, but it is work. And since work is one of our greatest blessings, we have to work hard to become good lovers. (His words are even better.) Hard work isn't the issue. The issue is when we do deadening work. Hard work is good work, joyous work, work that brings us blessings. If we start to define Hard as a bad thing, then I believe we get the kind of kids we have today who think the world owes them things without them having to do and be something, just because we're all special.
I could go on, but you get the drift. And you can all get annoyed at me, because I won't mind. I'm out of town and I don't get on the internet very often. And I'm throwing this out there so we can have a conversation about what the secret really is and how we can really make use of it. Because once again, it's my impression only, it seems that if we don't have abundance in our lives, we're to blame. That sounds like the Puritan ethic to me - God loves me so I have abundance in my life. God doesn't love you because you don't. My experience is that rich people - for the most part - have alot of money because they've got power over people or industry or they know someone like "Oprah" who are willing to back them and make them more money. I'm sure each of you have amazing gifts - it would be great if O sponsored you and what you know. Does that make you negative about your life? My experience is that it's who you know, not what you know. (Too generalized and there are exceptions)
I love all you guys. I hope you don't kick me out of the group for this! :evilfrown: