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Good grief--article on The Secret on the front page of my local paper!

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 11:45 AM
Original message
Good grief--article on The Secret on the front page of my local paper!

I am truly astounded--the local fishwrapper doesn't usually cover stuff like this, especially on the front page. Usually it'd be relegated to the "Living" section or something.

I was also surprised that it was very, VERY fair. The naysayers quoted were really negative and had weak arguments (one wants measurable statistics on the success rate :eyes: ), but the pro-Secret folks were very well spoken and presented the concepts very well (as did the reporter of course).

I am continually amazed... :)
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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 12:07 PM
Response to Original message
1. Yes, there's something certainly going on.
I'm so glad to hear that it was such a positive situation.

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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 06:20 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. It was, overall
I was really pleased! And what timing--we were just discussing The Secret in my witchiepoo class last night. :)
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oceanspirit Donating Member (146 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 09:08 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. The Girls
What did the "class" think of all of this? Just curious. MorningGlow, you know about a year ago, the girl with the master's degree in IT and who can't turn on her own computer was talking about it, and she wanted to download the whole series. She thought it was great. I downloaded it, but never got to listening to it yet.
Yea, the one girl, who I didn't think had enough brain cells left to understand something as complex as this.

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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 09:44 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Now THAT'S interesting!
Ms. IT Ditzoid? Fascinating! This really is touching people you wouldn't expect, huh?

The girls in class think it's very worthwhile, and they were pointing out the misinterpretations people are clamoring over as big mistakes (on the part of the anti-Secret crowd)--like when people say it's all about amassing material things and wealth--they noted that that's only one small part of the entire thing. Stuff like that. I am on the list to see the DVD floating around school but I might download it from Yahoo Videos if I get impatient enough.
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booksenkatz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 03:57 PM
Response to Original message
2. I look at it this way:
The concepts are getting horribly bastardized, and it is dismaying; however, more people who ARE receptive are hearing it for the first time and are being enlightened. For every negative, there is a positive!:)

Therefore, I welcome the negativity and the bastardization!!:D

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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 06:22 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. "Any publicity is good publicity"?
Edited on Fri Mar-09-07 06:22 PM by MorningGlow

I think you're right. And when things are misinterpreted, it gives us a chance to clarify the points (like it's all about material gain--WTF is up with that?)

Still, I'm glad the article in the newspaper was so very fair. (However, the pessimistic side of me is waiting for the paper to get lambasted with letters to the editor, like the Secret threads get pounded here on DU!)
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booksenkatz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 07:40 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. That one, plus another misinterpretation, is driving me crazy --
This whole notion of wishing and then sitting on your butt waiting for your wish to come true. That so infantilizes this process, it's definitely frustrating. I'm thrilled that Joe Vitale said on LKL last night that the sequel will stress ACTION. Very important part of the process! It's not magical thinking, it's positive thinking, and it opens you up to ideas that burst from within and opportunites that come from without. Negative thinking seals you off from yourself, from the world. Positive thinking opens you up and makes you observant and more creative. It draws people to you because people will enjoy being around you, and they'll bring to you their ideas and their opportunities... it's very simple, and in my opinion, quite left brained!

The most important thing is to live it and be an example. I know a couple who lives this, and have lived it for years. They are a stunning example to those of us who know them. It's not shoved in our faces, but they'll talk about it if you ask them about it. Their success, the love between them, is incredible. We all have to work to be living examples to prove the power of positive thought.:)
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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 09:48 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. Right right right
I (still) haven't seen it yet, so I must ask--did the video not play up the "you must take action" point enough? Because I read in the other thread that the sequel will have more of that. And of course you must act. Balls don't get rolling till you give them a nudge.

I get so irritated when people say that it flat-out doesn't work. I've had so many examples of manifestation in my own life--I could give them an earful or two! :) I just need to do more of it--have it at the forefront of my thoughts instead of, after my "Woe is me" period, THEN I find myself going "Ohhh duhhh why don't I do something about it?"

Silly me! :eyes:
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-07 10:38 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. It could fall into the human potential
field. Which is what magic is anyway... :eyes: Of course a lot of people don't agree on that point.
The film does spend a good amount of time on ATTITUDE, pointing out that the more you grouse about something, the more you worry, bicker, complain, the worse things become, in our experience. That's part of the "attraction", the big bad heresy people are getting so up in arms about. When we are expecting the best, taking things as they come without losing our good nature and being grateful for things as they are, then we are likely to spot opportunities when they come out of nowhere and have a general good attitude, thereby attracting more of the same.

It seems like common sense, which is one of the complaints that get launched against it. But when we stop to notice how much time we actually spend on the alternate viewpoints, it can be an awakening. Has been for me.

The film does give some examples of things we can write to help crystalize our new perceptions. It's quite a bit about finding creative solutions in synchronistic ways. That's why you get some who complain because of their distrust of creativity.

All of the presenters in the film have made some $$$. Some of them quite a bit. This is bound to put off some people who have various challenges with wealth. Some of us intend to change our personal disfunction with wealth (all forms), some are content as things are, and the nay sayers have their own reasons. It seems to me that wealth is neutral. I wasn't taught that and still struggle. I for one am glad to have some guideposts and ideas on how to achieve.

Something happened with my intentions. I think I started judging myself and trying harder. Then a teaching from Abraham Hicks came to me. They say that it is supposed to be 'easy'. Today, after I posted a prayer request, that feeling came over me. I went through the day and stayed in the Now and told myself, this is easy. :D I felt a lot better. What could be wrong with that.
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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 09:21 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. Hmmm...what if the Negative Nellies think
that it's TOO easy? Like success should hurt, and if it doesn't, then it's not valid, not earned, not worth it?

Gad, I hope I'm wrong in that assumption, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not...

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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 06:12 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. The problem is,that implies that a person is not worth it in the first place.
Everyone really DOES know the value in hard work; at least most people that I know. On the printed page one can see that you are saying "IT" is "not valid, not earned, not worth it?"; but in actuality most people will internalize this and say "I" am "not valid, not earned, not worth it".
I believe this becomes the problem most of the time.

I wasn't gonna get into this here,but I need to touch on it:
HERE's what galls me about negative reactions to the Secret - if you follow the logic through; they are implying that people are inherently NOT worthy or valid or even GOOD. They are buying into the old Christian tenent of original sin, and that's just utter bullshit; and the exact reason that we've been kept under heel -- and the Secret IS a Secret!

This is the kernel of the reason that many people are uncomfortable with this whole new world.
AND, it is ALSO the problem that, unfortunately, many liberals as well as conservatives have-they believe that people are by nature either lazy or easily manipulated ("look at all the SHEEP watching 'American Idol'") It's just as bad a generalization to condemn people for liking something popular (and in turn implying they can't think for themselves and are brainwashed too easily) as to call them lazy welfare mothers, really; in the scheme of things. It's insulting to the collective soul intelligence and individual free will.

I know that's quite an assertion to make,but I hope you all understand--if anyone can, it's those in this group.

ANYway, I have noticed personally that once I stopped thinking manifestation had to be hard work, and included in my affirmations that it was easy, it became easy.

As I always seem to do, let me refer you to a passage from my fave online book, No Time For Karma. He says:

"In my own prayers I add that I want to learn without pain or struggle. Some people think that is cheating, but I don't. Learning without struggle works because we make the rules for our life."

There's even a fourm called Easy World at PI.

Hell, it can't really hurt. Universal law applies everywhere and to everything; including the belief that it has to be hard to manifest.

See, applying the Secret is deeper than the Negative Nellies want to think. So, it takes someone to look past the surface to see--but you already knew that.

Eh, it'll sort itself out. It always does.

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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 08:49 PM
Response to Reply #11
13. I like your soapbox!
But, what is PI?

I'll tell you the trouble I had with the teaching when I first received it 20 odd years ago.
I was attending a church of religious science, which has always taught this message.
The teacher one day stated, "there is no such thing as a VICTIM!". He said, when he gets on a plane, he intends to arrive safely, and he does. There are not more murderers than there are victims due to this 'law', he continued.

I couldn't swallow it. My step son was murdered in 1995. We had grown distant and his dad has never really told me the entire story. It was something to do with drugs or the woman the son was living with ... who really knows in these things. I wanted to believe in victim hood! It is such a convenient escape hatch!

Your assessment rings true for me. Minds that are not open to alternative views. It HAS to be a struggle because it always has. But HAS IT? No. Not for everyone. It is all experience. Everything. I know that in a former or concurrent life, I am on a covered wagon headed West. Challenges abound. But they are worth it! Everything we are, everything we have, began with a vision. Someone THOUGHT of it. Choosing thoughts is important.
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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 09:30 PM
Response to Reply #13
16. Eek!
I hope I don't come off as too preachy-really. I just gotta say what I gotta say; and here I am free to do that without all of you thinking I'm being a b.
No, really--thanks. I think.

PI--Powerful Intentions. It's the forum website linked to the Secret Website. Can tend to be disorganized, but I like the concentration of ppl working on this type of development, and all those lovely free resources I have posted I got from there, except No Time For Karma.

Don't get me wrong. Unfortunately (for me atm), I do believe that the whole victim thing is gonna be a hard one for us to give up, either collectively or individually. I am certainly not saying that I am free of the fear of it yet, or the belief in its' existence, but I do acknowledge the possibility and probability that we have a choice in the matter. Right now, I'm starting small.

We come round back to the other perceived problem with this new paradigm-the suffering of children and whole groups of people ( third world countries and the like). This is where a step back and a global perspective is needed. Again, I turn to the Earth School explanation for this, as well as the fact that I believe this speaks well for our continued progress as a planet and a collective. We need challenges of this magnitude to wake us up and push our change and development and an ever hastening pace. Personally, I think it's kinda exciting. Really exciting.

My first fiance died in a motorcycle accident. This accident, I believed, was caused by one of the friends riding with him, possibly because this person had been drinking, and/or goofing off. This will never be proven and does not matter in the scheme of things, except for the fact that I know--and that could have led me to be very angry and want revenge on this person. However; I was instantly aware that this was a gift--a very loving gift. My ex-fiance has facilitated my growth and my wonderful life in major ways. If it was not for his willingness to give this lesson I would not have experienced many of the best moments in my life. He also served a lesson up to those others involved in his accident; although it pains me to see that it's possible they are not choosing to learn it this time around. But, it's not really my call or even my correct analysis of the situation.
I can't imagine something like murder or such; but I must say that any soul that chooses to go in this way is to be honored for the great gift of opportunity he is giving those who hurt him, as well as his loved ones and himself.
Personally, I don't choose to see it any other way,because it doesn't make sense to me and it serves no purpose otherwise. Of course I could be completely wrong.

To be able to see that one is never a victim again is a great freedom--and a great challenge. I do think it is innate in the new generations, at least moreso than in, say, my parent's generation.

It sure is facinating... :)
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 09:56 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. Of course we know
that the suffering is directly due to the selfishness of men? Mother Earth would not set up such a scenario. She buffets us, and we are mortal, after all (d'oy), but she doesn't starve us.

I've seen you post about the fiance' before. I was thinking about that and how young you are to have gone through that kind of loss. Yes. It would be convenient to have a responsible party to blame for that. I'm new at this too. Do not have all the answers. A lot of it seems so senseless. And fact is, I sometimes get a bit impatient with my friend who says there is a 'reason' for everything! So f'inwhat? A reason. okie dokie.. as long as there is a REASON, then everything is okAY. ?

I was in love with a guy in high school. We had a strange situation. I was the 'other woman'. He died of leukemia two years after graduation. When I went to our five year reunion, there were many young people who had died in the span of five years! People I had greeted in the hall, and sat in class with. Gone. The four years I was in hs saw the death of my bf's dad (car+train), a really neat guy at school (an notorious intersection), etc.

I am so glad you are sharing about your fiance'. It has come across that he was very special for you.
I think it is a lesson for us all. To cherish the people in our lives. To love them, give and receive in equal or unequal measure. We can't hold on. They go. We can only have this moment.

If only I had known sooner.

ps .. really .. please take everything I say as supportive. I won't tear you down.
(you said .. "I think") ..
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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 10:03 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. Oh certainly...
..I was just joshing you a bit there.

Yes, we so need to make sure that we value who and what we have NOW, and not just after they are gone. I even get irritated with current honey when I think he is looking too foreward and not spending time NOW. Work and money is great, but time and love is better. Hee hee.
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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 09:02 PM
Response to Reply #11
14. Exactly so
It is the bugaboo of original sin and "I'm not worthy". You know, when I'm forced to go to church (Catholic) out of some kind of obligation--funeral, mass being said for a relative, whatever--and the priest says "Let us pray", I don't bow my head, although that's what I learned to do, because we are just dirt compared to God; instead, I raise my face up to the sun coming in through the stained glass window and remember that I am one with God. And I will not say the pre-communion litany, especially the line "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you"; I send my own silent positive prayer instead.

The ol' "you suck" inferiority complex lesson runs pretty darn deep, that's for sure.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 09:17 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. So true.
Edited on Mon Mar-12-07 09:37 PM by votesomemore
Too bad you/we are 'obligated' to observe old time religion.
I am serious that very recently, the damage this does to us has been brought home with a big baseball bat. It is pervasive. We have not yet escaped its slimy grip, but we do our part. 99% of the people we deal with on a day to day basis have the lousy me INGRAINED. I think it might be indemic to America! We seem to be especially vulnerable.
Could it be due to seeing so much irresponsibility and corruption?
I've been watching "The Secret Government", google videos, it is posted in the PV forum > < and I am ASTOUNDED. Most of us lived through this attrocity. Yet, nothing changed. The same MOFOs who ran this scheme are still at it! The difference between us and them is, as far as I know, none of us are willing to sink to wholesale murder to make millions. Yet, there are 'men' who are and do.

Let me dream a little dream of healing and blessings.
Let the no-nellies go after the bastids that believe they own us.
When we believe and speak A Better Way, remember in what realm we occupy.

edit: I love the vision of you with face towards the Light.
I don't bow either and don't even close my eyes! What hell awaits me.

I have Christian friends. They are somewhat strange relationships.. but there ya go. I was a very strong x-tian for many years. It is somewhat amusing to participate with my son, who I raised with old time religion, when he presents me with information he believes is unique to his discovery. Like the "Trinity". I know more about trinitys than he will ever, just due to the fact that I wanted to check it out. What is up with the three-fold god? Ya know? I still don't have a firm grasp but I sure as heck know that it didn't begin with Yaweh (whoever that is) and end with Jesus.
Father Sun, Mother Earth and the moonchild ...

I envy that you have a coven. How did you manage that? I want to be around magic women too!

edit: syntax

MG .. what's up with being mommy? How is it going?
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PinkTiger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-12-07 08:13 PM
Response to Original message
12. The Secret is really nothing new.
Most of the tenets, in fact, ALL of the tenets, are already out there in the public domain.
The hard thing is to implement it.
People have to realize that they really have no control over things or people, and have to just work to attract the right (correct) people and situations in their lives.
There will always be people who are unable to do this. Remember that this is a higher level type of thinking, the super ego kind, and not the usual basic need triangle.

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