I hope I don't come off as too preachy-really. I just gotta say what I gotta say; and here I am free to do that without all of you thinking I'm being a b.
No, really--thanks. I think.
PI--Powerful Intentions. It's the forum website linked to the Secret Website. Can tend to be disorganized, but I like the concentration of ppl working on this type of development, and all those lovely free resources I have posted I got from there, except No Time For Karma.
http://www.powerfulintentions.com/Don't get me wrong. Unfortunately (for me atm), I do believe that the whole victim thing is gonna be a hard one for us to give up, either collectively or individually. I am certainly not saying that I am free of the fear of it yet, or the belief in its' existence, but I do acknowledge the possibility and probability that we have a choice in the matter. Right now, I'm starting small.
We come round back to the other perceived problem with this new paradigm-the suffering of children and whole groups of people (esp.in third world countries and the like). This is where a step back and a global perspective is needed. Again, I turn to the Earth School explanation for this, as well as the fact that I believe this speaks well for our continued progress as a planet and a collective. We need challenges of this magnitude to wake us up and push our change and development and an ever hastening pace. Personally, I think it's kinda exciting. Really exciting.
My first fiance died in a motorcycle accident. This accident, I believed, was caused by one of the friends riding with him, possibly because this person had been drinking, and/or goofing off. This will never be proven and does not matter in the scheme of things, except for the fact that
I know--and that could have led me to be very angry and want revenge on this person. However; I was instantly aware that this was a gift--a very loving gift. My ex-fiance has facilitated my growth and my wonderful life in major ways. If it was not for his willingness to give this lesson I would not have experienced many of the best moments in my life. He also served a lesson up to those others involved in his accident; although it pains me to see that it's possible they are not choosing to learn it this time around. But, it's not really my call or even my correct analysis of the situation.
I can't imagine something like murder or such; but I must say that any soul that chooses to go in this way is to be honored for the great gift of opportunity he is giving those who hurt him, as well as his loved ones and himself.
Personally, I don't choose to see it any other way,because it doesn't make sense to me and it serves no purpose otherwise. Of course I could be completely wrong.
To be able to see that one is never a victim again is a great freedom--and a great challenge. I do think it is innate in the new generations, at least moreso than in, say, my parent's generation.
It sure is facinating... :)