I remember your story of when you went there... just not all the details. Tell us about that. Did you have a friend or someone there? Throw a dart at an Atlas? How did you get to Indy?
I heard or read something recently about Madison and immediately thought of you. It was something about being homey, and a lot of snow and beauty. Sorry I can't remember the context.
You know I'm pretty much a newbie in Austin. Right at two years minus the 6-month Beaumont fiasco. Some have mentioned the word "gypsie" in my earshot. I've been at the same address for almost a year, which beats any close rival since 2004. Entitled to settle down, even if it is less than what I imagine 'Ideal'. It's my place. What do you feel in your place?
Reading Lil'D's homestead fantasy wish, I picked up on the words she used to describe the real experience. It did not have to do especially with architectural features, though I believe those are way important for us. It had more to do with Feeling.
I moved to Austin because I love how I feel here. I meant to get around to Dreams' thread about living environments .. Something about the limestone formations perhaps, or the breath taking hills. The people who dropped in from another planet and just LOVE being in Austin is a big draw. We all love it here. There is room enough for us all.
But there have been a few times I wanted to pick up and get myself back to Dallas. In Austin, I keep asking questions and getting new information .. which is good. Dallas has a 'security' . even though there are parts that disturb me a great deal. One minor is I know how to get a date in Dallas. Austin men illude me. Nothing happenin'. That could be an important feature to a single woman.
Questions that come to my mind, do you need to home again in Madison? Is there something there that is paramount to feeling good about yourself and continuing your path? I'm convinced Austin is mine, even though, sometimes it has needed a wrench to find where do I belong in this place. Most recently I have been trying to hang on to the Masters voices that say, the easy way. Make it feel easy.
And that's what we would all appreciate. Therefore, your conundrum. It feels hard? Challenged? Confused.
This is something I've been trying on my day to day, which is not that monumental in the scheme of universal time, you know .. Just see what feels "easy" for you. You have been presented the challenges. None of them feel easy. Certainly removing yourself from your job has been easy with benefits! After you simmered and were affronted daily?
Bottom line. Which feel smoothest and easiest for you? That doesn't mean that when you go to Madison, everything is going to fall right into place, though it might.
I don't think I'm doing a very good job of describing this. You do know that we will all be here for you, whever you are. Now live HippieChick ;D