Edited on Fri Mar-16-07 01:47 PM by votesomemore
I am very hesitant to post dreams.
Lately I have not even been to remember any. I prefer to.
Please don't laugh.
So I was in this 'school', someplace to get instructed. But no one gave me the instructions.
The first thing I noticed is there are giant spring frames dropping around. You best step out of the way. And we all did. No one got hit. Then you notice that after one dropped/ springing, a large entity, and I hate to equate this with Barney, but really have to, that kind of being was wearing a big apron. I had another dream with them wearing pink or purble braids.
The message was crossed that we could go up to the big apron this creature was now wearing, a choose a lesson from one of the pockets. The being knew all the answers and would grade us. The rest of us, confused, could somehow figure to get on the aprons and have lessons to hand out also. I really wanted the lessons, but things seemed a bit chaoitc to actually carry out this plan.
Alternate scene with a friend who was working on something. Maybe trying to figure out why we have to suffer through all the falling screens to obtain lessons. But this big, yellow plastic figure with super human strength, supposedly, (menacing) kept coming into to try and attack the person trying to get everything worked out. He never did any damage. Just stood there menacing and delaying progress.
This happened about 6 times. I got very tired of the apron question. Each time the Yellow creature came in, I was the one who saw him first and watched as he was totally impotent against our plans to have a fair exchange. Voluntary.
I guess I identify with every dream symbol, other than the Yellow guy. Each time he showed up, his features were exagerated. Once he had a huge tummy. Then the next time, his face was extended. It was the same thing in different disguises.