This is an annual convention sponsored by the Ozark Research Institute, an international organization of dowsers and healers whose headquarters is in Fayetteville AR. (There are Friends of ORI groups in CA, HI, MN, OH, TX,WA, NSW Australia and Queensland Australia)
Anyway, the convention will be in Fayetteville AR at the Clarion Hotel. Go to www.ozarkresearch.org to find out more about the organization and the convention.
Here's a list of speakers and topics:
Keynote Speaker: Cyncy Green-Angel Messages
Myra Bonage-Hale-Why We Garden, Becoming One With Everything
Vernell Boyd-Changing Attitudes, Perceptions and Belief Systems
Ian Dahlgarad-Numerology & Conscious Choice
Raymon Grace-Expanding Your Abilities With Dowsing
Cyndy Green-Religion and God in the Paradigm Change
Alan Handelsman-The Top Ten Reasons God Has a Sense of Humor
Ann Heath-Ascension--The Process
Judith Jubb-Scanning the Aura Field For Health
Ann Lieb-Kabbalah and the Art of Miracle Working
Kathy Martin & Pam Curry-Tips to Create a Healthier Home and You
Gladys McCoy-The Power of Unconditional Love
Bambi Miller-A Chapter in Your Golden Book of Life
Thomas Milliren-Ancient Mysteries of Healing--Imprints of Life, Past, Present, & Future
Martha Moore-Stevens-Understanding the "I" and "Not I"
Patrick Ray-Sound Healing for Personal Transformation
Bill Russell-Dowsing into Frameworks of Reality Perception
Marti Schuck-Reflexology for All Ages
Dr. Susan Shumsky-How To Hear the Voice of God
Dr. Robert Smith-The Mystery of Traditional Medicines
Joe & Marta Smith- Dowsing, Healing, and Common Sense
Ralph Squire-Our Changing Planet
Mary Ellen Watson-Craniosacral Therapy