Even if you were late, if there were no written warnings that is not grounds for denial of unemployment. If you committed a crime there that would be grounds but I am guessing you didn't punch anyone or abscond with their funds.
If you are denied on that basis, appeal.
Here is a basic site with links
http://swz.salary.com/salarywizard/layouthtmls/swzl_unemployment_NC.htmlMy son recently went through something similar in CA, another at-will state. He was shocked to be let go without notice and more shocked (and hurt) when they told unemployment he was fired, not laid off.
He was able to draw unemployment until the hearing. If he had lost he would have to pay it back. He won. It was hard to hear his employer, who he had trusted, lying, but it felt very good and healing to tell the truth, raise questions, show facts and win.
Considering the forum we are on I will add to this. When he called me I was writing to a friend about a dream/vision I'd had 20 years ago that had come strongly to mind. I won't go into it all but in essence it was knowing something that explained or covered everything I held to it...from the worst problems to the most trivial. It was wonderful, simple and true. I was told I wouldn't remember it, which I didn't believe because it was simple....
But it was true, in the morning I did not recall the words to it, just the facts of it. All of my young kids came out of their room one at a time just so happy, talking about waking up laughing or filled with joy in the night and still feeling so happy. So I decided to tell them about the vision, even not remembering the words. At the end I told them "So when you are sad or hurt I want you to try to remember, something wonderful is true..." Rather then mocking they were quite excited and we all hugged.
That was where I left off the writing when he called and as soon as I heard his voice I said "Always remember, something wonderful is true"
He said "I hope you are right because I just lost my job"
So we talked about that hard part and the steps to go through, then he asked why I had answered the phone that way and he vaguely remembered the incident back then, asked me to send the mail I had been writing.
I will tell you some of what I told him...I know your pain, shock and the fear uncertainty bring are very real...but you have to go on the no accident theory. It doesn't mean they were "right" in the human sense but they are cooperating with the path your spirit is here to walk. If you saw this through a God's eye view you would be glad for it. This experience and what comes after it will lead you to where you want to be at some higher level. Go ahead and grieve, be sure and fight for what is right, but know that *you* are fine.
Wishing you the best
PS Please remember, something wonderful is true.