Edited on Sat Feb-19-05 03:06 AM by Dover
The 7 Cups is how you see yourself. Now this card can mean several things. You probably feel emotionally overwhelmed, very up in the air right now, and/or have several things you're trying to juggle. Especially if you are relatively young, perhaps you haven't yet come into your own or made that strong connection with your essence and true path, and as a result struggle with not feeling grounded and focused and understanding of your place in the world. Of course this sense of being rudderless is not reserved for the young alone and can come upon any of us after a big life change or might dog us like a chronic condition and angst. It's like your seed just won't take root, there's no clear path, it's disorienting, and emotions get scrambled. Hence this card is often connected to addiction or addictive behavior. Astrologically it's associated with Venus in Scorpio which can be rather possessive of or obsessive about what it covets, and is intense and moody... which again derives from the sense that you simply don't have "IT" yet....which ultimately is a deeper and more intimate relationship/connection with yourself. Trying to get internally quiet. Meditation might help immensely right now to reconnect you to yourself so you can get some clarity.
The Tower is how you experience your partner at this time. Again there are many ways to look at this. Perhaps you see your partner on some level as a disruptive and destructive force for change, either due to his/her nature or current circumstances. Whether or not that is a positive force you probably can't determine, but it's frightening...especially if you aren't feeling grounded right now yourself. An ending with an unknown new beginning. Maybe his/her life has been jolted by a sudden change and they are shocked and in self preservation mode. Of course the Tower can also be associated with the sexual act of copulation, or more spiritually speaking...the rising of the Kundalini energy. Perhaps it's not physical sexuallity that is at issue, but it is a metaphor for a deeper union.
Your partner seems like the Page of Pentacles (again perhaps seen as young if not actually young). This is a rather earthy type who is slow, methodical, practical and has a strong connection to the earth plane and the senses. They might bring common sense and yet at times seem a little intellectually less adventurous and dull...relying more on what they already know. They move confidently in the physical world which can be a touchstone for less grounded types, even if not particularly challenging in the arena of the abstract or less tangible realms.
What stands between you and your partner...The Strength/Lust card. Again one might examine the sexual reading of this card for it's deeper meaning about the relationship. Is there a lack of spark and chemistry....and animal attraction for one another? Or possibly the reverse is the issue....are your mutual desires overriding a deeper and substantive connection...is sex the ONLY thing holding this relationship together? Is one full of desire that is not reciprocated? Is someone too overbearing and needy? Or is there simply no passion as a couple for your lives together?
Your partner sees you as the Page of Swords. Swords are astrologically 'air' signs who live in the world of ideas and the intellect as well as being intuitive. They often stand aloof from their baser animal natures which they frown upon in some way...but are actually afraid of it. If you want to 'stimulate' an air type, the general rule of thumb is that they need to be intellectually aroused. The world of emotions is a bit less familiar territory and can seem rather like a quagmire at times, or something that needs to be conquered...head over heart. It may be that they must first work through their moods in order to find needed clarity. These people are usually pretty quick minded, so when clarity doesn't come quickly (usually due to being bogged down with emotional stuff) they become impatient and frustrated. They can bring brilliant insights that seem to come out of thin air. They may be very articulate too...though sometimes their tongues are rather sharp and critical...and they can seem to use these gifts as a defensive weapon. Ideas can become a reality unto themselves...
What your partner feels about you: Ten of Wands. Ten is the culmination of events. In this case what may have begun with a firey and passionate relationship is now experienced as a burden. The negatives are outweighing the positives and things must either change or end. There's a heaviness about things. Saturn in Sagittarius is the astrological equivalent of this card; things are bogged down and stagnant, restrictive and oppressive...draining the life out of it and the potential for growth. Perhaps they feel that they're carrying the baggage for the both of you, and are simply weary of the task... Being Sagittarius, this could feel like restrictions on freedoms, expression, or even be issues about conflicting beliefs.
The challenge of the relationship is to begin fresh: Ace of Wands. This is a firey energy (and certainly sexual too). It would require a joint commitment to reigniting passions and creativity and shared purpose. It needs an immediacy and physicality, and plain old excitement. First, it might be helpful to examine where you are as a couple right now and how you might have arrived there. You both must be willing to explore the other's world and perspectives like travelers to another country and to dwell there long enough to allow yourselves to gain insight into one another and to be influenced by the others gifts without losing yourselves in the process. It is difficult to have that level of intimacy with another if you have not had it with yourself and explored your own inner landscape, but even self exploration can be a shared purpose or at least supported by a partner.
Of course, breaking up old patterns usually requires a major shakeup as well as a love strong enough to commit to this journey together. If it ain't there.....then time to move on.
That's my two cents. Take from it whatever rings true for you, and toss the rest.
Happy trails.