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I would like to learn more about Astrocartography

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OKthatsIT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 10:09 AM
Original message
I would like to learn more about Astrocartography
I have been an astrologer for a long time....Ive just never learned this area of astrology.

I have SolarFire software, no astrocartography tools. Rob Hand was never into this approach, least he never mentioned it to me. So, I guess I'd like some advice on which software would be best?
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 01:06 PM
Response to Original message
1. Actually, Astrolabe also sells Astrocartography, BUT for free go to,

they have astrocartography on their site - maps you can caluclate for free PLUS - if you click on a point you''re interested in, they give you the definition of the meeting point of for exapmle, Venus and Mars crossing lines.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 01:11 PM
Response to Reply #1
18. Some basic info on astromapping or relocation astrology:
A Discussion of
Jim Lewis is generally regarded as the father of Astro*Carto*Graphy. In 1976 he began popularizing “the horoscope viewed as a map.” The theory is quite straightforward. Planets are most powerful when they are on the angles (Rising (Asc), Setting (Dsc), right overhead (MC) or below your feet (IC)). Jim drew lines on maps to show where each of the planets were angular and thus powerful.

If you want to enhance your discipline, move to a Saturn line. Want a better love life? Move to a Venus line. And so forth. You also might consider moving to a line that puts emphasis on a well-aspected planet and moving away from a line the emphases a planet under stress.

Astro*Carto*Graphy was an experimental technique in the 70’s but has been validated by thousands of people since then. The techniques have also become much more complex as other software vendors have added aspect lines, local space lines, eclipse paths and paran lines to the maps.

You can do relocation astrology without Astro-mapping software. To relocate a chart, just change the place of birth and adjust time so it so it is the same instant. This will show you the full impact of the relocation. The Astro-maps make it easy to scan the globe to quickly find the location for the sought-after experience.

Back in the days before easy air travel we hardly needed to look at relocated charts. But now that everyone is moving about this is an important addition to the astrologer’s repertoire.

Relocational reports are a great way to learn relocational astrology. Professional astrologers often sell them to clients considering a move or include the reports with their reading.

Note: Jim Lewis trademarked the name “Astro*Carto*Graphy” so only the official “Astro*Carto*Graphy” software developed by Jim Lewis can use that name. Other companies use astrocartography, astromapping, and relocational astrology to refer to the same thing.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 01:24 PM
Response to Reply #18
19. A review of the programs available for Astromapping - more than I knew:
AstroMapping Software
by Hank Friedman

Note: In this review, we'll examine several different astrology programs' approaches to astromapping, instead of the usual focus on the features of one program. Please understand that many of these programs offer a great deal of other features.

Are you aware that there's one astrology program that can show map lines for two different people on one map and another software that does true Cyclo*Carto*Graphy? And that a third shows you a changing relocated chart as you move the cursor around the map? We astrologers are blessed with an incredible wealth of innovative astromapping software.

Many different astrological techniques are used to determine the effect of location on an individual's chart. Well before Jim Lewis popularized the method invented by Gary Duncan (that Jim dubbed "Astro*Carto*Graphy"), the foremost technique was to simply relocate birth charts to new coordinates. Since then, new methods of astromapping have come into being. Although most astrology programs offer some form of Astro*Carto*Graphy, they must call it by a different name (e.g., astromapping), unless they license the name from the late Mr. Lewis's estate. For the sake of clarity, I will call this technique Astro*Carto*Graphy in this article.

We will explore the astromapping features of the following astrology programs: Janus 3, Kepler 6, Locality Maps, Solar Fire 5, Solar Maps 3, Win*Star Plus 2, Shri Jyoti Star 5, and Digital Jyotish 1. Amazingly, most of these programs have at least one unique astromapping feature not found in any other software. By the time you read this article, new astromapping features will undoubtedly be added to some of these programs, so please check with the manufacturers or read my SoftStar News articles (at for up-to-date information.

Besides the programs reviewed here, the $169 AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter 6.1 from Halloran Software creates Astro*Carto*Graphy maps with lines for the planets, nodes, Lilith, Chiron, and the four major asteroids; it includes a "live" cursor that shows changing latitudes, longitudes, and locations. Also, Parashara's Light 6 facilitates chart relocation by displaying a world map that you can click on to instantly relocate a chart and all of the tables on the same screen.

All of the programs in this review share the ability to relocate a natal chart and to display and print Astro*Carto*Graphy maps with planetary rising, setting, culminating, and anticulminating lines. Every program, except Shri Jyoti Star and Digital Jyotish, can also display eclipse paths on maps, show city names, and create Local Space charts.

I find it interesting that, because Astro*Carto*Graphy uses mundane planetary positions (i.e., without reference to the zodiac), astromaps from Vedic astrology programs show the same planet lines as those from Western astrological software. Those programs that allow astrologers to switch from mundane lines to zodiacal lines create very different maps when you switch from the Tropical to the Sidereal zodiac, or vice versa.

The quality of the actual maps varies considerably from program to program. When working with whole countries or continents, this is not as critical, but when you use the zoom feature on the low-precision maps of Locality Maps and Janus, coastlines become unrecognizable and city names can be misplaced. Win*Star, Kepler, and Solar Maps offer the highest quality maps — both the best looking and most accurately rendered. Digital Jyotish takes an alternate route: It shows a photographic map of the world instead of an outline map, thus offering a beautiful image but no country/state boundaries or city names.

The Table (click on the word "table" to open it) lists a large number of astromapping functions (most are shared by two or more programs) and the programs that offer them. A few items in the table are worth clarifying. The term "pinpoint" means either to show a circle around a city or to center the map on the city, so one can easily see what lines are nearby. "Live cursor" means that, as you move the pointer across the map, you can see the longitude, latitude, Ascendant, and Midheaven positions for the location under the pointer. "Predictive lines" are planetary lines for progressed, transiting, solar arc, or return positions. "Maps by theme" is a major innovation in astromapping wherein you can see the best places on a map for a specific goal, involving romance, profession, education, etc. "Orbs" means that the planet lines are displayed as wide bands instead of single lines, to show how far from a line the influence extends.

We will now examine the unique features of each of the programs. (See Figure 1, Unique Program Features.)

Janus 3 has all of the standard mapping features plus the ability to add map lines for several extra points, including astronomical points like the Barycenter, Galactic Center, and the Vernal Point, and for new points such as the Black Sun, Diamond, Priapus, and Transpluto. You can select different points (planets, asteroids, Uranians, etc.) for each mapping technique — i.e., for Local Space, Astro*Carto*Graphy, and Sky Maps.

Janus will also print out a general Astro*Carto*Graphy report. By "general" I mean that the report is not for a specific person's map, but instead simply delineates all of the possible planetary lines (Sun through Pluto) and all of the possible Parans (crossings). As such, this report can be helpful, but it is not the type of report that can be sold. Finally, Janus can create charts using alternate coordinate systems, such as the Invariable Plane, Galactic Longitude, Rationalized Semi-Arc, and Horizon Astronomical Azimuth.

Kepler 6 can create standard Astro*Carto*Graphy maps (if you change the settings from Zodiacal to Mundane), but most of its mapping features are oriented toward using the Zodiacal frame of reference. This major departure from Jim Lewis's methods allows Kepler to add significantly innovative mapping techniques, including Treasure Maps, lines with shaded orbs, major and minor aspect lines, midpoint lines, and interpretations based upon both aspects and midpoints. All of these methods were first introduced to astrology software by Kepler.

Most astrologers don't realize how difficult it is to determine the "orb of influence" of map lines. Both the curvature of the Earth and the differing strengths of specific types of lines (e.g., major vs. minor aspect lines) are obstacles to knowing whether a given city is under the influence of a particular line. Kepler has solved this problem by showing — with a shaded, gradually fading color that surrounds each line — where the lines are operational.

Perhaps even more valuable are the many thematic Treasure Maps; these provide both novices and professional astrologers alike with maps that show just where to go to augment the energies for particular themes. Kepler includes theme maps for Love & Romance, Vocation & Career, Friendship & Family, Imagination & Inspiration, and Excitement & Instability. These maps are simple to understand and incredibly useful.

It can be frustrating for people who are interested in the planetary influences on specific cities to have their software show very few, if any, influences for some locales. Kepler allows you to add major and minor aspect lines, midpoint lines, and extra point lines (asteroids and/or Transneptunians), so this is no longer an issue. Every location has many nearby lines.

To make these extra lines understandable, Kepler provides point-and-click interpretations for all of the lines near any location and also has the capacity to print comprehensive reports for any number of cities (selected from the atlas), which indicate how strong each line is. Kepler is the only program to interpret major and minor planetary aspect lines and midpoint lines.

Kepler has added a slew of predictive techniques to its latest version (6.0), including the standard transit and progressed and solar arc to natal angle lines, as well as progressed and solar arc map lines. In sum, Kepler offers an incredibly diverse and comprehensive set of mapping features, with many valuable pioneering innovations.

Locality Maps (by A.I.R. Software) is a dedicated mapping program. It is bundled with the ACS mini-atlas, but it can read the full ACS atlas if that is installed on your PC. And although the maps have poor rendering of coastlines and show no U.S. state boundaries, the ability to plot cities is very useful, and the program is quite functional.

Locality Maps is the only program that allows you to see both natal planetary lines and predictive planetary lines on the same map. It also offers the largest choice of predictive lines (42 types in all), both direct and converse, including transits; secondary, tertiary, and minor progressions; directions (degree for a year and degree for a day, both standard and equatorial); solar arcs; lunar arcs; profections; and a large variety of Tropical and Sidereal solar, lunar, and planetary returns, including returns plus directions. These are important features for astrologers who are looking at cyclic effects on relocation.

Besides displaying eclipse paths in a more graphic form than other programs (see Figure 2, Various Eclipse Maps), Locality Maps is unique in depicting the epicenter of each eclipse. Locality Maps is also the only program that highlights Parans and maps the paths of the planets' occultations by the Sun.

Locality Maps generates distinctive and well-written interpretive relocational reports for individual charts. It can create two kinds of reports: one that delineates all of the standard planetary lines and Parans for a specific city and a second one that does a report for all of these lines in the world for a specific person's chart. This second approach is comprehensive and focuses on planetary lines, giving the user a list of cities near each line.

Finally, the Optimized Place Finder allows you to see maps that show the best places to achieve specific life goals — in love, work, or education. As you move your pointer over a map, the program shows how strong (as a percentage) each area is for the theme you've chosen. If you feel expert enough to create your own rules, the Model Editor included with the program allows you to create your own sets of themes and to display them on a map.

These are powerful tools, both for amateurs who just want to find the best places for themselves and for advanced astrologers who would like to create their own models.

Solar Fire 5 has a "Lite" version of Solar Maps built into it. In addition to the astromapping features mentioned in the table, Solar Fire offers a variety of Locality Charts, including Johndro and Geodetic charts in Right Ascension or longitude, as well as user-defined Geodetic charts (where you can specify the zero point in R.A. or longitude). When you click on a planet displayed in Solar Fire's Planetarium, the nearest fixed star is highlighted and its meaning is displayed.

Solar Maps 3 is a stand-alone mapping program (i.e., it doesn't require Solar Fire to run) designed for astrologers who want the full range of Astro*Carto*Graphy techniques. It offers all of the standard mapping features and such predictive map lines as transit, secondary, and tertiary progressed and solar arc lines. But Solar Maps is the only program to produce true Cyclo*Carto*Graphy maps: outer planet transit + inner planet secondary progressed lines on the same map. It is also the only astrology program that can animate predictive planetary lines so you can watch them move across the map over time, at whatever rate you specify. This is amazingly useful — and fun to watch! You can even use its Astro*Clock to view the lines of today's transiting planets move over a map in real time.

Solar Maps offers still more. It has an excellent interpretive report that delineates Astro*Carto*Graphy planet lines and Parans, and it is the only software that also includes interpretations for Local Space lines. The report even indicates how strong each line's influence is. You can run reports for any number of cities by clicking on city after city on the map. It also is the only program to offer major and minor aspect lines and midpoint lines for both the zodiacal and mundane coordinate systems.

For those who are interested in mapping geocosmic events, Solar Maps adds event mapping — for hurricanes, storms, volcanoes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. You can plot multiple events, such as all hurricane tracks in one season or all of the earthquakes on file, as well as import new events (bird migrations, etc.) from the Web. For advanced locational astrologers, Solar Maps can also show Geodetic charts, aspects by azimuth, fixed star lines, and day/night shading.

Solar Maps is one of the easiest programs to use, with excellent context-sensitive help, a free instructional CD, several lovely color schemes to choose from, and the ability to customize many of the program's features (including fonts, cities, lines). The Zoom areas are highlighted so that you can enlarge sections of maps very precisely. Even the mouse pointer changes to show you which tool (zoom, measuring, interpreting, relocating, etc.) you are using.

The superlative interpretive reports, elegant simplicity, and awesome capabilities make Solar Maps the program of choice for many astrologers who specialize in relocation.

Win*Maps is part of the Win*Star Plus 2 program and offers excellent, powerful, and diverse astromapping features. Its printed maps are by far the most beautiful, and their accuracy is unparalleled. The maps are so high-resolution that you can see the precise positions of lakes, rivers, and even county boundaries. In fact, this is the program I choose when I want the highest quality maps.

The map interface is simple to use; it includes the ability to turn Astro*Carto*Graphy and Local Space lines on and off, individually or simultaneously, and to instantly relocate Local Space lines. You can see exactly where any planet is in a specific house on a map (choosing from eleven house systems); plot house boundaries for four spatial house systems (Campanus, Meridian, Alcabitius, and Regiomontanus); and plot the actual physical positions of planets on the map and the exact places where Parans occur.

Win*Maps has by far the most robust astronomical mapping features of any program. You can view, on either a sky map or an Earth map, the placement of individual stars, the zodiac, constellations, galaxies, nebulae, pulsars and quasars, globular clusters, supernovae, and much more!

For the astrologer who wants stunning printouts, Outer Space mapping, and the most accurately rendered maps, Win*Star is the program to use.

The following two programs are Vedic software that offer astromapping features.

Shri Jyoti Star 5 is a very powerful Vedic program that introduces several unique innovations to the field of astromapping. You can place two people's planet lines on one map, thereby making it easier to find the ideal place for partners, and you can choose to include outer-planet lines. The program offers the option of using red lines for the first person and blue lines for the second, so you can easily distinguish between each person's lines. As you move the cursor over the map, you can watch both people's Ascendants and Midheavens change with location, and you can even relocate two people's charts, tables, and graphs at the same time.

Even more powerful is the ultimate live cursor: You can choose to have the mouse movements over a map instantly relocate the chart you're working with. Because the map takes up only a fraction of your computer screen, you can see several charts and tables to the left of and below the map. You can select which charts, tables, and graphs you want displayed, and as you move the mouse pointer over the map, you can see all of them shift as you change location. This is a truly incredible feature. Bravo!

Digital Jyotish 1 is a new Vedic program developed in India. Unlike all other astromapping programs, it shows a satellite photo map of the Earth instead of a two-dimensional map. The photo map is lovely, but it lacks details (state boundaries, city names and placements, etc.). Fortunately, you can enter the name of a city, and it will show a circle centered around the city's location. (The company tells me that they are going to shift to a more standard two-dimensional outline map in the next version.)

You can easily turn individual planet lines on or off in Digital Jyotish. When you move the pointer across the map, you can see the changes each shift makes in longitude, latitude, Ascendant and Midheaven positions, and to a chart (North Indian, South Indian, or circular), Ashtakavarga table, Shad Bala table, and planetary positions table.

In the field of astromapping, we now have an incredibly wonderful selection of powerful programs and features to choose from. I would be hard pressed to recommend any one program, because each contributes unique capabilities that empower us in our exploration of astrolocality.

© 2003 Hank Friedman – all rights reserved

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 01:35 PM
Response to Reply #19
20. Here's a FREE astromapping program
Edited on Sun Feb-27-05 01:41 PM by Pallas180
I haven't used it or figured it out yet...but you may want to play with it -

by David Cochrane


Cosmic Patterns has just released their first free astrology program. Called Starlite, the software can create both natal and secondary progressed chart wheels and tables for eleven house systems and the sidereal Fagan-Bradley ayanamsa. Starlite shows not only the standard planets, but also the nodes, Transneptunians, asteroids, the comet Chiron, Part of Fortune, Vertex, and Equatorial Ascendant.

The chart wheel page, which prints in color, shows the declination, speed, and heliocentric longitude for all points, has an extensive major and minor aspect grid with orbs, angular separations, and applying/separating tags, a table of parallels, and of course a very nicely drawn chart wheel complete with aspect lines drawn in.

Starlite even has a built-in time change atlas, for automatic entry of longitude, latitude, and time zone, for 1158 cities around the World, including some major U.S. cities. You can get Starlite for free by clicking here. Just run the "Starsetup.exe" program and it will install itself.



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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 01:20 PM
Response to Original message
2. You might also want to keep track of Scallion's earth changes at
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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 04:56 PM
Response to Original message
3. You dont need special tools
"I have been an astrologer for a long time....Ive just never learned this area of astrology."

For personal ACG maps...this is a great start

He has an inexpensive e-book....there are parts that I have problems understanding....they should be a piece of cake for an experienced astrologer.

Use this site

Make sure you follow the instructions for setting your cookies for this site....If you don't your maps can be hacked and altered after the links are posted.....I learned this the hard way....someone maybe thought I wouldn't notice...

You can set all the maps you want and store them. You can also posts links to your maps or email them with a C&P....dont forget the cookie setting .

You looking to do Mundane or natal maps?

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 09:52 AM
Response to Original message
4. This morning there was an earthquake in Iran - perfect time for
an astrocartography map.

It could be drawn for the time the earthquake hit, or it could be drawn as transits around the birthdata chart of Iran.

You're looking for the planets, or Full or New Moon or eclipse that foretold the quake.
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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 04:18 PM
Response to Original message
5. Havent run the map...but
Sun/Uranus usually a major trigger on New or Full Moon map....There will be more....this was a warm-up quake
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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 04:54 PM
Response to Original message
6. 2/8/05 New Moon Map
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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 09:17 PM
Response to Original message
7. Here is the map that pointed to
The San Diego fire.

3/3/05 Mars square Jupiter....... still havent said if you are interested in natal or event maps
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-23-05 10:12 AM
Response to Original message
8. Scallion predicted next earth " movements" in
California, Mexico, and Japan... does anyone here want to map this quake?

Today's news:

"Moderate Quake Strikes Central Japan
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:30 AM EST

Moderate Quake Strikes Central Japan
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:30 AM EST
The Associated Press

A moderate earthquake struck central Japan on Wednesday, shaking buildings in areas near Tokyo. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

The magnitude-4.6 earthquake struck shortly after 10 p.m. and was centered in southern Ibaraki prefecture, just north of the capital, the Meteorological Agency said.

There was no danger of tsunami, or ocean waves caused by seismic activity.

In the city of Shimotsuma in Ibaraki, where the quake was most powerful, the jolt shook buildings but was not strong enough to knock books or other items off shelves, a local police officer said on condition of anonymity.

The quake came just nine days after a magnitude-5.4 quake centered in the same Ibaraki area struck central Japan, injuring at least 28 people and temporarily disrupting train service.

Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone nations because it sits atop four tectonic plates, slabs of land that move across the Earth's surface.

On Oct. 23, a magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck Niigata, about 160 miles northwest of Tokyo, killing 40 people and damaging more than 6,000 homes. The jolt was the deadliest to hit Japan since 1995, when a magnitude-7.3 quake killed 6,433 people in the western city of Kobe.

A magnitude-4 quake can cause moderate damage, shake houses and buildings and swing hanging objects such as lamps.
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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-23-05 04:24 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Look to existing maps
Its not the event you map....its the map that points to the event.

Sun conjunct Uranus trigger on new moon map....If it was the Uranus IC it would have been a larger event. If aspects to Chiron were involved you could expect a high death toll.


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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-23-05 09:47 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. Moutn st. Helen's bubbling and overflowing lava
Mount St. Helens bubbling and boiling

Published February 23, 2005

MOUNT ST. HELENS, Washington -- Mount St. Helens has shown an upswing in volcanic activity over the past two days, U.S. volcano scientists reported.

Small collapses of hot rock from the south end of the lava dome -- which is growing at a rate of about 15 feet per day -- have sent several ash clouds upward and over the rim of the mile-wide crater, according to U.S. Geological Survey scientists at Johnston Ridge Observatory, about five miles northeast of the volcano.

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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 11:02 AM
Response to Original message
11. Mars conjunct Chiron
This one gets its own map...

Please allow me to introduce myself..

Look to the moons aspects surrounding this killer for the same date.

"Bring it on"

Be Careful what you wish for...

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 01:29 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Regrettably you don't give more information about what cities, regions
are affected or the planetary aspects of a delineation of what such
aspects actually mean.

To say the following:

"Look to the moons aspects surrounding this killer "

"Bring it on" "Be Careful what you wish for..."

is not only not helpful to anyone's understanding but is also alarmist.

I think we would all appreciate your being more exact and less obscure in your references. At the very least an astrological delineation should be made.

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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 11:03 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. Forgive me
Forgive me.

Still not fully back up to steam following the loss the cohesive thought process... {It has taken months to identify the problem}

The problem started very slowly and began to build rapidly to the point where I could not even remember my own phone number.

I have been trying to write my observations concerning the three locks and keys to map expression that appear to trigger map expression. When I read it back to myself I want it to make as much sense as possible so others can just "see" it when a map expresses.

I know it has been a long time between postings.....I became completely incapable of attempting to continue the work.....or any other overlapping thoughts.

I was lucky to speak one complete sentence for months.

I had to start putting the pieces back together in my own mind as to how I arrived at some conclusions concerning the maps.

I am finding that to attempt to continue the work is proving to be is helping very much stringing thoughts together.

I knew what I had written was "choppy." At the was the best I could do. I know OK and yourself are experienced astrologers and was counting on that experience to see what I was trying to show concerning the map.

It has been a very frightening and frustrating having the thought trying to unlock inside your head. Its been like sitting at a red light that never turns green.

The antsiezure and endocrine meds are beginning to take I am going to try and give it hell once again with the maps.

What a long strange trip its been.

Let me get together a quick breakdown of what this map appears to be pointing to.

If I start to wander with the you know why.

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 12:12 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. I wish you good health and complete healing to be sure, as I'm sure
we all do.

No need to pressure yourself, but also realize people are reading and learning from what you take your time and write it out carefully. There's no rush.

Find out from your doctor or alternative medicine consultant if the vitamin choline will help you.
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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 12:49 PM
Response to Reply #14
16. Heavy metal poisioning?
Thanks Pallas....this has been brutal...

They/We decide in a few weeks if they remove my thyroid.....just parts of it.....or medication adjustments

Biopsies soon....

Ask me direct helps keep me from wandering....Please keep what I write....I cant find anything.....there is a Pluto map that this map overlaps almost perfectly......Pluto aspect map just before we pulled the trigger in Iraq?.....its important because the flame was released from the underworld to Chiron.....see why map overlap are impotant.....


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Hoodwinked Donating Member (124 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 12:35 PM
Response to Reply #11
15. Mars/Chiron.....a new cycle......
"Please allow me to introduce myself.."

On the maps Chiron has repeatedly over the years of observations expressed as the death star.....It appears to despise what we have we done with the gift.

This a C&P of what I have been trying to put together. Chiron is one of the if not the major player on the maps..

I will give you one of the players you must never turn your back on. Chiron....Chiron gave himself willingly so that the fire could be released from the Underworld by Prometheus. This was done so that humankind would learn to use power in the right way. In the process of obtaining fire, Chiron had to die .......Hmmmm? I wonder what Chiron's reaction is to his gift being betrayed?

Now he is conjunct with Mars.....Note the two dominant line locations on the map.

"Bring it on"

Be Careful what you wish for...

This was a refeance to the boy wonder....GWB....sometimes that boy just aint right in the head......Takes one to know

Leading up to this conjunct we should have our ear to the ground to any news concerning Chinas holdings concerning our debt....or more importantly Chinas "eye on oil"....see the Neptune square ASC intersection with Chiron Mars on The USA map.

Lets see if the wonder boy gets cocky with either issue.

Now look here on the same on the Chiron/Mars map....

"Look to the moons aspects surrounding this killer for the same date."

Moon in opposition to Uranus is the first moon to planet transit following the Mars/ Chiron conjunct.....Moon inconjunct Chiron is the aspect just prior to the conjunct.

What is the chatter as we get close.....what is the chatter just following.

Now look at this map

How patient are we for full expression? Will we get it immediately......Will a major expression take place on the Mars square Chiron 7/28/05.

Chiron gave us the flame. How does mankind fuel that flame? Who is now the two major players in need of the fuel for the flame?

This will be one hellova chess game as Chiron and his buddy Mars sit back and laugh.

Chiron the death star and the lord of war appear to be setting the chess pieces for the next game in the match.

This is the best I can do right now.......Gotta take a break.........Save this map....its the Chiron setup

Chiron the wounded healer.....?

Chiron looking for his pound of flesh.....lets see what sets up.

I hope this helps

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 12:59 PM
Response to Reply #15
17. Where Chiron is present, an old wound often re-opens or a new
Edited on Sun Feb-27-05 01:00 PM by Pallas180
wound is formed. Chiron apparently is the wound that never heals.
Although Chiron is NOT known as a "death star" it often is present when tragedies occurr.

Mars with Chiron would represent a war or fighting breaking out...a tragedy by fire, and with Uranus present or preceding, an unexpected shock, or accident, airplanes going down.

Mars/Uranus can involve earthquakes and volcanoes also.

(By the way, one of the maps Hood refers to seems to be Washington, Arkansas rather than Washington DC.)

and the first thing you notice is a bunching of lines deep into Canada. Pluto Venus SAturn involved....I suspect it's either a discovery of oil or some metal which one digs for, gold, plutonium, something like that.
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