Edited on Fri Feb-25-05 09:01 AM by Crisco
In just the last 18 hours, between yesterday's nap and last night's rest, there've been two that I think most interpreters would say were pretty obvious.
The details from the nap dream are pretty sketchy, as I was rudely awoken by a utility worker and forgot almost all details shortly after waking. The main thing was, I had just finished moving into a new house and brought hardly anything from the old place with me. Although there was some inconvenience in that, for the most part I wasn't bothered about missing stuff. Nice rustic setting, in the woods by a lake. Lots of wood in the interior. Within-dream weirdness: at one point, a small KKK march went strolling by, white sheets and everything. Didn't pay them any mind.
Okay, now for this morning's curio: the pregnancy dream. Right at the end of term. Instead of giving birth in the usual fashion, the little bundle of joy basically popped out and disattached itself from my belly (how that for easy?!). "Alien"-style but without the horror show. Clean up was kind messy, and I had to go looking around for um .. sanitation products to deal with spotting.