The way that my Reconnection worked was two one-hour sessions usually two days in a row, and it's my understanding that these sessions are not with a group of people; they're individual sessions. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. It's my understanding that the cost is supposed to always be 333 of whatever the local currency is. The 333 has something to do with the numerology involved, I think. Therefore, it would cost more in some countries than others since some currencies have more value than others.
Reconnective Healing Sessions
Experience a powerful yet gentle light-touch Healing Session that will help you to connect with your Highest Spiritual Guidance while immersing you in new frequencies of Light and Information. Reconnective Healing is a “new energy” that wasn’t easily accessible to everyone before 1993. These sessions goes beyond energy healing: energy weakens with distance; while Reconnective energies are strengthened by distance.
Reconnective energies connect us with our origins and with a sacred “Light and Information Superhighway” that helps us to create wholeness unlike anything we have ever known. These healing energies will help you to get ON PATH in your life. They connect you with your own highest source energy - your origins - and open the pathways of communication so that you can clearly know the next step toward your highest purpose. For more information on Reconnective Healing frequencies, see
Many clients report that a deep feeling of serenity comes over them while receiving Reconnective healing frequencies. If there are any blocks in your energy field, we work with your Guide Team and your Highest Spiritual Helpers to gently remove them. All sessions include a Clairvoyant Reading of your energy system.
The Reconnection
We live in unprecedented times of change and evolution on both global and personal levels. Many refer to “The New Energy” that is now available to us in these changing times to assist us in our evolutionary process and help create deep healing. The Reconnection is one of the tools here to help us on our Ascension path.
The Reconnection is a once-in-a-lifetime Initiatory attunement that connects you with your Soul origins and opens your highest pathways of communication so that you can clearly know the next steps toward your Soul Purpose.
The Reconnection brings in and activates long-dormant lines of communication, allowing for the exchange of Light and Information, the reconnection of DNA “strands,” and the reintegration of “strings” (simultaneously occurring – or parallel – planes of existence). The Reconnection will put you ON PATH in your life, and open up your own deepest and highest guidance.
The Reconnection is an Initiation into a Spiritual Evolutionary Path. It continues to unfold over time, bringing deeper levels of peace and higher levels of purpose with each passing milestone.
I studied directly with the recognized “doorway” for Reconnective energies, Dr. Eric Pearl.
For more information, see
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What’s the difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection?
The difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection is basically one of intent. The intent of Reconnective Healing is essentially that of healing, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or on any other level. And, of course, to achieve the degree of healing brought forth via Reconnective Healing, you will, to some extent, experience reconnection as part of the process. It’s this "Reconnection" that allows Reconnective Healing to be so dramatically more comprehensive than the healing "techniques" we’ve had up until now.
The intent of The Reconnection is to bring us into the fullness of our inherent connection with the universe. This is done via a two-session experience, commonly referred to as receiving your Personal Reconnection. And, of course, to achieve the degree of reconnection brought fourth via The Reconnection, you will, to some extent, experience healing as part of the process.
And, although the two are not completely separate processes, to obtain the full benefits of each, your Reconnective Healing sessions and your personal Reconnection sessions are to be experienced on separate occasions.
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