I thought I would share this with a more receptive audience. Philosoraptor asked if we would be going to war with Iran.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x3588228I thought this would be a good question to put to the Tarot. This is a more detailed posting of that reading. I did Celtic Cross. Since I lost my little program with a computer crash that I was able to put the cards up to see, I will just have to write them down. This is my interpretation of those cards. They may not be all the classic interpretations but it's what the cards spoke to me as I looked at this spread.
Card #1, what covers this issue: Temperance -R
A conflict of interests covers this issue.
Card #2, what crosses it: Page of Swords
There is covert actions and spying regarding the conflict of interests.
Now in the past, this is what the cards speak to me.
Card #3, what is beneath it: The Tower
The Tower in this instance can only mean 9-11 to me, that brought all this war in the ME to begin with. It gave BushCo the excuse to start these wars.
Card #4, what is behind it: The King of Cups-R
And here is the saber rattler himself, a ruler with light brown hair and blue eyes, who in the reverse indicates a man of violence, dishonest and double-dealing.
Card #5, what crowns it: The Star-R
Hovering over this issue, giving the issue its juice is this card reversed, which indicates to me the stubbornness that BushCo is pursuing with even though it all points to disaster.
Card #6, what is before it: The Heirophant
In the immediate future is this card, which I believe stands for the fundamentalist religions that are looking for this war because they believe it will begin the apocalypse.
Card #7, what is feared: The Five of Wands
This card is pretty clear. The conflict within their ranks that people won't go for an attack on Iran is feared.
Card #8, what others think: The Four of Wands
The four of wands means most want peace not war.
Card #9, what the saber rattlers want: The Page of Pentacles
This card seems to mean that the saber rattlers are wanting the good news that an attack with Iran is imminent.
Card #10, what will be the outcome: The King of Wands
It looks like some nation, maybe a European nation or group of nations will have the final say in this.
The number of major arcana cards indicates to me that the universe is looking on this with interest and are influencing the outcome. There are forces in play in high and powerful places.
Since I wanted an clearer answer I drew three more cards:
They were: The Page of Wands, reversed, the four of swords and The Fool reversed.
Unpleasant news (P of Wr), will be brought that there will be no strife to our Fool, GWBush.
I took the Fool rather literally this time as well as the Tower because they are screaming that interpretation. So I believe the cards have spoken. This maladministration will not get the permission they want to invade Iran.