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Don't let the muggles get you down! Or trying to keep the good vibes flowing around doubters.......

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 02:11 AM
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Don't let the muggles get you down! Or trying to keep the good vibes flowing around doubters.......
I live with my dear sweet doubting Mother who follows along at times with my energy adventures at times to humor me and others because she is genuinely curious but mostly to humor me. She even took Reiki attunement when I got nervy about being around strangers for the day long class (I currently have social anxiety disorder). She still doubts the attunement took no matter how I reassure her pointing out the excellent results I and others have felt from her treatments. This is frusterating and I know I need to let that go. Most of the time I can but like today I want to throw a fit.

Another biggie is I have been trying to do some prosperity development and made some progress with her when it comes to small things like her luck in radio contests and bingo (going from being lucky to win 1/2 the amount spent on the cards to winning more than she spent). I myself still have doubts but I am determined to create at least a little room in my mind that big things can be manifested as well. Tonight she brought up the fact that we need to move. The area we live has some big drawbacks so I totally agree. The problem comes in that she thinks she won't get diddly for the house and so we will end up in a crackerbox of a house. She is incapable of entertaining even the thought that something nice *could* be within our reach. I don't want a mansion. I just want a nice solid house, with an extra room in case I ever get around do doing Reiki professionally, on a couple acres of land so we have bit of privacy and plant a vegetable garden.

OK again I can't change her mind and right now it is getting to me extra as I am pre-lunartime I need to let it go and focus on developing my manifestiation skills and of course doing the outer world stuff too withOUT letting myself fret and fear that my Mother's disbelief will stop it.

So can anyone give me any tips or technqiues you use to get yourself back on track when you get derailed weather it is someone's disbelief or one's own stuff rising up? I try to look at my stuff acting up as a GOOD thing because I can work on it but right now go all or get depressed.
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crikkett Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 06:51 AM
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1. Calcium and anger management techniques
PMS symptoms are linked to calcium deficiency. Even a multivitamin could help.

The easy way to manage mood swings (without taking anything) is to remove oneself from the stressor. Get fresh air if you can, walk away physically or mentally, think about something (repeat a mantra?) to get rid of the negativity. An hour is recommended but even 15 mins will help.

Good luck (hang in there!)

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Dora Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-09-08 04:36 PM
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2. nutritional/herbal recs
Frustration had become a habit of thought/response to me, and I knew it was poisoning my relationships. I tried kava kava and I noticed an immediate effect. I could more easily let go of frustrated thoughts, and move through the frustration into a different emotional space. My husband finally tried it (reluctantly) after a period of intense work-related stress, and he was amazed at how it relaxed him and allowed him to look beyond the annoyances. I've been taking it for six months now, with no side effects (no sleepiness, no fuzzy thinking).

I take maca supplements to keep hormonal balance as I move through my cycle. Calcium, magnesium, and B-6 multi-supps help my bimonthly PMS symptoms.

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-10-08 02:19 AM
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3. HI I already use vitamins including minerals and occasionally Kava
which is too relaxing for me unless I use it to help me sleep. Maybe one of these evenings I can try taking half a capsule and see if that is low enough to keep me alert while still taking the edge off.

I have a really low tolerance for anger. my elder sister was and is a ragaholic who acts like she has a permanent case of PMS who's normal voice volume level would be a considered a yell in anyone else - and no she isn't hard of hearing. My first reaction when get even irritable is fear that i am going to turn into her. I avoid conflict whenever possible because it brings up my sister-related stuff. ick. Just thinking about it brings up that sick to the gut feeling. dang. I though I had cleared more of this than this.

Sometimes with my PMS anger I feel like it is old stored anger coming out from emotions that were never fully expressed, released or otherwise processed. As someone once said 'Our issues are in our tissues'. anyhow that is what it mostly felt like yesterday - old stored anger rising up for release. I was able to think things over after posting this last night and try drawing out the anger I would pull out pain or general negativity which gave me some relief. I decided to go with the flow when the next surge came up, to not fight it, let myself feel it and then draw it out to release energetically.
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