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I Have A Dream
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Tue Dec-09-08 10:14 PM Original message |
"Our New Roles and the New Children" - Karen Bishop - December 9, 2008 |
Karen Bishop December 9, 2008 Welcome! The new connections to a higher level of reality and being are slowly but surely being implemented for us now. This process was a very long one, which involved nearly the entire year of 2008! It seemed that 2008, the year of new beginnings, involved aligning to the new, as well as dis-connecting from the old, and it took a lot out of many of us. As we held the old space for so long, in order that enough of the critical mass could now embody it, we then had to undergo a process of letting go of all that we had been holding for so long. And as mentioned in the last WINGS posting, many of us were quite done, but still in the old space, which did not feel so good! Being bombarded by lower vibrating energies, feeling lost and dis-connected, and most certainly far removed from our sources of power and connection (i.e. feelings of higher energy that we used to embody!) were very common expressions of this stage. The door had not yet opened to the next level for us, and uncomfortable scenarios were ever present. It was almost like going back in time. But by now, many of us are feeling the excitement that 2009 will bring….a new reality where our dreams will manifest in ways we could only dream of, as miracles abound. But know as well, that these times of trial and tribulations, of frustration, discontent, futility, and perhaps wondering what it was all ever about anyway, served a vital purpose as well. Through this process, we had the opportunity to realize that heaven, that beauty, that contentment, and even peace and love, are here at any given moment no matter what is manifesting on the outside. The simplest of pleasures, the beauty in a special moment, and the love of another, are all that we seem to really “need” anyway. Manifestations then, of our creations, are not what a higher reality is really about. By the time our dreams arrive for us, many of us will be in more highly evolved spaces where they no longer matter. Our spiritual evolutionary or “ascension” process magnifies and unfolds in an exponential way….rather, it snowballs. Thus, many times we can evolve right out of a desire or creation before it even has the opportunity to manifest. Stability, then, can seem far out of our reach. But within these massive transitions and seemingly rapidly occurring changes, we always have the opportunity to stay in one spot…which is in the moment. And when we are here, we do indeed experience heaven on Earth. During this latest transitional phase, as with many phases, some of us are finding ourselves in situations regarding an ailment, for instance, that requires us to stay still. We seem to be unable to move about or continue our regular lifestyles. There is good reason for this. A higher way of being involves staying centered, still, and being very present. When we are running around trying to make things happen ourselves, we are then “moving” energy through our own energy, and source cannot then, assist. We are more connected to our “mental” or dis-connect selves and being guided or manipulated by the old outside creations. In addition, in a higher vibrating reality, we have learned to stay still, centered, and present in order to create a portal for source or light to come through. In this way, all our needs are always met and we are then free to assist others as well through our own special gifts and talents, or passions. Staying still, then, is vitally important. It helps us to re-connect. So then, many of us are being placed in situations that are creating this state. All in divine and perfect order and being navigated, as always by our souls. “Waiting” can be challenging for those carrying a lot of light. When we have a lot of energy moving through us, it needs an outlet. This is why creativity is so vitally important the higher we vibrate. But if we stay still, we can easily connect to an incredibly peaceful state in the eye of any storm…and we are incredibly protected here as well. We are “waiting” then, to be right where we are. This training period, or aligning with the reality of staying still has occurred at other points of 2008. It is happening again now, because we need to cement in this state of being within us. Why? Because of our new roles; and our new roles are all about empowering others and not doing everything ourselves. Those days are over (more about this further on in this post). The re-connection process varies for each of us, as does the timeline. But things are most certainly lining up now. I have a friend who was just told by those in charge of financing her car, that she need not make any payments until March, as she is now in the space of the no space while things are congealing for her. One of my readers recently had an experience where she had to meet with the landlord of the studio where she offers yoga, massage, and other programs, for the purpose of telling him that she would have to break her lease as she could no longer make the payments. He promptly told her that she could keep the space for one year with no payments! We are being supported in amazing ways while we are going through the process of leaving one world and arriving in another. As things disappear and dry up, we are being encouraged to find other things to offer that are much more in alignment with higher ways and what is to come. We can either chose to ride the wave of this process, or hold onto the old, and as most of us know, holding onto the old creates discomfort which accelerates until we are finally ready to move on and let go. While at the same time, we have always known the higher ways, and it will soon become time to offer these exact ways. These higher ways are now being summoned and requested by the planet. This is all part of the process and it has unfolded just as it should. As we begin making progress and breaking through to our next level of reality, it can at times seem like we are looking down one long tunnel to anything that is not where we are. Many things can suddenly seem so very far away. This is because they are either not here yet, or we are at a new level where they do not belong. There is no longer any kind of connection. And in addition, we will be connecting differently now anyway…to those on lower vibrating rungs and connecting differently to a higher vibration for us as well. What does that mean? In times past, many in the spiritual arenas chose to connect by meditating, ceremony, and other intentional endeavors. I have been writing for many years now, that as we evolve, these practices become moot. And now they are more moot than ever before. This is because what many used to desire to connect to, is here right now. It is in our space right now. We do not need to go anywhere to connect to a higher way and to higher energies. We do not need to reach. We are in the higher energies we desired to connect to right now. Yet another reason for staying still and being present. We have now ourselves become the non-physical beings that we used to call on for counsel, guidance, and assurance. So if we are now where we used to desire to connect to, how will we connect differently to others? Yes, we have moved up onto a very new rung of the spiritual hierarchy ladder. This then creates movement in accordance. For example, our old guides move up, and we become our old guides. And this will indeed change the nature of our old roles and move us into very new roles. So what about our new roles? Here are the key elements of our new roles: Empowering others will be paramount; We will stay back behind the dimensional border as we will now guide and teach, no longer doing things ourselves; We will offer a vast array of services designed to assist others in arriving where we once were, all the time still evolving ourselves in readiness for our next level; Our new roles will be fine tuned so that we can simplify all our many talents…thus offering one service which will be our area of expertise…our one true passion….our one arena of what comes so very naturally to us. We no longer need to know and do everything; We will go up one rung according to where we were and this will vary for each of us; And at the same time, depending upon which “rung” we are on, we will also be creating higher vibrating lives and immediate surroundings where we will reside in total peace, love, and joy. The Children We have now arrived in the energetic and vibrational space of the new children. Most recently, a new wave of little ones arrived on the planet, and in such a tidal wave of energy that they came in as twins and triplets and even arrived to parents who were not necessarily in spaces of becoming pregnant! These new little ones carried a higher vibration and served to create a grid of energy in order to stabilize the big transition. Our little ones came from realities far, far away that were not familiar with the planet in times past. Now that we have moved up on the ascension ladder, we are in alignment with them and in their vibrational space. What does this mean for us? The energy of the children will come into our spaces as never before. We may find ourselves seeing movies that are strangely all about children or about adopting children. We may find ourselves in spaces where there are children or babies present. We may find that we suddenly desire to be in the company of children in some way. We may get emails about children. We are joining with the new children now to create the new and to hold the energy in place for a higher vibrating reality. Before we join in totality with them, they will serve as the bridge, but this bridging experience will be brief as we will be united with them very quickly. As mentioned in past energy alerts many months ago, Barack Obama will also serve as one who initiates a grid to hold things steady during the major transition. This is his designated role. Looking to this beautiful soul to be other things only places him in a position to create confusion. He is here to hold the space, to create an energetic grid of stability during the fall, and of course a few other icings on the cake. This is why he moved into position so quickly and against all odds, as he was following his soul plan and the evolutionary plan of the planet. We will serve to hold a space of stability as well. Through our new roles, we will reassure, guide, and assist those in their transitional process as we have already been there ourselves. And at the same time, we get to have magical experiences of being in a very new reality of fun, creation, laughter, and joy. Last night I had a dream … I was at Disneyland…we were all there dressing in whatever costumes we chose, being whomever we wanted in our wildest imaginations, laughing, playing, and just having fun like the little ones! I believe this is what is on our very near horizon. Are you ready? www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Until next time, Karen Universal Copyright 2007 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the URL http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis. |
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I Have A Dream
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Tue Dec-09-08 10:19 PM Response to Original message |
1. Here's the book excerpt that came in the E-mail notification... |
From Stepping Into the New Reality...
Not Taking Things Personally Several years ago I was in a group setting where we were practicing EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). EFT is a healing and energy balancing modality which stems from the core belief that "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." And "Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases." (For more information kindly visit http://www.emofree.com.) Through a process of tapping on the meridian points of the body, these energy disruptions or blockages can then be released and re-framed. When I first began experiencing the discomfort of the higher energies hitting my blocked energy spots from toddler rapes, abuse, and much life trauma, this process was greatly helpful in the beginning stages. (Please note that as we progress through the ascension process, many kinds of healing only serve to take us back into spaces where we are no longer vibrating, and thus, healing is no longer needed and is even detrimental. Also, we eventually see that nothing needs to be "fixed" or is wrong once we reach a certain vibration. Our new little ones receiving vaccinations is another example of energies that are totally out of alignment and way too much of a stretch. The vaccinations contain very low level energy and this energy is extremely uncomfortable to these new and higher vibrating babies...and the vaccinations exist in another reality altogether! I am not suggesting or telling anyone what to do here, in this regard. My grandchildren still receive vaccinations, as my daughter feels that this is the right thing. It is always best to go with what feels right to you at the time, as this will place you in alignment with yourself.) While we were tapping away one evening, something suddenly became vibrantly clear. One of the many wonderful things about EFT, is that is serves to give a person the clear and "real" version of things (without the human mis-perceptions and density). What became so blatantly obvious was that what holds us back so many times, is the human pattern of taking things personally. This is because we tend to view things from our ego stance, or dis-connect stance, or rather, through the filter of our blocked energy. We think that everything is about us. "How can we not take things personally, when we only attract what we are vibrating in the first place?" you may wonder. What holds true for all of creation, or how creating works, is that we create from both sides. For example: Most of you who are reading this, realize that we are most certainly going through a spiritual evolutionary process while here in form. What created this process, and why did it begin in the first place? It is being fueled from the outside and from the inside. Our positioning in the universe, and the positioning of the planets, is creating it on the outside. So are the solar flares, and basically all of the cosmos. This is resulting in a raising of our vibration. At the same time, we as human beings, and all the non-physical beings, are summoning this process from the inside. So then, everything is happening at once...culminating in one big creation that meets in a portal of creation in the middle. Did the chicken lay the egg, or did the egg lay the chicken? Which came first? In all of creation, everything happens at once when vibrations reach a certain level of frequency. It is then that manifestation occurs when things culminate through like energies attracting like energies. Similar to always having everything we need, the pieces come together more easily when there is less density. So then, do we attract our experiences, or do our experiences attract us? And how does this relate to not taking things personally? As we vibrate higher and higher, we shed off our density, or the lower vibrating aspects of ourselves. Higher and lower energies cannot exist in the same space, and we are now residing in a higher realm. We only react to things if they trigger something within us that is a match in vibration. As we begin to vibrate higher, we then begin to embody higher ways of being, and not reacting to the outside environment is one of these ways of being. Just like all of the nature kingdom, we eventually come to a place where we simply are. The more purified version of ourselves is composed of our special gifts and talents, our connection to Source, and not much else. In this way, we can be shining our brightest light the majority of the time. Everything else belongs to someone or something else. There are times when we must visit the lower vibrating aspects of reality, as all of the earth is not yet in the same space of vibration and evolution. As always, we can spend time in the denser vibrations, but not for very long, as it is just too unpleasant and at times intolerable. This is the way it was intended. One way to "survive" while dropping down and visiting the lower vibrations is to simply shine our light as brightly as we can. This involves not taking things personally, or reacting to and becoming involved with the dramas that may be occurring. When we interact or respond to these lower vibrating dramas, we then become a part of them ourselves, and only serve to fuel and support them. In addition, reacting to any lower vibrating dramas (or creations) activates them within us as well (just as receiving certain types of healing does). Eventually, the energies that we have not yet released or balanced within us, simply become dormant. So when we are in a higher vibrating reality, they do not become activated; similar to the process of natural selection. By simply being who we are at our highest levels, just like a flower would do, for instance, we are then able to raise the vibration we are in, as well as maintaining our own. Staying centered with who we truly are, while maintaining a connection to Source, is the best way to survive any visits to the denser realities. Most things on the outside eventually do not ever belong to us....period. When we attract situations in our lives that create an emotional response, or charge, this is because we have a corresponding energy pattern that is connected to our dis-connect or ego selves. As we begin to evolve, we can still attract situations or see them unfolding around us, but if we have no particular feelings or emotions about them, then we are free and clear to be who we are at the highest levels. Not taking things personally is one way to do this. Energies we encounter are not always about us. This is one of the reasons I love writing the energy alerts. The energy alerts serve to show us that we are all one, having the same experience. In this way, we need not take things personally. When we all experience the same thing at the same time, we come to know then, that we have not done anything wrong, are not attracting a bad experience because we have an "issue," and everything is as it should be. We are just vibrating higher and going through the same stages of ascension at the same time. All is in perfect order, as this is what we came to do. |
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