I find this interesting because I have noticed this at times with changes in my own life. Things will sometimes blow up in my face just before a significant improvement occurs. The fit I didn't even know was there hits the shan or literally last week my toilet overfloweth which, while no one enjoys such an event and it's clean up, carried a bit extra anguish with my germphobia which at it's peak I would have an anxiety attack if I saw someone exit a public restroom without washing their hands {{{cue horror movie music}}}. Luckily I kept my head in my miniemergency remembering how to shut off the water to the toilet before the room flooded and only going into grossout mode after. The one thing about the quote is it makes me want ot have words with my IAM whatsit about giving me less repulsive events to workout my phobias with if that is what was behind the event!
An excerpt of Starchild's November Earthlog:
http://spiritlibrary.com/starchild/consciousness-and-changemore-ideasKaren, from the USA, wrote in about the idea of what exactly constitutes "critical mass" and how we will know when the time for change is right. She referred me to Patricia Cota-Robles lovely new book "Co-Creating the New Earth" for this information:
"Also, regarding the events in India, I have been reading Patricia Diane Cota-Robles new publication "I Am Cocreating the New Earth." Under one of the sections entitled "Reaching Critical Mass" she states: "When empowering a vision or thought-form, the moment a critical mass of energy, vibration, and consciousness is reached, in alignment with our vision, nothing can stop that vision from manifesting. The problem is that we never know just when we are going to reach that magical moment of critical mass....There are often no outer-world signs to indicate that we are on the brink of reaching a critical mass. In fact many times it looks as if we are very far away from that instant of transformation.
The reason for this is that when we are empowering our visions and our goals, our I AM Presence pushes to the surface everything from the past that conflicts with our vision or would block our vision from manifesting. This gives the illusion that things are getting worse, but in reality these things are just surfacing to be transmuted into Light and cleared out of the way. This cleansing causes things to become very intense, and we usually feel a little overwhelmed. This is when we erroneously conclude that our efforts must be failing, and we just give up......The key to our success is that we just keep on keeping on, even in the face of adversity. The Light of God is infinitely more powerful than any fragmented human miscreation we may have inadvertently created. ....As long as we stay focused on the Light and consecrate our energy to empower only the positive experiences we want to create in our lives and in the world, we will manifest the New Earth faster than we can possibly imagine ('in the twinkling of an eye'). Whatever we do, we must not give up!"
Yes indeed, that is why my original request was for us to keep focussed on the Light and not to allow ourselves to "give up" and fall into the old patterns of choice and behavior. This is a very intense time, and we are certainly feeling these old patterns coming up again as an echo of the past. I saw on the news today that in the India events, a boat had been found that was supposedly the way that the terrorists entered the country, and that there were phones that has been used to call Pakistan. So, the opportunity for creating another war is offered if we choose as a Collective. And the opportunity to make another choice altogether is there if "we" can see this as old trauma that is being brought into the light to be healed and resolved. And cleared out of the way so that we can proceed with the miraculous transformation of our Planet."
© 2006-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
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