I'm taken aback at the planets in the tenth house. This is the house of career and you've got the communications planet, Mercury, in there along with Pluto! You've got the stuff there for a kick-a$$ career! Wow.
This also means to me that you might excel in a job where serious writing is part of it. I will give you some examples: writing speeches for a company CEO. Long, detailed pieces that explain a process, such as a cancer drug and how it works. Also, writers in this area can make very good wages--in my area, $50-75 an hour for regular work and almost double that for freelance. If I knew about businesses in your area, I could give you a better idea. Also, that is for experienced people but even inexperienced people are doing well in these areas right now due to certain changes that are going on in the marketplace.
Now, as one of our posters on this thread said, think in terms of where we're going and where the jobs are going. With Pluto up there and Mercury, too, perhaps writing about the earth-shaking changes that all of the world is going through now... The Uranus in that house could mean a number of different things. It could mean this is an on-again, off-again career but more likely, I'm thinking it could take the form your writing about--things that are just beyond the reach of our comprehension--groundbreaking things, the new.
And wow, if you have Leo midheaven...hmm, that seems to me to say that you could carry all this off with a good deal of showmanship.
Hey wait a second. I think you have the same planets up there that I do. Let me check--it's been ages since I've worked with my chart.
OMD, you do. Hmm, this is very weird.
A note on my way of interpreting: even though I've had numerous courses in astrology, I don't interpret like most astrologers do, according to the angles, etc. I get it psychically. That's a bit unusual but not totally out there. When I'm interpreting on a regular basis, I can look at someone's chart and it's almost like seeing a photograph of the person's life. Unfortunately I have not been doing a lot of this lately so I may be a bit rusty. That's why, if any of our more classical astrologers are reading this and have any points to make about what I've said, I'd be most appreciative. And especially if I've made any errors!
I hope to look at this more later. Maybe, if what I'm thinking is actually true (the matches), we should talk on the phone sometime.
And IHAD, you are an angel for posting the chart here. That was very helpful. You bring so much to this forum. Here's a big hug for you. :pals:
