:hi:, ASAHGers! I've been trying to figure out a way to relay what I'm getting out of the the After-Effects of NDE proto-class I joined early this month. Then viola, Votesomemore's question today and I knew today is the day to express it any way I can.
Well, I got the instructor's response to Week 1 Module 1 this weekend, and she is very thorough in her analysis. The first assignment was basically routine questions/free style writing about your concept of the Perfect Day (my pick from a list of choices to write about), your concept of God, and prioritizing of inner beliefs. Mostly this is for the instructor, as she wrote, "...to provide a conscious and unconscious link between you and myself so that we may work well together. As I read and experience your creative thoughts I will be able to empathize with them and appreciate them. In this way I can align and harmonize my consciousness with yours. As we are all part of the whole, this connection between you and myself will be helpful during the time that we work together on the course exercises."
As you can imagine, the exercises are excellent for organizing thoughts and feelings. But the most profound exercise was in the second half of the assignment, White Light Meditation! Wow! This meditation is everything I thought meditation should be. I’ve been practicing the Gnostic way for about a year and it’s been great for calming the mind. But this White Light Meditation is incredible. I mean I feel absolutely more calm, greater sense of well-being, and just down right giddy. Unexpectedly, my energy level rose the first time I tried it. I hate to be crass, and please forgive me, but it is the same sense of well-being after a most satisfying orgasm. Just thinking about it makes me have to control the vibrations (currents?) that starts in the legs and makes its way through the body.
But what I like most about this meditation is that it puts me in the space of thinking of nothing but the feeling of stillness and peace - when I finally do come down from the bodily impact. And this is when insights and ideas just bubble up. With the other meditation I’m constantly working on quelling random thoughts. When I can't control thoughts now, I think of the White Light and, man, the vibrations just start flowing with that delicious feeling.
Anyway, the instructor says the vibration is definitely Kundalini energy. I've never delved into Kundalini except for buying this book, Kundalini and the Chakras by Genevieve Paulson back in '95/'96 shortly before a fire in my house. I've had no desire to read it but it survived the fire so I kept it for sentimental reasons. Needless to say, I've started learning about the energy and chakras.
I’ve guided my husband and mother through White Light Meditation, with excellent results. They both have a hard time sleeping. I told my sister about it. She tried it with her daughter and my niece slept instantly and peacefully through the night for a change.
Here are the instructions in case you want to try it.
White Light Meditation Sit quietly in your meditation space and in the correct posture for you.
Prepare yourself by just being aware of your breath. When you observe your breathing, you are using the conscious mind to observe what the unconscious mind is doing (the unconscious controls the autonomous system). When the consciousness observes or is aware of the unconscious, there is said to be a meeting or joining of the two. This allows the conscious mind to become receptive to input from the unconscious. To open your breathing channels, breathe in through the right nostril three times and exhale through the mouth. Breathe in through the left nostril three times and exhale through the right nostril. Settle down to normal breathing. Imagine your feet sending rays of energy down into the earth, giving you a secure grounding from which to base yourself. This gives you more balance. Address yourself in prayer or thought to God or the name that you call your highest ideal, and allow your higher or transpersonal self to become more prominent as your mind is calmed. Now see a pure white beam of bright light descending down from its Creative Source and surrounding you in a protective aura of light. Notice a bright ray of this light entering into the top of your head. Allow this white light to cleanse and heal each part of you as it slowly and gently fills your head with light, your face and neck, spreading down into the shoulders, arms and hands right to the very fingertips, which are gently tingling with energy. Take the light down the trunk of the body, healing and cleansing the organs of the heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys; then the lungs and the circulatory blood system and neural system (nerves). With each breath, notice how the light intensifies and cleanses and heals your body in a gentle and caring way. See it filling the lower abdomen, bringing healing to all this area and the contents of the pelvic basin; then moving down through the hips, thighs, the knees, lower legs, ankles, and feet, right to the very ends of the toes. You can feel the toes tingling with energy. If there are any areas that need particular healing, take your mind to that part of yourself and draw the light there as you visualize the light bringing its healing energies. Now see yourself surrounded in healing white light, and know that you are running energy for healing and protection. Rest in this healing feeling for a while, and when you are ready, see yourself surrounded in a cocoon of bright white light, leaving you balanced and peaceful. Address yourself in prayer or thought to God or your highest Ideal, and give thanks for what you have received in your meditation. Sit quietly for a minute or two, then either stretch or move your limbs, or cross the arms and legs to detach from the meditative state and “close” yourself down.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Oh! By the way, about all that guilt of my lack of concern during the NDE, first of all, Carolyn, the instructor says it's very common to become totally detached from family and people you love. From the responses she's getting, it's only a sense of responsibility to something that pulls NDEers back to life. Secondly, my family knew all along that I could have easily made the choice to go. Seems like I was babbling about the experience while still coming out of anesthesia.:crazy: Not one of them told me until I confessed! My dear mom said, "I don't want to talk about it. Who wants their child looking forward to death?" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: