I also found a wonderful explanation of Time in an old book on Free Masonry which I'll share later. It helps to understand the limitations of our human perception of Time and how that perception changes when you introduce Space into the equation.
Of course astrologer Liz Greene did an entire book about Saturn which is excellent if anyone is interested in the psychological qualities associated with Saturn in one's astrological chart.
Kronos | Saturn
Kronos, lord of time, was the youngest son of Ouranos (Uranus, heaven) and Gaia, sky and earth. These two emerged from primal chaos coupled in an endless embrace in which there was no room for children. Gaia was forced to confine them within her body as soon as they were born. She resented this and grieved the loss of her children, so she conspired with Kronos to end the embrace.
She gave him a specially-fashioned adamantine sickle with jagged teeth. Deep within the earth, his mother, Kronos located his father's penis and cut it off, then took it and threw it into the sea. Ouranos and Gaia sprang apart, never to be reunited. Thus did the Lord of Time create the separation between spirit and matter.
The severed member floated for a long time, and eventually, from the foam that surrounded it, Aphrodite was born. From the flecks of blood that were flicked from it, the Erinyes were created to avenge wickedness and the spilling of blood within families.
Thus the Titans, Kronos' brothers, were released and they declared that Kronos should be the second ruler of heaven. He released the Cyclopes and other prisoners in Tartarus, but while he vowed to rule differently, it was not long before the corruption of power overcame him, and he became the same tyrant his father was. Gaia warned him that, like his father, he would be overthrown by one of his children.
When Kronos married his sister Rhea, he swallowed all the children of the union lest one of them overthrow him. Rhea, like Gaia, was unhappy with this, so when Zeus was to be born she fled to Crete, delivering the child in secret, and bringing back to Kronos a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes. Kronos demanded she feed the child, so Rhea expressed milk that became the stars of the Milky Way.
Kronos eventually discovered the deception, but he did not know where the child was, so he hunted through the earth. On his travels he saw the Oceanid Philyra and swore to have her. She resisted by turning herself into a mare to escape but Kronos changed into a stallion and had his way with her. The product of this union was the centaur, Chiron, a god with the form of half man, half horse. Philyra was so distressed by this monster offspring that she changed into a linden tree.
Meanwhile, Zeus, now grown, persuaded the Oceanid Metis, his first wife, to administer a drug to Kronos to force him to vomit up the remaining children. Zeus promised that those who had suffered under Kronos would be raised up and honoured if they would fight with him to overthrow Kronos and the Titans. When this was done he bound them in chains and cast them into the darkness of Tartarus. Zeus later released Kronos and granted him dominion over the Islands of the Blest, a heavenly abode of the virtuous after death.
Despite the tyrannical nature of Kronos' rulership, it was known among men as the Golden Age, the first age of man, when there was no punishment, no war and no work, a time of milk and honey and eternal spring. In this age men did not steal or quarrel, and had the gift of speech with animals. Sexuality was unknown and children were born from the earth, so there was no social structure and no demands. This may well have changed by means of the union of Kronos' son Eros with the mortal Psyche.
This is by astrologer Robert Hand:
Saturn mythological
Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture, first appearing as Etruskian god of sowing, education and law. Sat is an Etruskian word for sowing but also for satiate. Due to the Greek influence Saturn’s attributes have been assimilated with the early Greek deity of Kronos. In Greek mythology Kronos was the youngest son of Gaia (Earth) and Uranos (Heaven). They begat six female and six male Titans, all of them thrown into the Abyss (Tartaros) by Uranos. But Gaia contrived a plan and she could win Kronos over to help her.
Kronos castrated his father with a sickle that Gaia gave him, and Uranos's blood that was dropping to the earth produced the Erinyes, Giants and Nymphs. From his sperm which fell into the sea Aphrodite was born - in other version was Aphrodite a daughter of Zeus and the Titan daughter Dione.
Kronos took the throne and his Titan sister Rhea in marriage. Together they reigned the so called ”Golden Age”, a period of incessant joy, where people lived carefree without any laws, wars and discord.
Kronos, predicted to be overthrown by one of his children, devoured five of his offspring right after their birth. But Rhea was able to preserve her sixth child Zeus from the fate of his other brothers and sisters by outwitting Kronos and giving him a stone to swallow instead of the new-born child. And so could the prophecy come true, as so often in Greek mythology, at the attempt to avoid it. Zeus grew up hidden, returned and conquered the Olymp, overthrew his father and compelled him to vomit the five children he had swallowed. Zeus brought Kronos to Ogygia from where he is watching the deeds of his son in his dreams, waiting for the day to recreate and reign again the Golden Age.
The Roman more and more took to the legend of the Golden Age, as well as to the ritual feasts in honour of the deity. For example the festive days of the Saturnalia were soon identified with Kronos and were completely hellenized.
In later history Saturn also appeared as god of time and death.
Saturn astrological
It takes Saturn 2,5 years to move through a sign of the zodiac and 29.5 years to run once around the zodiac. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. Its position in the horoscope indicates mental conflicts and uncertainties. Saturn makes rules, shows one’s own limitations, represents structure, learning, knowledge and patience, and enables oneself to mature and to take responsibility.
In the following an astrological description of Saturn by Robert Hand from the book ”Horoscope Symbols”:
Saturn is central to an understanding of the individual and his awareness, though its importance is of a different kind from that of the Sun, Moon, and other personal points. Since Saturn is so slow-moving, its position in the zodiac does not distinguish one individual very well from another. Yet Saturn is an energy that concerns collectives, and the relationship of an individual to the collective aspects of life is one of the most important things we can know about a person.
One matter must be dealt with immediately. Saturn is undergoing a great rehabilitation nowadays, and most modern writers agree that it is not as malefic as was once thought. Just as Jupiter, once called the ”greater benefic,” can indicate difficult energies at times, it is also now recognized that Saturn can play a positive role. Yet its power for destruction is still great, not because it is intrinsically destructive, but because in many cases we do not know how to handle Saturn energy. Those who have studied planetary energies have learned to handle what is traditionally describes as ”Saturn's malefic effects,” but few have learned that Saturn's greatest threats to happiness come at precisely those times when it seems to be operating positively. In order to understand this, we must first understand Saturn's basic meanings.
In the course of this text we shall see that Saturn can be seen as the opposite pole of several planetary energies. This stems from the all-pervasive nature of Saturn. Before we look at Saturn's polar relation to Jupiter, let us examine the concept of polarity.
The experience of the universe that we share with each other is founded directly upon the principle of polarity: up-down, left-right, male-female, backward-forward, I-thou, I-it, good-evil, and so forth. In every pair of polar opposites, each member of the pair derives its meaning from the opposite member: each would be meaningless without the other. We all have noted that anything, no matter how pleasurable it might be at first, in excess becomes cloying and even unpleasant. We enjoy cooling off when it is too hot, warming up when it is too cold. And it is not just a matter of finding a balance. Most people need to go back and forth at least to some degree in order really to appreciate one or the other side of any polarity. This is true even of good and evil. At times, most of us enjoy doing what might be considered evil, but few appreciate unalloyed evil. Similarly, most people find those who are too good rather trying. I believe, along with the various schools of Eastern philosophy, that polarity is intrinsic to the nature of the universe, and that it is proper for humanity to follow the shifting paths between polar opposites. This is the path of the Tao.
Reality itself gains its varied nature from the interweaving of polar opposites. Without them, there would be no reality that we could relate to, in fact, no existence. Even existence is polarized by nonexistence.
All about Saturn (in Cabbalism, in Tarot, in mythology, etc.)