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crap.crap.crap. another shoe drops. I don't know what to do.

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northernlights Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 11:16 AM
Original message
crap.crap.crap. another shoe drops. I don't know what to do.
I wrote to the MLT program advisor to let her know I'm out of "non-MLT" courses after this spring and ready to start the MLT program this summer. And to find out where I am on the waiting list. So she told me to submit a "change of program" card asap. And that MLT starts in the fall and courses go in a specific order.

Ok, so unexpectedly I have no school this summer. Maybe time to restructure my life to prepare for big push through MLT.

Double-checked online to see what courses I'd have in the fall, and how the program would progress. They've changed the program site, and now there is no curriculum page. I distinctly remember a curriculum page. So I searched through my several inch thick pile of paperwork from when I first applied and found it. WTF? There is only 1 MLT course per semester for the 1st year?!?! So instead of 15 months left of school...I have 3 effing years left?!? It will have taken me 5 years to finish a "2 year associates degree?!?"

None of this info -- about courses going in a particular order --is available online. Even the curriculum was pulled sometime after August '07.

Damn. Damn. Damn. I was misled -- and in some cases blatantly lied to -- repeatedly by the general advisor, before I was in pre-MLT and had a program advisor. The MLT program advisor has been essentially incommunicado. I don't blame her now -- she's just "retired" due to a recurrence of breast cancer. But according to one MLT student she's been this way all along.

And the general "advisor" is a liar. I'm not the only one who's been effed over this way. The fact is, I could have started the MLT program this past September if I'd been correctly advised, and then would have just 1 year left. The other people I see struggling and, in at least one case, blatantly lied to, have one thing in common with me. We're all 50's females. All of use. Everyone in the program is under 35 or so, except one very attractive man.

I should never have consulted any "professionals."
:cry::cry::cry: I should have stuck with my plan. Sell the effing farm back in spring '07 and move north and inland. I would have been out of here before the big crash and freed up enough money to last a few more years. And then could have downsized again, until all my animals were dead. And then been effing done.

I'm so effing sick of being lied to and robbed. It was bad enough by the stupid little kristian konservative "family company." I thought if I went to a big, regulated, government institution I'd be ok. What a fool.

I can't believe this. I had no debt, enough cash to make the move and a plan to hold out for a decade or so. It was a sad plan, and a lonely one. But at least my babies would have been ok, and I would have had some ok years.

Then I saw what looked like a legitimate "opportunity" and went for it. And now I have almost no cash, $10K in education debt, no decent job future, and I probably can't sell my home.
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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 11:41 AM
Response to Original message
1. I'm so sorry that it turned out this way, northernlights.

I wish that I could help in some way.


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Kookaburra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 11:45 AM
Response to Original message
2. Any way you can file a complaint?
If you have all this documented, you might be able to get renumeration?
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Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 12:12 PM
Response to Original message
3. Dang,
that just sucks, northernlights!

I had to Google MLT to see what your program was - is there a way to have the home office step in on your behalf?

I know that right now you are angry, hurt, betrayed, and lost. Until it gets better, please know that you are supported by the Universe, that you are loved by your babies and your friends here, and that you are held in tender, loving light. :hug:
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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 12:15 PM
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4. One word: COMPLAIN
Okay, first, NorthernLights, some of these: :hug: :hug: :hug: You deserve them.

Now, to business. Complain. Seriously. We always try to get along without making waves, but this is the time to do it, because you are justified. It will take some time--you're going to have to be persistent and nag many varied admins in the university community, but if you're enough of a thorn in their side, you WILL get results.

Now, you just have to decide what you want. Do you truly want your MLT degree, or was it just an "oh heck I'll do this" decision? If you do want your degree, is there another university in the area where you can get some of your credits? If there is, then take your case to the admins at your current university (I'd suggest trying the department head, but if the department head isn't forthcoming, then take it to the admissions office, financial aid, or another department that deals with the behind-the-scenes/underlying "business" issues of education. Better yet, if your educational institution has a student advocate for complaints, an ombudsman, or the like, go there.

Detail your case (have your ducks in a row about how you've been misled--including paperwork that backs this up) and demand that they not only allow transfer of credits from the other institution, but assistance (admissions-wise and financially) in getting those credits.

Ohhh, NorthernLights, I've been there, but for me it was financial aid. When I was in grad school, I'd detail my financial need every semester, and every semester they'd offer me a fraction of what I outlined. (And this was no skin off their nose, as I was applying for a loan, not a grant or scholarship.) And EVERY semester I'd have to march back into the financial aid office and file a complaint. And EVERY semester they eventually gave me the money I needed. It was a pain to do, but marching back into the financial aid office every semester taught me to stand up for myself and poke the institution in the eye with a sharp stick. I entered that university a shrinking violet and exited as something akin to the carnivorous plant named Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors! But that was a GOOD thing!

However, if after examining your motives you realize that you don't, in fact, want your MLT degree and just want out of there, well, then, that's fine too. Never, EVER feel bound to some life path just because you happened to choose it erroneously. Remember that you can change direction at any time--it's entirely up to you. I don't know if you can get reimbursed for the classes you've already taken, but the student advocate likely will be able to advise you.

Here's another :hug: for you. Spend today railing at home, throwing things, and shouting to the skies. Then take a deep breath, go through your papers, and build your case. Because you definitely have one.

Hang in there, NL. I suspect this is a catalyst to get you going in the right direction...but sometimes (often) we have to go over some rough roads before we get on the right, smooth one.
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northernlights Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 12:22 PM
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5. it's all "she said/she said"
And the conversations took place last year. Of course I will complain. I will start by talking to the Bio dept. coordinator. She's sort of an "outside observer" of the program, and knows the ins and outs of the university. The chances of any sort of refund are slim to none. I intend to take out the satellite advisor who screwed me over royally last year.

Hindsight is 20/20. I think they basically set me up to force me into the 4 year degree instead of the 2 year. I made the mistake of mentioning that I wanted to do the 2 year and then after working in field, *possibly* do the 2nd 2 years part time. I didn't know it back then, but I learned just a few weeks ago that with the 2 year degree, you can work 2 years and sit for the 4 year exam.

Problem is that at my age, I can't afford the 4 year program. I had no way of projecting back then what the real costs would be, not to mention that the economy would blow apart. As it is I need to be working as soon as possible and I'll be paying school debt until I'm 75 unless I sell my farm and can pay it off that way.

It's gonna be a shock to them, I guess, when I sell my farm, pay off the effing $10K, move to a trailer and write a very angry letter to the new president of the school, naming names. The MLT advisor is off the hook -- she's dying of cancer. But I intend to get the Rockland advisor. That woman is NOT an advisor. She's a sales liar, and nothing less.

If I'd been correctly advised by her, I would have taken basic chemistry and algebra 2 fall and spring. I might not even have needed algebra 2 -- I was an honours math student through algebra 2 in high school. But since it had been so long, she suggested I take an online exam to see where I fell before signing up for statistics. She neglected to mention that the score would go onto my official records and supercede my former grades. I didn't discover that until last spring, after they wouldn't let me apply for MLT, when it was too late. I also discovered, while taking the placement exam, that the "algebra 2" portion wasn't even algebra 2! It said it was trig, which I never took! I didn't even recognize the symbols!!!!

One fellow student swears the MLT program manager told her she could bypass basic chemistry and go straight into clinical. The MLT program manager has *never* told *anybody* that. I can't help but wonder if said message was "passed along" by the Rockland advisor. That poor woman (my former chem lab partner) dropped out after 4 weeks, when she realized she wasn't likely to make it through. The thing is, no refunds after 2 weeks. I've suspected she was set up ever since. If she'd taken basic chemistry last spring, she could have been in MLT this year too. So she's out the tuition plus set back a full year too.

Another wierd thing...last spring on an exam day, the anatomy professor (who is also director of training at the hospital where I expected to do my practical) approached me and asked if I was the one who had asked about clinicals. I hadn't, and had no idea what she was talking about. She looked puzzled and said she was sure my name had come up.

The next day, I mentioned it to the Rockland advisor, who claimed that the MLT advisor had put my name into consideration at a meeting. It didn't make sense, though, since I was still pre-MLT. So I went back to the anatomy professor and explained that I was just a beginner. According to her it was a big deal, since they were going to pay my tuition. Then I never heard anything again, and was afraid to ask about it. Now I wonder if the Rockland advisor is the one who put my name in, and caused me problems there too...

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northernlights Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 03:05 PM
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6. well I've pretty much blown off today
all my plans for the day gone because of this shock.

I've determined that if I could go to school full time, I could finish a BA in biology faster and cheaper than the Med Tech program, and faster than the MLT program part-time.

But the 4-year degree ups the loans considerably. Instead of 8 more courses it would be 17 more courses. And living money for 2 years. Instead of $30K in loans that I expected (and planned to pay off when I sell my home), it would be closer to $50-60K. Considering how fast the housing market is plummeting, I'd probably end up pushing 58 and flat broke, or keep the debt and be paying a very large chunk of my income to paying the debt. That wasn't the plan. The plan was to either have a low debt load and be able to save some for retirement, or pay off the debt, have less equity to start and save even more for retirement.

I've thought about the fact that I really don't want to work in a hospital, I'd rather work in either a diagnostics, research or crime lab. The MLT program requires the hospital practical.

I've thought about the people I've met. My 1st year, the fellow students were mostly great. All but one were nursing students and super nice. One was MLT: she was snooty last year in statistics, but this year nice in chemistry, but also needed my help (my former lab partner).

In microbiology, the nursing students have been nice. My lab partner was MLT and a passive aggressive bitch.

The lab manager where I'd be doing my practical is brilliant, but pretty intimidating and about 10-15 years young than me.

In chemistry, my lab partner is a bio major and very nice (and very, very smart). All the female mlt students there have been cliquish, unfriendly and sometimes downright rude.

So I have been having some doubts about MLT. I'd even asked one of the free "spirit guide sessions" offered here if after 6+ years of doors closing in my face, this was the right path or should I ease up, but unfortunately was told to quit feeling sorry for myself and that I needed a kick in the butt.

I just don't know which way to turn. I know that Monday morning I will change the program card. I can always drop out later, but if I don't get in now I don't get in, period. I also will write to the bio dept. coordinator and ask for her input.

If I can find a job, which had been my original intention, I can do one course while working. This semester I have a very light load, so I will start checking the local hospital website. And I will contact my anatomy professor. She is director of training at that hospital and told me she would give me a reference any time. So maybe that way I won't need to borrow as much money and can continue the MLT on the slow path...
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LaurenG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-09 06:05 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. On edit:
Edited on Sun Jan-04-09 06:23 AM by OhioBlues
I guess I would say that everyone who channels runs the risk of channeling themselves.

Whatever is coming through has to run through the person doing the channeling and the old ego will sometimes get in there and take over as well as energy from less than enlightened beings. I have never known a true spiritual guide to be anything less than encouraging but when the channel is tired or too emotionally involved the personality can sometimes come through rather than purer information.

I think you are being given an opportunity to think through what you really want. Delays are often blessings in disguise and a way for your higher self to do what it's here to do. I don't have your answers but I would encourage you to take a deep breath and look at this as an education in human nature and a way to really think through what you need and want.
We all get kicked in the backside at some point, I haven't met a person yet who hasn't. Your challenge seems to be centered around some very important goals for you. What you really want can still come to pass. I am sorry that this is happening, I feel your pain and I pray that you will find a way to be at peace with what is happening to you until you can again be working toward your goal. :hug:
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Mist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-09 10:03 AM
Response to Original message
8. After getting your papers in order, and all other info you need, contact a lawyer. It seems
to me you have been deliberately misled (I would guess for financial reasons, meaning the school is dragging out the program to force students to take more classes and therefore spend more money). I would think you'd have a case for fraud. I think talking to a lawyer would sort things out a bit. PLUS, I learned long ago that a simple letter of inquiry from a law firm can bring people around smartly to paying attention to you.

Now, I hope you don't think this is too rude, but you've had 6+ years of doors closing in your face, and you've been dealing with a vipers' den of liars--maybe the universe is trying to guide you AWAY from this particular program? (I say this with understanding, believe me, as I used to go through life trying to batter down every brick wall I encountered, rather than looking for alternatives to what I had determined I "must do." I'm still learning the art of letting the universe tell me when a path is not for me, so I'm not criticizing you!)

It sounds as if you have options other than pursuing this particular program.

I suggest getting a lawyer, simply because if you go back to trying to get something concrete and coherent from these PROVEN LIARS, you'll just get played like a pinball again. People have a way of straightening up and being careful with their answers when there's a whiff of lawsuit in the offing. Plus, you won't feel so alone in dealing with these toxic people.
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northernlights Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-09 01:29 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Thank you everybody for your hugs and support
I majorly appreciate it. I'm feeling better today and coming up with a plan of action.

The 6 years of closed doors wasn't all around MLT. First, it was when my career in high tech marcom totally crashed and it became clear it wasn't coming back any time soon. Since then, it seems to be an annual attempt and failure to get my life back on track.

There was the 6-month training program I went through in hopes of starting a business, but I decided against it (and for good reasons).

Then it was when I moved here with loose plans around starting a business, but ended up with major cost overruns starting with a single bad contractor (in a very unregulated, rural area where locals protect each other against evil "transplants").

Then it was the low end job with the nutcase family.

Then it was when I was contacted by a former colleague at HP for a big freelance project, so I though maybe my career had been merely comatose, not dead. Only it turned out he is (most likely unwittingly) part of an identity theft ring operating out of HP and they made off with my identity, but no actual work.

Oh, and there was real estate course right before the market crashed, although that was actually a last-ditch hope of helping to fund the MLT training.

And *now* it's the MLT training itself.

Anyway, I've been remembering and remembering specific conversations and how I made specific decisions. Again, it's mostly "she said/she said." She's a slippery sales type; they always maintain deniability.

I looked into a number of other MLT programs last night and will continue researching them. The pros are it could be time for me to move to a warmer, friendlier climate. The cons are that every program is somewhat different so it doesn't look like that will speed up the training. Plus as a nonresident, my tuition will go way up. So as of this moment, the cons are winning.

I also know there is more than one way to skin a cat. If I get an "in" at the hospital where the clinicals and much of the training is held, rules can be bent. And I do have a potential reference from their training director.

I'm just backed into a corner right now. I either *have* to find work, which I've been unable to do for most of the last 6 years. Or I *have* to sell my this market. Or I *have* to take extra courses and get another loan. Or I *have* to win the lottery.
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Mist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-09 01:50 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. I feel for you, and hope a smooth path appears soon. nt
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-09 10:55 PM
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11. another possibility
What about contacting your legislative rep? They're supposed to look into things like this. It sounds like your program is run by incompetents. If it's state-run, then you should possibly have an option with your legislative rep. Also, look into who is on the education committees for your state. Those people would have some clout, too, and your educational institution would truly cringe if they knew you were informing these people of your troubles with your university. They are always afraid of anyone who tampers with their image and especially when it could interfere with their state funding.

Wish I knew what state you were in so I could stay the hell away from that place for forever!

Anyway, I like what MG said and think you should pull out all the stops.

I'm sorry your options seem so limited. It is indeed painful when one has invested so much and then has the rug pulled from underneath.

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Kind of Blue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-31-09 01:59 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Agree with NCher, Northernlights.
Edited on Tue Mar-31-09 02:02 PM by Kind of Blue
Had to edit because I didn't realize that I somehow clicked on this thread from January :crazy: That's what I get for sneaking on from work, but I'm glad I did and still hold the same sentiment :)

One of my sisters went through her university hassling her about many school loans that she never had and it messed up her life for years. Then she contacted our rep in Maryland at the time (the only republican I've ever liked) who, to our surprise, jumped on the case personally and immediately and then sent her office to investigate. The school was wrong, wrong, wrong and almost got away with it. Please try this because it can work.
I'm so sorry for these unfortunate events and request all of them will turn out for the better in the long run :hug: :loveya:
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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-31-09 02:22 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. took me down the rabbit hole with you! :)
Crazy, crazy, crazy week..........;)

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Kind of Blue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-31-09 06:35 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. It sure has been too crazy.
:hi: I just hope Northernlights is not put off by my lunacy. :hug: :hug: :hug: to you and us all in riding this period out!
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-01-09 07:09 AM
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15. Take several calming breaths
then get on the phone to the school, and get things sorted out. Mention an attorney if need be. I had a problem with a course at a university years ago--the instructor never turned in the grades. One call to the dean and it was all straightened out. You are paying for this education, and you have a right to demand it--and it does sound like fraud if you can only take 1 class a semester if they said you'd get a degree in a short time.

Just know that this too shall pass away. Visualize what you really want--see it happening, feel your relief and joy at it happening. This will set into motion that which needs to be done to get you there.

Best wishes! :hug:
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