Okay, first, NorthernLights, some of these: :hug: :hug: :hug: You deserve them.
Now, to business. Complain. Seriously. We always try to get along without making waves, but this is the time to do it, because you are justified. It will take some time--you're going to have to be persistent and nag many varied admins in the university community, but if you're enough of a thorn in their side, you WILL get results.
Now, you just have to decide what you want. Do you truly want your MLT degree, or was it just an "oh heck I'll do this" decision? If you do want your degree, is there another university in the area where you can get some of your credits? If there is, then take your case to the admins at your current university (I'd suggest trying the department head, but if the department head isn't forthcoming, then take it to the admissions office, financial aid, or another department that deals with the behind-the-scenes/underlying "business" issues of education. Better yet, if your educational institution has a student advocate for complaints, an ombudsman, or the like, go there.
Detail your case (have your ducks in a row about how you've been misled--including paperwork that backs this up) and demand that they not only allow transfer of credits from the other institution, but assistance (admissions-wise and financially) in getting those credits.
Ohhh, NorthernLights, I've been there, but for me it was financial aid. When I was in grad school, I'd detail my financial need every semester, and every semester they'd offer me a fraction of what I outlined. (And this was no skin off their nose, as I was applying for a loan, not a grant or scholarship.) And EVERY semester I'd have to march back into the financial aid office and file a complaint. And EVERY semester they eventually gave me the money I needed. It was a pain to do, but marching back into the financial aid office every semester taught me to stand up for myself and poke the institution in the eye with a sharp stick. I entered that university a shrinking violet and exited as something akin to the carnivorous plant named Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors! But that was a GOOD thing! :rofl:
However, if after examining your motives you realize that you don't, in fact, want your MLT degree and just want out of there, well, then, that's fine too. Never, EVER feel bound to some life path just because you happened to choose it erroneously. Remember that you can change direction at any time--it's entirely up to you. I don't know if you can get reimbursed for the classes you've already taken, but the student advocate likely will be able to advise you.
Here's another :hug: for you. Spend today railing at home, throwing things, and shouting to the skies. Then take a deep breath, go through your papers, and build your case. Because you definitely have one.
Hang in there, NL. I suspect this is a catalyst to get you going in the right direction...but sometimes (often) we have to go over some rough roads before we get on the right, smooth one.