The Summer Solstice map lines
USA Neptune AS line and Uranus square MC California. Neptune has been a big pop line for quakes for several months now and Uranus went active for pointing to quakes on the retrograde turn.
Washington DC is highlighted and Venus has turned mean. As we enter Mars opposition to Jupiter in a few days....any news coming out of Washington should have some leg.
Moon square Mars and Jupiter 6/22/05
Venus inconjunct Pluto 6/22/05
Venus conjunct Saturn 6/25/05
Venus opposite Chiron 6/29/05
What do you think the odds are of 43 announcing peace breaking out?
New Madrid lines are highlighted and if we stick to map overlaps she has taken multiple Uranus hits on Uranus turn dates. Note Mercury square AS with North Node boxed by Jupiter square MC to the West and Venus square AS to the East.
Mercury inconjunct Pluto 6/23/05
Mercury conjunct Venus 6/27/05
Mercury opposite Chiron 6/29/05
Check out the Mars/Jupiter cluster just to the East of Houston.....all the these clusters worldwide are super hot.
World Map All Mars/Jupiter lines on the above map in red and pink....ouch.
Note the Neptune lines in the Far East traveling South. Neptune has proved to be a quake trigger as mentioned with the Uranus and Neptune mutual reception.
Basic World Map Sun IC line......Mexico
Sun inconjunct Chiron 6/23/05
Venus IC line {dark green} is parked over the recent 7.9 quake off the West Coast of South aint over till its over.
Neptune DC line Eastern Europe swings South through Africa {purple line}.....Moon conjunct Neptune 6/25/ this the trigger?
Uranus DS line {blue line} ....Russia down through Iran.
Moon conjunct Uranus 6/25/05
The Pluto lines and Chiron lines { Pluto looks like a small e...and Chiron like an old key} are both getting hit with multiple triggers. Both are black lines.
Moon conjunct Pluto 6/21/05
Venus inconjunct Pluto 6/22/05
Venus opposite Chiron 6/29/05
This is a loaded map as we go trigger happy very soon.
The map will also be hot the end of July as we enter another zone of major triggers.
Sun... Orange
Neptune... Purple
Uranus... Blue
Venus... Green
Mars... Red
Jupiter... Pink
Pluto, Chiron, the nodes....all black
This is a trigger happy Solstice map
I took a quick look ahead into July.....It sure looks like the first month of Summer will be action packed with both Earth events and actions of the hand of man.