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Looking for info on elemental spirit beings

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-09 10:58 PM
Original message
Looking for info on elemental spirit beings
Edited on Sat Jan-31-09 11:02 PM by Shallah Kali
websites books etc. anything on salamanders and the others. My google fu has failed me & I find only basics or useless (to me) info on video/roleplaying games.I have had some *very* interesting things happen in the past few weeks and trying to figure out how to respond.
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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-31-09 11:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. Have you seen this book by Doreen Virtue?
Edited on Sat Jan-31-09 11:13 PM by I Have A Dream
"Fairies 101: An Introduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Fairies and Other Elementals"

I have it but haven't had time to read it yet. It was highly recommended to me though, so it might be worth checking out.

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 12:11 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. I found it on google books preview.
Edited on Sun Feb-01-09 12:38 AM by Shallah Kali
hm. I am not sure this is something that will help me as a search does not bring up any references to salamanders. If I am not off my rocker it was a salamander I first encountered and today a gnome. I wuold like to know if there is some sort of proper etiquette to use with these beings or is normal polietness work so I don't get singed....

Maybe I had best share a little of what happened. One night as I was trying to fall asleep I was doing my usual reiki/chakra clearing thing starting with the earth star chakra. my mental focus drifted into the earth down past the crust into the mantel so I thought why not send Reiki there? As I was sending I saw a spirit of fire in my minds eye that looked a bit like an elongated dragon figure like Mushu in Mulan :shrug: but glowing. He wanted to know why I was sending Reiki so I said I wanted to undo any bad vibes down there from humans and just in general help the world be a healthier balanced place for all beings. I kept checking with my guides that this was a being of Light as I had never had anything like this occur before always getting the OK to continue. I then offered to send Reiki to him and any other beings of the Light who wished to accept & he and I felt others accept but first they asked what I wanted in return. I said I just wanted it used for the highest good of all beings to heal anything needing healing & resoring to balance. He then asked if I wanted to ally and I said I wasn't sure as I am new to this and did nto want to make agreements until i was sure of what I am getting into. Also beings like him have a rep of firery temper and great strength and I didn't want to get singed even without him/them meaning to which made the spirit laugh (or at least project the feeling of amusement). I indicated I probably would be back if that was ok with them and share reiki with anyone who wanted it. He accepted this so I said goodbye and brought my mind back to my body. Just before I fell asleep I felt/saw in my mind's eye that I had been sent a gift from the fire spirits. Again I checked with my guides if it was of the Light I got a yes but confirmation for my feeling that the energy was too strong for me. So I sent it back with thanks and regrets that my form wasn't ready to handle it. They sent it back so I guess it is somewhere nearby waiting for me to absorb it when it won't make me blow out oa chakra circut or something :p
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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 12:27 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Another book is...
"Enchantment of the Faerie Realm" by Ted Andrews. I have it and looked through it. I didn't see anything specifically about etiquette, but it may be in there. You may want to check it out.

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 02:16 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Yay Salamanders are in this one - linkity link link link:
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 05:20 AM
Response to Reply #2
7. IIRC, Cleita knows about these things..
I wuold like to know if there is some sort of proper etiquette to use with these beings or is normal polietness work so I don't get singed....

If she doesn't check in, maybe you could PM her.
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 03:28 PM
Response to Reply #7
16. Hi there. There is a certain etiquette. When you invite the faeries into your
lives, you must respect their space. Their space is parallel to ours so don't play loud music or do activities like killing insects that are unpleasant to them. The majority of them don't like metal so don't give them any gifts made of it. If you ask them for favors you need to give them a little thank you gift. A simple one of milk, honey, or chocolate for instance. I put it in my garden on a little fairy statue that has a sunflower for a hat. The sunflower is the perfect platform for a faery gift. Be reminded that they will play tricks on you. They have a sense of humor. Like you might lose things to have them suddenly show up when you have given up in despair. They are having fun with you, but are doing these things to get your attention to focus on matters that you need to attend to but are buried down in your subconscious. I agree with the above poster that Doreen Virtues books are a good place to start for the uninitiated. After that the faeries will reveal themselves to you as you interact with them. These spirits are part of the world of higher spirits as well like angels and you can call on both if you would like them to work together. Certain activities attract them like gardening, needlework or creative arts, music, dancing, writing and the like. They will come around to inspire you when you are engaged in these activities. The Greeks called them muses.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 03:59 PM
Response to Reply #16
18. Some sort of spirits play with my cats
Actually the cats don't try to play with them, just follow the around the house and watch totally enthralled eyes wide like kids watching fireworks. The spirits mostly bob around near the ceiling although once in a while they come down low and the cats race to get as close to the spirit as possible. They have never tried to swat or leap at whatever exactly it is they are watching. One evening I asked a spirit that had a multicat audience if it would come and rest upon my hand for a moment. I had the gentlest sensation of something so light and sweet and heavenly soft briefly rest in my palm! After I did it my Mother asked as well and she too felt that delicate touch as if a feathered ball of light had alighted in her hand. We were both amazed and thanked the spirit for this gift.

The spirits do not show up regularly but do tend to turn up after I have done some energy clearing work on the property or nearby areas. They have such a gentle innocent energy they must not feel comfortable around any accumulation of bad vibes.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 01:17 AM
Response to Reply #16
24. I haven't tried physical gifts yet as they seem happy with Reiki
I was about to say I had yet to ask for a favor but then I remembered I asked them to help me find a new more suitable home for my Mother & I last year and gave them Reiki in return. I also promised to work to attract someone who would respect them and the land to buy our current place so they and the land wouldn't be mistreated by the new occupants. OH and I forgot I do ask them sometimes when I offer reiki to restore balance in the creatures on the land like when japanese beetles start devouring our plants flowers. I don't like to kill things even those beetles which tick me off so if there is some way have nature run it's course more effeciently so the beetles only take a small number of plants instead of eating the roses down to the stalks I would much prefer that!
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BanzaiBonnie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 06:16 AM
Response to Reply #2
11. Respect --- which it looks like you are aware
From what you've written,

When working with any elementals, respect is all important. But then, you know that. And by respect I mean being careful and also thnkful for their presence and what they do.

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 12:30 PM
Response to Reply #11
14. I remember all the folk tales about showing spirits proper respect & keeping ones word
or bad things happen. Not that I would deliberately be untruthful with them or others it just is a reminder to always show respect. It is not like with my guides who are willing to take me as I am and forgiving if I am rude & forget to thank them for help. Just because they are on the side that wears the white cowboy hats does not mean they might not have a temper and willing to hand out what they feel is just deserts to anyone that jerks them around.

So far my interactions have been friendly and I want to keep it that way. Also as i told the spirit of fire I know he could singe me without meaning to if he underestimates what my physical and energy form can take. He might be appearing as a tiny squiggle of a dragon to me right now but that is only how he is presenting himself to me not as he truly is. I get the feeling I was shown that image only as a courtesy to give me a context & possibly so I wouldn't be all :crazy: and :hide:
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rosesaylavee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 10:18 AM
Response to Reply #2
12. Wow Shallah Kali
Let us know how you work this out. I remember reading about elementals many years ago and am curious again after reading this post. As I was reading this, thought of what the Irish do to make peace with a similar entity where they are - they offer small cups of honey/milk to the Gentry as they call them.

Really, let us know where this leads you. And thank you for posting your experience here.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 11:56 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. The ones I have sensed so far are happy with Reiki instead of the trad. saucer of milk
I have offered Reiki to any beings of light in my area who wished to receive many many times before this but never got a sense of them other than gratitude and that the reiki was accepted. Oh and since I started this I get a feeling of welcome when I come home like they are happy to see me again. I never strove much to try to detect more figuring it was enough that I could send them some good vibes to make up a bit for the crap humanity spews out and doing so make the area at least a little bit healthier for all beings.

I had a very interesting encounter with an earth spirit as well that I will post about in a bit. I am still processing all of this. I never set out to develop abilities in this area but since they are cropping up I will do my best to make good use of them.
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juno jones Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 09:54 PM
Response to Reply #2
20. Politeness is the key
They will continue to return and the rest will follow naturally:).

The old-timey stuff like leaving out food offerings and such seems to work and they seem to find it pleasing.

From what I understand, they are our equals on this plane. A bit less complex than us as we are made up of all four elements and not just one, but still quite sentient and on our level and capable of evolviing into more complex forms. I regularly ask them for assistance in maintaining this plane so we can all evolve together.

My personal experience is that it is OK to ally with them, it is not like taking a lower spirit for an ally or familiar where you have to keep it in control, or be wary of subtle corruption. If you are offered again, my advice is to check the veracity of the spirit by a simple banishing of negativity and if you elemental remains, you know that it is kosher to ally. They are our equals and natural allies upon this plane.

If you are worried about imbalance of only having alliance with fire spirits, feel free to go out of your way and offer freindship to the other elementals as well. I usually call up all of the elements at once to keep balance, then perhaps single one group out that I wish to communicate with at the time.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 01:36 AM
Response to Reply #20
25. Hi & thank you for the advice
:hi: So far the Salamander has accepted that we won't have a formal working relationship, willing to take things as they come & give me a chance to get to know him, his kind & their abilities. I got the impression that he and the others were quite intelligent and that the image given to me was to simplify things for me. A big part of my caution in handling this is I know from experience with other beings that they tend to overestimate what energy I can handle. I only work with beings of divine light (telling anything else no way) so that is not the issue. I don't know why this is so I only know I have to warn new people to go easy on me because I am not as powerful or trained as I must look to them and that they must take this into account when working with me. I know this experience is a gift and I don't want to blow it by finding out if I really can blow out a chakra working with beings of this power as I have had nearly that feeling a few times in the past.

Thank you for the advice to look for the other elementals to help keep things in balance. If they do not pop in on their own fairly soon I will actively seek them out. I want to help heal anything that is out of wack in the world and as elemental beings are some of those who have that as their charge it is only smart to go to them instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.
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juno jones Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 04:26 PM
Response to Reply #25
30. Reiki is good too!
They will enjoy reiki!

I want to help heal anything that is out of wack in the world and as elemental beings are some of those who have that as their charge it is only smart to go to them instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.

Oh yeah. ;)
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 06:44 PM
Response to Reply #30
32. They are very firm about giving an exchange of energy when I give it to them
Last night the Salamander did something to my sinus very carefully sending the tiniest thread of flame up inside like he was delicately cauterizing something unhealthy in there. Considering I have had chronic sinusitis as far back as I can remember I was very prompt in accepting an offer of healing. I got the impression from him that he is considering doing healing work with me when I work on others :bounce: That would be exciting and fascinating! I help him and his kin with the Earth and he could me when he chooses with the humans :)

Thank you for liking my new name! It feels so good to claim my connection to Kali :hug:
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juno jones Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 04:29 PM
Response to Reply #25
31. PS
I like your new name.
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Silver Gaia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 06:06 AM
Response to Reply #1
10. Just noticed that Doreen Virtue will be on C2C Monday night.
Thought it might be of interest to some...
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MagickMuffin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 02:08 AM
Response to Original message
4. Here's some info, not sure if it's what you're looking for, but thought I would offer it
This first entry seems to have the most info on Elemental Dieities. From reading the entry (the last paragraph) it seems as though you approached the Salamander with your offering that they are accepting your offer and want you to be a helper.

Prince Oromasis and Diana, hierarchs of the Fire Element

The Elemental beings that serve with the Fire Element under their hierarchs are known as fiery Salamanders. Like most elemental beings their perceptions in Nature are hardly automatic. In fact Salamanders because they reflect the highest vibrating body (the etheric body) are often translucent in appearance and form. When "captured" in sight they can be masters of changing form, in fact they are almost formless as they represent the aspect of fire or etherilization of form.

Ever see the the spiraling and ever changing nature of fire and watch how its alluring and alternating flames can draw you into realms of perception as the mind transforms from thought to a spherical knowingness or depth. This is descriptive how the etheric level reaches and elevates our consciousness. Sometimes you might even notice an outline of a fiery salamander in a campfire perceive a flash, a trail of rainbow iridescence appearing as well, a Salamander or like shape.

Like all of elemental life, The Fiery Salamanders relate and appeal to the gentle Christ nature in people and the emanations of the soul patterns that have an openness and childlike quality to receive and follow nature's gifts. They are attracted to joyous and loving energies.

Salamanders are also very vulnerable to many influences and because they have been sought out by those hoping to command their energies, and manipulate them for their own deeds, we must call to Archangel Michael to free them from any imprisonment.

Because Fiery Salamanders are transmitters of the highest etheric emanations they can help us perceive and step down the highest impressions and radiations of heavenly energies. Before the idea, before the thought is the etheralization, the impression that emanates as a pre-formation, a formless impression in the Mind of God as an expression.

Sometimes, we sense this when we seem to grasp, but not yet are able to re-call or call into form something not yet formed as an idea, not concrete in thought yet, though on another level we have a sort of spherical awareness that it already exists, because it does!

Many people often take walks in Nature to clear their minds and often unbeknown to them a fiery Salamander may help them coalesce into form the answer to a problem or question.

Because the etheric level functions on a much faster and vibrationally higher level, we have to escape the confines of earthly dimensions, to where inspirations are seeded. It all happens in the mind, the vast divine computer of God and while our planetary peoples evolve in dimensional levels of awareness, Elemental life can bridge or hasten our understanding and attunement.

The fiery Element is the most powerful element in purification and thus we can call on the fiery salamanders to purify our four lower bodies, helping us to transmute the substance of all densities including impure food, contaminations of our minds by drugs or indulgences in graphic images that injure and disrupt the pure seeing vision as well as discordant feelings and memories that seem to play over and over

Fiery Salamanders along with Angel Devas are intended to keep the purity of Spiritual Dimensions infused throughout Nature resulting in plant and elemental life out picturing the layers, colorations and vibratory levels of the etheric heavenly state intended to manifest on Earth.

Unfortunately legions of fiery salamanders working under the direction of Oromosis and Diana are often utilized as custodians attempting to rid mankind and nature from discordant and dissonant energy interfering with the original etheric plan for earth and its inhabitants.

Again, as with all the elemental kingdom, enlightened souls must prepare to work with and include elemental life to restore our planet. Fiery salamanders are specifically qualified to assist and inspire mankind with both cause and effect to our solutions that can ressurrect our Earthly home.

Fire: Salamanders

The salamanders are the spirit of fire. Without these beings, fire cannot exist. You cannot light a match without a salamander's being present. There are many families of salamanders, differing in size, appearance, and dignity. Some people have seen them as small balls of light, but most commonly they are perceived as being lizard-like in shape and about a foot or more in length.

The salamanders are considered the strongest and most powerful of all the elementals. Their ruler is a magnificent flaming being called Djin. Those who have seen him say that he is terrible, yet awe-inspiring in appearance.

Salamanders have the ability to extend their size or diminish it, as needed. If you ever need to light a campfire in the wilderness, call to the salamanders and they will help you.

It has also been said that salamanders (and the other elemental beings) can be mischievous at times. For example, a fiery temper and inharmonious conditions in a person's home can cause these beings to make trouble. They are like children in that they don't fully understand the results of their actions. They are greatly affected, as are all nature spirits, by human humankind's thinking.


FIRE… intuition, energy, power, life, creativity…love.

Those born as Fire Elements have reincarnated to learn to love nature, others and most importantly themselves.

Love - not emotion, but love strengthened from within - that is the key to the Fire Element.

An elemental is a mystical creature that is attuned with one of the elements. The salamander is the elemental being associated with Winter and is a representation of the person known since ancient times as the Fire element. Usually lizard-like in form, the salamander can often be seen twisting and crawling in the midst of a fire. Without them there would be no warmth in our world.

My google search elemental Salamanders

I hope this helps :hi:

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 02:43 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Oh thank you! the bit about calling on AA Michael jumps out at me
as he is one of my spirit allies and I am always bugging him to clear out the worst nasties! I will be sure to be on the especial lookout for trapped or stuck nature spirits the next time my mind wanders. I wuold respond more but I am tired and need to give this a read when my brain is better rested!
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Silver Gaia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 05:29 AM
Response to Original message
8. You might be interested in this one:
Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings: Working with the Intelligence in Nature by Marko Pogacnik, Findhorn Press, 1996

I don't remember, specifically, if it talks about salamandars, but it is a bit deeper than a lot of the books out there about working with elementals. And it's published by Findhorn.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 01:06 AM
Response to Reply #8
23. That book and others by the author on earth accupuncture look fascinating! Thank you!
Too bad this book isn't one of the ones with a preview available on google books. Oh well I will peek at his other that is there to get an idea if his work might be useful to me before getting my library to interlibrary loan a copy for me.
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Silver Gaia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 05:46 AM
Response to Original message
9. Here's something else:
"Salamanders – The elemental being of this classification of Wee Folk, they originated in the Middle East and are very powerful creatures who are totally aware of their value to practitioners of magick.

Salamanders are the most powerful of the elementals and the only ones undoubtedly proven to exist in the mundane world, however, in their physical existence they are merely lizard-like amphibians indigenous to both Iberia and Asia. It was bout 3000 years ago when Jewish and Egyptian mystics of the Middle East declared the Salamander’s astral self to be the archetypal elemental being of the South and, as such, representative of fire. This decision may have been based on their ability to live in the heat of the desert, and their chameleon-like adaptability that gives them the ephemeral appearance like that of a flame. It was from there that they became a part of ceremonial magick.

The Salamander, as an elemental, incorporates aspects of both its physical and astral beings in that it is a creature who is able to live in fire because its icy body continuously extinguishes the flames.

There are many types of Salamanders, differing in size and appearance, as well as in levels of dignity. Greek philosopher Paracelsus says, “Salamanders have been seen in the shapes of fiery balls, or tongues of fire, running over the fields or peering in houses.”

In medieval times these nature spirits were most often described as being shaped like a lizard, at least a foot long, and glowing s if twisting and crawling through fire. They have also been seen in the form of huge flaming giants wearing protective sheets of fiery armor.

One of the most important groups of Salamanders is the Acthnici, who only appear as indistinct globes. They float over water at night and sometimes appear as forks of flame on the masts and riggings of ships (St. Elmo’s Fire). The ruler of these fiery spirits is the Djin who is terrible and awe-inspiring in appearance. They have a particular affinity with all beings that have a fiery or tempestuous temperament and, in both animals and men; they rule our emotional nature through body heat, the liver, and the blood stream. Without their help there would be no warmth.

Because of their connection to ceremonial magick, Salamanders can lend their energies to any ritual or spell, especially those that incorporate fire. And, since they automatically show up when you invoke the four quarters of a circle, developing a friendly relationship with them, through positive workings, can be a big benefit to any magickal working."

It is true that the tales of salamandars originated in the Middle East and that they are associated with the djinn (who are actually also a part of Islam).
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 01:12 PM
Response to Original message
15. My encounter with a spirit of the earth & how it helped me
My encounter with a spirit of the earth & how it helped me

A few nights ago as I was sending out Reiki I got the mental image of a small being something between a garden gnome and a dwarf of the snow white disney variety. He was hopping up and down trying to get my attention saying HMMMM HMMMM HMMM. I think my psychic ear needs developing so I could understand this being better. Anyhow I got the impression he wanted something so I asked and then received the impression he wanted some Reiki for him and other earth spirits in the area. I told him I was happy to (after double checking with my guides that this was a being of light) and started beaming Reiki in his direction with the intention that it was at the rate that served his and the other earth spirits highest good etc. Reiki is pretty much self regulating and as hard to hurt anyone with just like you can't concuss someone with a nerf ball but I include that intention with my sends just in case. Soon I felt enough Reiki had been received so I asked if it was enough, got a yes, & thanked them for letting me help them as healthier earth benefits me as well as them. I felt their gratitude so I said Namaste, gave them a mental bow and brought my attention back onto my body so I wouldn't be half out of body or something out of wack like that.

I went back to self-treating when I felt the earth spirit's presence again and was given the mental image of him giving me a gift that looked like a small brown rock. I checked with my guides that this was of the light and it would be safe & good to accept. I thanked the spirit and accepted the gift. It felt like a bit of earthy energy joined with my left foot as if small healing occured there. I felt more aware of that part of my foot and that it was healither and stronger for the gift. I thanked the earth spirit again and said goodbye.

The next day I again felt the earth spirit's presence and this time his efforts to get my attention were very urgent. He was hopping up and down like a frusterated child trying to get a distracted parents attention which makes me wonder how long he had been trying to get me to pay attention. He was pointing at a nearby area and I got the impression he wanted me to send Reiki to it as something needed healing. As I sent my attention that way I did feel that something really nasty was over there so I asked my guides and allies to help me with this. I did some clearing stuff including asking if any beings were stuck that they be given help to cross over or go where they were supposed to be as well as sending Reiki.

I could feel this was improving the energy of the area but at the same time I felt there was something still very unhealthy in there like we were only cleaning up the edge of a big pile of putrescence. Then I got a mental image of a black hole with a black line leading in and out of it so then I *knew* it was a black leyline with a chakra right near the middle of the area being treated. ick. Time for the big guns so I called on Archangel Michael & Kali along with any other beings of light up to dealing with this sort of situation asking them to clean it up. I know I am not up to touching something like that so I stuck to sending reiki and any other high energy I could to Archangel Michael, Kali and the others to help and support them doing the dirty work. I don't know how long this took but it seemed only around 5 minutes when I felt it was gone and the area refreshed. I was getting two thumbs up from the earth spirit and a general feeling of YAY! :woohoo: from all involved :) I thanked everyone several times for their help including the earth spirit for letting me know something toxic was near by. Right after the spirit was back with another thank you gift that looked like a small rock that I accepted saying that I accept whatever was in the gift that served my highest good. Again I felt like it went into my left foot right next to where the first gift of energy was absorbed. I thanked everyone again and physically bowed saying Namaste.
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 03:44 PM
Response to Original message
17. Just something that happened to me on Friday. My neighbor is also my
boss. First I lost my cell phone but didn't know it. I went to work and the office was locked. I went for my cell phone and it wasn't there, so I had to drive home. When I got home his dog had gotten loose and was running around in the street. I was able to corral Peaches and lock her in his house. (I have a key). I went to my house to look for my cell phone and call my boss and there it was in full view with a couple of messages on it telling me not to come in until the afternoon as he had to take care of an emergency. So this is what happened. If he had reached me, I would have gone shopping and there would have been no one around to rescue the dog. This is how faeries work.
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Matariki Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 07:49 PM
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19. Shallah, here's some info for you
I work with elemental spirits often. They are delightful. It's desirable to balance elemental energy within yourself, i.e. fire, water, air and earth and what they represent. The more integrated and balanced the elements are within, the more mastery you have over the elements without.

Anyway, the King of the Salamanders is called Djin. There are some specific evocation techniques that would take too long to describe, but you could find in any book on hermetic magic.

You can google Eliphas Levi's "Prayer of the Salamanders". It's a bit 'Ye Olde Englishy' but nonetheless quite beautiful. He has one for each of the elements. We use them in the elemental initiations in our temple. They sound out nicer than they read on paper I think.

I've never read these books by Jaq D. Hawkins, but always meant too. I used to be on a forum she was on and was always impressed by how smart and insightful she was. Anyway she wrote a series on the elementals that look quite interesting. Here's a link:

If you read them, please let me know what you think. I've been meaning to buy them.

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 01:50 AM
Response to Reply #19
26. Hi Kineta! - re: delightful spirits & balancing energies
My new friends certainly are delightful! I had a bit of a barry manlowe song stuck in my head earlier when they gave me the image of them arm in arm like the rockettes (salamanders, gnomes & others) dancing and singing along with it! :rofl: I guess they really like me if they are willing to be so playful :)

The Salamander I met gave me a little talk about owning the Fire in my own being so I could be balanced and some other stuff I can't recall as I drifted into contact on my way to sleep. I am going to have to practice being open when I am wide awake so I can remember and write this stuff down after! I think I must be half out of body when this is going on even if I am sitting up with my eyes open as I communicate because it is a dickens of a time remembering most of what happens.

Thank you again and I will be looking into the book you rec.ed to see if it suits my situation.
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Matariki Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 01:33 PM
Response to Reply #26
29. I love it!
The experiences you're having sound delightful, for sure. Fun to make friends in the spirit world! Thanks for sharing your story.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 07:02 PM
Response to Reply #29
33. I feel so lucky to have this happen to me
I never set out to develop skills in this area. I just wanted to straighten myself out and help others including the natural world. I figured psychic senses weren't necessary and frankly as a full blown empath since I was a wee one I was scared of what opening others up would be like. I did NOT want to end up like the jeff goldblume character in Vibes picking up everything from everything he touched in detail. The mostly undifferentiated mass of misery I was awash in was bad enough thank you very much!

Thankfully so far everything has been gradually unfolding and the spirits are willing to let me take my time getting to know them. I am so happy they are comfortable enough to be playful with me like this :)

I wonder if the reason some books that i skimmed in google books advise staying away from Salamanders is they or their teachers went in with the wrong expectations for them to work together? Some other spirits I have been in contact with at times that i have read of as being solemn stoic and judgmental were humorous and openly kind with me. I am no saint so I can't caulk my very different experience to my charming personality :P

thank you again for the info and advice! It is so very very good to know others have had similar experiences so 1) I am probably not bonkers & 2) I know that treating them with basic 'human' dignity and respect is all I need to do to maintain a congenial relationship.
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kentauros Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-01-09 11:05 PM
Response to Original message
21. As I haven't read through all this, I have some links instead
Edited on Sun Feb-01-09 11:06 PM by kentauros
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 01:54 AM
Response to Reply #21
27. HI Kentauros & thank you!
I go from derth to feast thanks to you and our fellow ASAHers so now i don't know where to start! An information junkie's favorite kind of dilemma!
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Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 12:31 AM
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22. Parroting what I've read and been taught...
The fire beings in the Earth below the crust enjoy an offering of the sound "sssss" as in a snake, three times.

Salamanders should be paid as much attention as possible, or they might attempt to regain your attention in undesirable methods.

I was told to always thank Brother Fire, whenever lighting matches, etc.

It's a good idea to pray for the cleansing and purification of the elements, as some spiritual schools focus upon incarnating within them, perhaps for negative purpose.

When it rains, I always ask for it to be blessed, that all it touches may also be blessed.

As others have posted, it's a good idea to bless the local spirits and give them offerings, as we've most likely invaded their space, and are being extremely rude in not asking to share and co-exist. Several spiritual traditions mention this.

I don't invoke elementals and similar beings, and try to simply connect with Source.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-02-09 02:11 AM
Response to Reply #22
28. Today they asked me to set aside a bit of land for them undisturbed
when I next move. I had heard of people doing this before specifically Machaelle Small Wright of Perelandra. I think she called it a Fairy Sanctuary. In any case at my families current place there are several areas that haven't been touched since we got there so I guess they are content with that. I will be sure to officially designate an area for the nature & elemental spirits since they asked.

I do already pray for all beings to be healed and all beings who are not of the divine light to be helped back to it. I know that there are harmful beings of all sorts not just those in human forms and it is wise to never underestimate the harm they will cause every where they can reach. Then there is the not deliberate harm others cause whether from careless, ignorance or neglect that can infect and corrupt good things. Those too need healing so if I encounter something I try to help however I can.
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