While February is very much caught up in the wake of January, it’s got a lot going on in its own right. Sure, the January 26 annular solar eclipse after-effects linger; and the Mercury and Venus intersolar cycles that began last month carry over into February – and considerably beyond, in the case of Venus. But February has its own heavy hitters. Foremost among them is the first Saturn-Uranus opposition of the year (second in the 2008-2010 quintet series). Although it’s exact on the 5th, it has lingered within a couple degrees of precise alignment since mid-January. (Truth be told, this alignment has been within three degrees of exact since mid-October 2008, weeks before the first exact alignment on Election Day.) And then there’s the lunar eclipse on the 9th and the Mars-Jupiter alignment on the 17th to name just a couple of cosmic factors . . . add ‘em all up, and it looks like a dramatic month at so many levels.
Take the geophysical action that’s happening this month, for example. The tail end of the January 26 solar eclipse extends all the way to February 2, which means that the month opens under an elevated risk of strong storms with high winds and heavy precipitation, as well as moderate to severe seismic activity (including magnitude 5+ earthquakes as well as volcanic eruptions). As described in my 2009 World Forecast Highlights, this eclipse comes with a worldwide risk window that extends from January 19 through February 2, with particular vulnerability in "the South Pacific and across Indonesia" throughout this whole period. ("Additional risk zones," as noted in my forecast, "are suggested by astro-locality mapping, in the western hemisphere along a longitudinal zone running from Alberta and British Columbia down through Idaho, Nevada and California; and in the eastern hemisphere, along the Iranian border with Pakistan and Afghanistan northward through Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia.") The 6.2 magnitude quake in Indonesia on January 23, followed the next day by a 5.6 quake in the Philippines, a 5.7 temblor that rattled Anchorage AK, and killer storms in France and Spain (not to mention the monster ice storm that killed a couple dozen folks and left more than a million powerless in the bitter cold from Texas up through New England starting on the 27th) are prime calling cards of the January 26 solar eclipse – and they serve to illustrate what is yet to come during the first couple days of February.
Checking on and topping off your emergency kit is always a good idea, perhaps especially this month: fresh candles and batteries, a full tank of fuel, bottled water and a well-stocked pantry are enough to start your checklist. Remember, as I wrote in my forecast for the January 26 solar eclipse, that we’re still in the Mercury intersolar period (which lasts until February 13). This suggests that the eclipses during this period foresage "fierce storms that snarl transportation (many wrecks and wrecked schedules) and incapacitate power and communication infrastructure." While this applies of course to the tail end of the January solar eclipse window (ending on February 2), it points as well to the geocosmic shock window surrounding the penumbral lunar eclipse of February 9. This phase stretches from the 4th (a day in advance of the Moon’s north declination maximum on the 5th) all the way through the 12th. It’s a storm signal par excellence, but its potential accompaniment by moderate to severe earthquake activity (magnitude 5+) or volcanic eruption cannot be discounted...cont'd
I hope your machinery, communications and transportation didn't totally give out last month. My electronics were seizing most of the time Mercury was retrograde. The most interesting event to me was the Mercury retrograde swearing in, where Justice Roberts flubbed the lines and President Obama had to take the oath of office again the next day. That is classic Mercury retrograde. Mercury goes direct on 2/1 and moves out of serious Capricorn into freer, more inventive Aquarius 2/14. On 2/20 Mercury gets to the degree it went out of order and smoother sailing is sure to follow, particularly on 2/24 when Mercury joins with Jupiter for an expansive mental energy pattern, making it so much easier to understand and communicate with others. For those who had jolts during January, this is a great time to make progress. Since Mercury makes only one pattern this month, and it is with Jupiter, we should all practice optimism constantly.
The Lunar Eclipse of 2/9 occurs at the Full Moon and will especially affect those with planets in Leo. For a great website to view pictures of eclipses, please check out www.shadowandsubstance.com. The seeds planted during the Solar Eclipse of 1/26 will bear fruit at this time. Even though most of us are in shock over the events of the last few months of 2008, the energy of this year is that of keeping optimistic, working hard, and having a great outcome.
Venus leaves Pisces and enters Aries on 2/2 where it will remain until June 6. Even though it has a period of retrograde motion (3/6-4/17), it should benefit those with planets in Aries. On 2/5 Venus is challenged by Pluto, which should be a challenging day for the economy, as the second phase of the Saturn/Uranus opposition occurs. This is the pattern which was complete on Election Day, and symbolized the rebellion of the old vs. the new. Don't be surprised if there is a lot of political fall out this day. It is a day not to push yourself and to find some rest, particularly if you have planets in Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces. The final phase of this unusual generational pattern occurs 9/15. Life should get easier after this pattern dissolves.
Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on 2/4, stirring up the lives of those with planets in Aquarius. On 2/17 Mars joins Jupiter in Aquarius, which should bring about fast moving, unimaginable change in the lives of those with planets in Leo, Aquarius, Aries and Sagittarius. The fire signs may feel a bit out of sync at this time, as the majority of energy is in the rational earth and air signs.
Jupiter is moving swiftly into Aquarius, which it will remain until 1/17/2010. This period favors scientific inventiveness, creative solutions and success through community, collaboration and all other group activities. It also favors social change and greater freedom of expression and a general feeling of connectedness. Jupiter hasn't been in Aquarius for 12 years, so if you can recall what expanded for you in 1997, there is more of the same to come.
Saturn continues its backwards motion in Virgo, making it more important than ever not to give into a negative mind set or bad habits. This is a once every 30 year challenge period that will end on October 29 as Saturn leaves Virgo and enters Libra.
In general, this month should present challenges early in the month and gradually improve. The major improvement for this year should occur this fall.