WHAT THE MOONS TELL ME; TWO CONSECUTIVE CAPRICORN FULL MOON ALERTS A Summer Solstice Story < June 21, 2005; July 21, 2005 > by Francis D. Grabau
The Moon is full about 10:13:42 PM in Santa Fe tomorrow night, June 21, just as the Sun enters Cancer for the Summer Solstice. This is a tad unusual, or it feels so to me. Last night the Moon looked all fogged over, misted out in a haze here in Santa Fe. Curious that the Full Moon should emphasize the 0+ degree of Capricorn while the Solstice (Stand Still) Sun anchors the Summer Season at 0+ degrees of Cancer. Cancer can be seen as the private person, the Individual with his/her personal feelings, needs, viewpoints while Capricorn (and its "ruling" planet, Saturn) refers to the compelling power of the Collective upon the Individual -as this June 21 Full Moon and the next Full Moon on July 21, 2005 will make clear. The Feeling Power of the Collective versus the Feeling Power of the Individual.
But at this current Full Moon in Capricorn, as distinct from the one on July 21, SATURN will still be in the sign of its "debilitation-fall" -CANCER- whereas on July 21 it will be half a degree into Leo and headed toward both the North Lunar Node of America and the personal, individual Ascendant of G. W .Bush. These two points are somehow "fated" to be interconnected or mutually resonant. The President sees himself as a Leo Leader "sent" by "God" (his Personal Father with whom he speaks) to lead America toward its "true" destiny. There is no question in his mind, nor in the minds of his colleagues, that this arrangement is "Pre-Destined". It is "Fated". Bush, himself, is literally born with Saturn in Cancer (debilitated). What does this signify?
Saturn in Cancer symbolizes one who takes his personal, Individual feelings as the "norm". It's normal for such an Individual to "introject" the Saturn function by feeling that his feelings are the "real" ones shared by the Collective. G.W. Bush clearly feels "righteous" and assumes that all good Americans who are "normal" are in full agreement with his personal, subjective feelings -on almost any issue effecting America, a Cancer Nation. He, therefore, symbolizes and sums up the Collective American Feeling, a Cancer Feeling of Righteousness. Saturn in Cancer carries its seriousness, its focus on the norm, and its boundary making right into the gut of personal feeling causing constriction, objective rule-following in the very area where flow and subjective attunement to feeling needs are most important. Individual feelings thereby become the "secret" source of an obsession with Collective rules. This is why G.W. Bush quipped that it would be easier for him to run the Nation if he could be "dictator".
If we take into consideration that Bush is born with the Moon, "ruler" of Cancer, in the sign Libra and conjunct both Chiron and Jupiter in that sign, we can glimpse further evidence as to how his personal feeling woundedness (Moon + Chiron) when combined with his jovial public deportment (Jupiter + Moon + Chiron) gives him popularity among Americans. He's the "Awe Shucks!" President, the "regular" good guy who lurks in the Collective Shadow of all Americans -"Hey, I just wanna FEEL GOOD!" < Natal USA Venus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer >. Venus and Jupiter combined in Cancer also indicate the American dictum that "Bigger is Better" or that "You can never get enough of a Good thing!" -hence, gas guzzling SUVs and feel good food (sugar)- AMERICAN FAT!
Nevertheless, this President is capable of leading America into BANKRUPTCY combined with strict curtailment of Individual rights because, just like America, Bush is born with the Sun into the 14th Degree of Cancer: Mister America, Captain America! He appears to be so "easy-going" on so many levels because breezy old Neptune (planet of "anything goes") floats in Libra along with his Moon + Chiron + Jupiter there, and all in the 3rd House making his daily Speech a source of hilarity, vagueness, lack of focus ( the infamous "Bush Dyslexicon" ). Americans love it because we are a People-Nation born with Retrograde Mercury Speech in challenging Square aspect to our Natal Chiron in Aries: we neither speak nor think clearly, but PUSH (Aries) our thoughts and speech onto Others (Mercury, ruler of Natal USA Descendant -Others + the Nation's SHADOW FUNCTION). Might makes Right! A good old boys American "pre-emptive strike" ! Notice how Bush's sloppy, vague, ungrammatical, dissociative thought and speech do not bother most Americans, -they actually find it rather charming in a "down-home" kind of Cancer way! That's the "healing" side of his 3rd House Wounded-Healer (Chiron) function in Libra ( Mister NICE Guy -Yeah, Awe Shucks!)
But with these two consecutive Full Moons in Capricorn (June 21, July 21 2005) we are witnessing a "shift of gears" in the Nation's laws and government via Saturn which, while in Cancer for the June 21 Full Moon, will shift into Leo for the July 21 Full Moon. G.W. Bush and his colleagues are about to become STERN DISCIPLINARIANS. The emphasis of Saturn will shift from Cancer Feeling into Leo Leadership; he and his administration are about to begin to play HARD BALL. I see stricter law enforcement on the immediate horizon, financial constraints, an Executive call sent out to the People to "tighten their belts" and get ready for "greater sacrifices". And this is the "Karmic" (payback) indicated by the USA Sun in Cancer being in Square aspect to the USA Saturn in Libra at the birth of America. The LAW is going to RULE. And the Cancer Person of the President is going to "BE" both that RULE and that LAW.
The DICTATOR will probably try to assume his ROLE in September as transiting Saturn in Leo exactly conjuncts the Natal USA Lunar Node ( there will be 3 of these conjunctions: Sept. 16, 2005; Jan. 31, 2006 ; June 6, 2006 ) and he will probably need some "new" NEW PEARL HARBOR event to make this possible. Consequently, I think we need to be fully alert right now as the Saturn "gear shift" from Cancer to Leo occurs between these two immediately consecutive Full Moons in Capricorn. Something is being planned right now, something -an EVENT- that will de designed to make us all crave greater Saturn Law & Order. And this event, this "new" New Pearl Harbor, may be timed to resonate with the original "New Pearl Harbor" of September 11, 2001. The timing is right there in the Saturn transits conjunct America's Lunar North Node. This event is being planned to give much greater -in effect, ABSOLUTE- Power to the Executive. The efforts being made by so many ( succinctly condensed in David Ray Griffin's two books: The New Pearl Harbor, The 911 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions ) to reveal the FACT that 911 was an INSIDERS GOVERNMENT PLANNED EVENT (with which ALL the Major Corporate Media were in collusion) are very urgently important. Americans are being deceived by their government even as they deceive themselves by refusing (out of fear and denial) to consider the facts. The recent "Downing Street Memos" have made all this starkly evident and yet the People sleep on. We all, I think, need to make these issues, books, and memos the subject of our daily conversations in order to remain awake. Anyhow, that's what the coming two consecutive FULL MOONS IN CAPRICORN say to me.