On the threshold of the secondary occurrence of this aspect, the first of this cycle having occurred on election day, please consider a very brief visualization in hopes of a far more peaceful world.
Prior to election day, this aspect has not occurred since '66 or so and just consider the enormous social change that happened back then.
Then they were at opposite polarities of the zodiac and Saturn was with Chiron in Pisces and Uranus was with Pluto in Virgo.
Saturn opposed Uranus very briefly, and in essence, represents freedom vs. tyranny.
There are certainly, very few oppression loving folks.
Last year, I had a vision.
I've had innumerable one's before.
Some have actually manifested.
This one involved envisioning an international peace summit involving world leaders being held at the imagine peace tower summit in Iceland.
Consider scrolling down and around. . .
http://imaginepeace.com/news/imagine-peace-towerIf we desire greater freedom for all, not only does it require Saturnine restrictions on those who have taken merciless advantage for far too long, as our good president recs, but also the empowerment of those long struggling. That would be the greatest remedy for alleged terrorism.(when all militarism is in fact . . terrifying.) Equalizing the playing field could only help.
To have a greater percentage of our leadership on the same place of ameliorating the lives of all by gathering at this sacred place and having a meeting of the minds could only help.
The old adage goes: That which harms the least of us influences all of us.
Please consider envisioning this possibility for a moment or two.
Thanks in advance.
I'll promote this concept further over the next month or so, as spirit guides me.
best to all.