by some in that thread, FirstLight. :( :hug: I thank you for speaking out, though. Your voice was important and rang with truth.
I'm sorry I didn't see this post earlier. It looks to me like IHAD and FDB did a great job of defending you, though.
It looks like the thread has pretty much died down now, and I don't want to bump it back up, so I'll just say this here:
I used to work with emotionally disturbed children, some of whose parents (one or the other) were in jail. In no way, IMO, are prison visitations involving children appropriate. Children should never be brought be anywhere near prisons! (I'm sorry you were forced to endure that situation as a child, IHAD.) The MOST important part of this equation are the children. ALWAYS. Their well-being comes before that of either parent.
And FirstLight, you did the right thing in your situation. Absolutely! Anyone who would think otherwise is blind, IMO. Just because someone is a parent biologically doesn't mean that they should be, and a child with two parents, one of whom is abusive, is NOT better off than a child with a single parent. In your case, I would have done exactly the same thing. My daughter's father was emotionally abusive both to myself and my daughter. I feel no regrets for having left that relationship. None.
I also would disagree with the OP on that thread that it is better to keep the family intact and try to work out major problems such as these within the family. No. In most cases, it is much better to put distance between the children and the parent with the problems. If that person can find the way to healing, with or without the help of their former partner, and they can work things out between them, then it might be possible for that person to re-enter the family--depending entirely, of course, on the circumstances. (I speak here of problems like addiction, alcoholism, or something similar--NOT abuse of ANY kind.) Even then, each situation is unique, and there is no one way that is correct or best. It's case by case, family by family, person by person. What's right for one is not necessarily what's right for another.
Anyhow, I'm sorry there was so much vitriol being slung about in that thread. I felt slimed just reading some of it. :( Bless you all for doing battle. Here's some more hugs for you all. :grouphug: You fought well. :)