Read the full articles at their links:’s eclipse of the Moon was at 20+ Leo; the last time there was an eclipse in that degree, was 19 years ago to the day, on Feb. 9, 1990. Nelson Mandela’s release was announced on Feb. 10, 1990 and he was released on the 11th. This has obvious relevance to Barack Obama now. I suggested in a recent essay that there was a time when a dark man took over as king and healed everyone; this would be Nelson.
For those too young to remember or so old they have forgotten, South Africa’s apartheid system was for decades one of the blights on the world conscience. It was a legally sanctinoed system of absolute segregation of “blacks” and “whites,” and as part of this program, Mandela, the black leader, was imprisoned for decades. It took a global movement of cities, towns, companies and institutions withdrawing their investments from companies that so much as did business with South Africa to end that system.
This movement was called divestment. It was like a mass, populist economic blockade. For example, in the mid-1980s, student protests at the State University of New York (SUNY) forced the system’s Board of Trustees to divest. This was one of the truly great student victories in SUNY history, led by then-president of the statewide student association Jane F. McAlevey.
Current political events, also focused on a black leader, seem to be arriving with a demand to end a form of economic apartheid where a minority class of Caucasian cronies have plenty of everything, and the rest of us who are wondering how we’re going to pay basic medical bills. There are millions of black men in jail in the United States, far disproportionate to the population and in obvious exclusion of all the Wall Street crime that has been going down lately, and for that matter, forever.
Leo Eclipse in T-minus 24 hours and counting mentioned almost daily since God knows when, an eclipse of the Leo Moon occurs Monday morning at 9:49 am EST. This is also the Leo Full Moon. This eclipse is a penumbral type, so some sources say that it will barely be visible, as the Moon will only pass through the edge of the Earth’s shadow. I would propose that makes it a kind of invisible eclipse all the more interesting for being opposite Chiron and, more to the point of invisible, Neptune.
Cat. Photo by Bares.
Poster child for the Leo lunar eclipse that's exact Monday morning at 9:49 am EST. Photo by Bares.
Put simply, this is a Full Moon no matter what you do, full of all the usual things a Full Moon is full of, like one colossal case of PMS: such as the sense of edgy anticipation that something is about to happen. It may be, but don’t discount the hormonal illusion, the insomnia, the nervousness, the sense of polarity. The Moon is opposite a LOT of planets right now; it’s just about the only thing of any size in Leo, while Aquarius across the sky is home to Mars, Jupiter, the North Node, Nessus, Chiron and Neptune.
The Sun for its part has been making a series of conjunctions to all these planets, so this is creating a rough ride for a lot of people, particularly on such questions as what the heck am I doing here. This astrology looks pretty important so you can at least assume you have a purpose, otherwise you would have incarnated at a much more boring time in history.
Anyway, this eclipse should release some of the psychic tension that so many of us seem to be dragging around. I’m sitting here with a list of things I have to write that is even managing to intimidate as I sit here on a Sunday morning wondering how I’m going to meet all these deadlines — though I know that it’s a) at least partly an illusion and b) that around eclipses I always do at least some of what I really love because I want to encode that into the pattern of the next six months. I think this is the basic purpose of eclipses: to help us make progress, break continuity and establish a new pattern.