Previous Week:
Healing the Root Chakra & Associated Minor Centers (hips, knees, ankles, feet) +First 7 Years of Life Week: The Sacral Chakra +ages 8-14
Week after that - More Abundance!
I ask all beings of Divine Light and Divine Love willing to aid us now to please bless and assist all beings in gracefully manifesting all good things that serve each best. Help us gently and permanently release all that inhibits us from receiving abundance with open arms and open hearts whatever the sources of the blockages may be. I also ask to help us all to fully savor and cherish the gifts already received. Thank you all! Namaste!I am very pleased to open this project after a week of working with the Root Chakra and all the primal issues buried there! It is always so much easier to receive gifts after one has cleared out the clutter, the items that no longer serve, the what the heck was I thinking when I bought that? things that never did, and the not-gift worthy hand-me-down gifts of fears, prejudices, shame, and the like. Oh and don't forget the 'gift' of Enculturation that habituates us to so many unhealthy and unjust things as standard operating policy for our nation. The fundamental beliefs of our life are not just floating in our heads they are engraved on our fundament - aka the root chakra. So hopefully the previous effort has started things up nicely.
This week's focus is to again clear away anything that inhibits us from having a healthy amount of Abundance in our lives while remembering to enjoy what is already full of goodness in our lives. I know it is easy for me to get caught up with worry about needing to pay to fix this and how am I going to afford that and OMG what if all these other things go wrong! awfulizing at the speed of light with as much productive use of energy as running on a hamster wheel. Planning is one thing, worry is a whole other kettle of fish that keeps me from enjoying the things that ARE working right in my life. It is tough at first dragging myself off the Hamster Wheel of Fear!!! {{{cue horror movie music}}} and living in the moment and wallowing for that moment in the delicious flavor of a tasty meal, the comforting sound of my cats purrs, the hug of a loved one for a change instead of rushing to worry about something else.
Suggested Guidelines:
Please send energy to those who sign up in this thread, those who intend to receive but choose not to post and, using intention, embed the energy in the thread itself. This is to charge it to allow anyone who visits it may choose to receive healing now and in the future. The suggested times for those who want guidelines are 6:30-7 AM & 6:30-7 PM. You are NOT expected to send the entire half hour or twice a day or even daily :) Those times are just rough guidelines for those who prefer working in a framework. It is up to you to send when and how long *you* feel is appropriate.
All energy healing techniques are welcome whether prayer, Reiki, visualizing colored light, chanting, singing, dancing, crystals or something totally different. The only requirement is it to be sent with the intention that it be for the highest good of all involved in what ever manner serves the recipients best.
You may take part as a sender, receiver or both. Choose which serves you best at this time. For those who prefer to send to a list of recipients please post below that you wish to receive.
PS for anyone wishing to learn more about Reiki I suggest the free teaching and discussion group
Reiki_On. It's free, it's fun and the world needs all the healers it can get so if Reiki calls to you this is a nice place to start :)