Get Involved 02/16/2009 - 02/22/2009 The Aquarian theme continues this week with Mars, the north node and Jupiter traveling together in this humanitarian sign. First, energetic Mars conjuncts the north node on February 16 when you are encouraged to turn your attention to your future. Then your desires and actions are amplified with Jupiter conjunct Mars on February 17. The Sun's entrance into spiritual Pisces on February 18 reminds you to spend quiet time for reflection.
February 16: Mars conjuncts north node Last week Jupiter and the north node came together in a conjunction. This week active Mars energizes the we-are-all-in-this-together message. Contribute to your neighborhood watch, sign-up to volunteer for the local PTA or join an organization that promotes a cause close to your heart. This is the month to put your personal concerns into a larger context --and then to do something about it!
February 17: Mars conjunct Jupiter You will feel like you gulped down rocket fuel with action-planet Mars being amplified by expansive Jupiter. This is a classic over-doing aspect. If you can direct all of that energy you will accomplish more today than you have all year! You can make significant progress now as your goals, projects and plans get the energy they need.
February 18: Sun enters Pisces It is time to withdraw and limit some of your social activities so that you can pay attention to the larger issues that direct your life. As the Sun transits though this sensitive and spiritual water sign, turn inward. What motivates your choices and your outer-world activities? Tap into your muse. Start a dream journal, sign up for voice lessons, or join a dance class. Give your logical mind a rest! Pay attention to your feelings and intuition to bring you and your life into balance.