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GSE for a cat?

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:44 PM
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GSE for a cat?
Does anyone have information about whether or not it's okay to give Grapefruit Seed Extract to a cat?
It works wonders for humans, but animals can't eat everything we do.

My kittie has a cough, even though I've cleaned up the air around him and don't use the sprays or anything. I think I've determined that he may have had a cough long before this, but since he used to spend about 10 hours per day outside, it wasn't noticeable. I'll be calling a friend's vet, but my checkbook is very limited. :(

Any other suggestions for natural cough help? He won't go outside here. Three big LOUD dogs next door nix that idea.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 12:46 AM
Response to Original message
1. Cats can't metabolize essential oils and probably could not this
they lack the enzymes or something that humans and dogs have so it builds up in the body.

if you think this could be viral I DO know that lysine is safe for cats and even has been tested to help with shelter kitties who tend to relapse with an upper respitory infection when rehomed.

I can't think of any other suggestions so I will be sending Reiki your kitty's way and hope that helps him some.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 06:42 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks.
Wouldn't have thought of that. Think I have some on hand. There's a woman in Austin who rescues Leukemia kitties. I wonder if she knows about Lysine... (maybe someone will tell her ;) )

I was also going to look for something homeopathic. Those are all safe, and I've had good results in the past. Also trying a dietary change because I'm not sure if he's coughing or gagging. He doesn't really have any other symptoms, except maybe an occasional bit of a watery sneeze. No goop, thank good.

Thanks, Shallah. At least it gives me some hope. Depending on the vet, she may not have mentioned this possibility.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 10:29 PM
Response to Reply #1
8. Kallah..
Boogie was attuned by Karen and Susan too ;) I think it really helped. He didn't have another single episode. He got just a little bit of lysine. I did verify that with other info online. And a fish oil cap, which I'm not sure he ate yet. About two hours after I gave him wet food this evening, he did. I always pat him a little. I just hate to see him like that. The patting seems to help :shrug:

His diet did change, but I'm not sure if it coincided with the first time I mentioned him coughing here. I started to post about it even, because since the prices here are so much higher than what I paid for everything before, I switched him to "Aristocats", by Disney, if you can believe it. I'm going to talk to the vet tomorrow, and not give him any more of that.

I'm glad I can talk this through here. :grouphug:
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-17-09 11:18 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Have you put a healing request into reiki on for Boogie?
If not you might want to put his name into the Database so he gets sent reiki at least until next month. Another thing is if it has been a month since his Reiki I you can put him in for Reiki II. He can always refuse if he doesn't feel ready or want it. I don't think all of my cats accepted even when I wait several months before putting them down for Reiki II.

Fish oil is great for inflamation whatever the source of the issue is. I used to give it to my chronic renal failure kitty until he crossed over and I think he perked up some after. I can't remember the dosage, I think I gave him half a 1,000 every other day & keeping the left over cap in a baggie in the fridge. Some give flax thinking it will be converted to omega 3s like the human body can but again there is something cats lack so they can't do it.

I hope your fur baby continues to improve.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-18-09 02:23 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. Actually,
Edited on Wed Feb-18-09 02:23 AM by Why Syzygy
I was going to pm you to see if you could send a little more. I'm a member of that group, but don't follow the email list. It is too active for me.

I'm really of the opinion, also, that there is such a thing as TOO MUCH energy. I know that isn't talked about much, but I witnessed an event where I believe the patient was just overwhelmed with 'vibes'. She didn't survive. Also, when I've been in group distance heals, I frequently get that I should just stand by and not actively transmit. It's like when you feel prompted to drain energy rather than add it. Know what I mean?

He has been doing a lot better. Thank you.
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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-09 04:05 AM
Response to Reply #10
12. Boogie is on my list :)
re: too much energy - hmmmm. Generally when I send it is with the intention that anything the intended recipient does not want goes to anyone in the area who does want it. I tend to think of sending a cloud of Reiki & other vibes to the area for the person (and others around them) to choose to absorb or not. Think laying out a plate of cookies w/ the sign please help yourself vs chucking them at the person ;)

I do believe Reiki might really be what everyone says about it being incapable of harm kinda like trying to give someone a concussion with Nerf, it's just too gentle and i suspect managed by higher powers, but then I don't think all who try to send reiki are sending just reiki. It is so easy to send personal and other energies at the same time that can overwhelm.

re: draining energy - I was taught a way to pull out stuck, stagnant negative energy so I have been combining that more and more when I work on people. I haven't tried it at a distance yet but in person it is amazing what I can draw out by giving reiki first or if the person is like my MOm and attuned sends to self as I vacuum out all the stuff flushed out by the good vibes. It is always at least twice the feel of intensity as just drawing out alone. If you are willing when I have a bit more zip myself I will attempt to vacuum out any bad vibes out of Boogie at a rate appropriate for him as well as send.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-09 03:28 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. Thank you, Shallah..
:hug: He is doing so much better. He is playing today! And, last night when I left the room door open, he showed some interest in venturing out into the rest of the house. He's been very opposed to that notion before now. He has stopped sneezing altogether. He did have a light coughing spell last night. Not as severe as the ones he was having. The playing makes me think he is recovered.

I want to mention the name of the cat food that may have caused the problems, Aristocat, by Disney.
I assumed it was mfg by Fancy Feast, the food looks the same. But, he never had any problems with FF.

Yes. The group sends that I've been uncomfortable with were not all Reiki. I don't believe Reiki can overwhelm. But, I do believe that whatever else goes out when one requests from strangers might be questionable.
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 08:57 AM
Response to Original message
3. Larch arabinolgalactin
can help with pain and with sinus issues, and it is used on animals as well as humans--in fact, it started as a remedy for animals! Source One Naturals carries the product.

Our Foundation store sells GSE and our Naturopath is a big animal lover who doctors her own critters, including a cat. I'll ask her about using GSE when I get to work.
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 09:42 AM
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4. Don't use GSE
talked with our Naturopath, and she said GSE is too strong for them. She also said you are wise to go see the vet, as coughs could be indicative of kitty viruses that could be serious.

She said you could treat the kitty homeopathically (she's a homeopathic physician, too)--alum cepa if there is a thin, watery discharge--pulsatilla if there is a thick, yellowish discharge. She also suggested giving Kitty fish oil--puncture a capsule with a pin and squirt it in Kitty's mouth--cats like it and it is good for them. If you wish to give something else, colloidal silver (a drop or two) in the water bowl would be good.

Hope this helps!
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 02:41 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. Thank you so much, Ayeshahaqqiqa..
Edited on Mon Feb-16-09 02:42 PM by Why Syzygy
That helps a lot. He doesn't really have a discharge of any kind, but when he sneezes, it's wattery, so that would be alum cepa, I guess.

Here's something that is stumping me. It MAY be related to eating wet food. He was on only dry for about a week when we moved here, and it seems that as soon as I introduced the wet back into his diet was when the hacking (can't determine if it's true 'coughing') started. I'm going to keep him on dry for a day or two. When he eats dry, he drinks large amounts of water, but next to none when eating wet.

Also, after I posted last night, he hasn't had any more episodes. I wish there was a natural vet around here. My friend's vet's name is Doolittle, and he's happy with her. One of her assistants took a second cat he had adopted when his long term resident kitty was too disruptive.
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 12:44 PM
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5. oh please do call the vet
My brother had two cats and they both had a cough. One of the cats was an outdoor cat and wasn't entirely domestic, so they had difficulty catching him and taking him to the vet. The other cat was in the house and they took her to the vet. Long story short, outdoor kitty died and it was because of the cough. They were told this at the vet's office.

I recall that the medicine given for this to the domestic cat was very reasonably priced. I will be talking to them and I will see what the name was--if they remember. This is not to say this is the cause for your kitty's coughing, but it might be of interest.

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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 02:36 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Thank you, Cher.
I'll be interested to know. As mentioned above, I'm not 100% certain it's a "cough". I'm not doing very well physically myself, but will have to pull myself together to get him to the vet. Please do let me know if there's anything more.
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Grateful for Hope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-18-09 07:00 PM
Response to Original message
11. I have a kitty who developed a cough this winter
He is very close to me, and, sad to say, the vet tells me that he is allergic to my cigarette smoke, and, she has asked me not to smoke around him.

He has asthma, and, I have had to nebulize him when he has a coughing attack.

From what I have learned from my research on this (and, from the vet) is that coughing in felines is most often caused by allergies (when heart issues have been ruled out). The coughing is most pronounced during the winter months, when the inside air is very dry.

I like the idea of giving him fish oil (I take it everyday myself and have a big supply). I am going to try this (thank you to the poster who suggested this).

Good luck with your sweet kitty. I am sure you will find a way to help him.
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