However I've been 'away' quite a bit this month so I might have
just missed your post. If so, sorry for the repetition.
Feb. 16, 2009
From The Ascension Primer:
BECAUSE THE ASCENSION process creates so much loss, we
can at times feel very disconnected. Our sense of security can
really go through the ringer. Through this process we lose
friends, family members, jobs, our old (ego) identity, our old
source of financial support, our old homes, and on and on.
The list can seem endless at times. And even those whom we
considered our closest soul mates can end up with "another
assignment" or perhaps no longer match our new vibration
anymore and leave our space as well.
We can easily become confused, lost, fearful, disoriented, and
feel as though our barometer has gone awry. But there is one
way to really stay on track when all else fails. When it is time
to make a change, (and in these times we are making changes
every five minutes as we are "morphing" so fast!) we become
discontented with where we are. Our work, our living
situations or even perhaps our entire lives no longer feel good.
This is the nudge that is guiding us to make a change. And the
way to guide yourself through this change is to do what makes
you feel good. It's that simple.
If something no longer feels good to you and is not working for
you anymore, discontinue it as soon as you are comfortable
doing so. It is no longer working because you are no longer in
that space. Something new is waiting for you. If we were to
stay in the old space out of mental rationalization, the new
opportunities and manifestations could not find us. If there is
something you always wanted to do but didn't think it made
sense to do, do it anyway. If you do not know what to do, then
fill as much of your day with things that make you feel great
and the new will arrive on its' own. Always, always put yourself
first. Follow your heart. Make time for you and the universe will
get the picture.
In this way we are always connected. When the denser and
darker energies are leaving it can feel uncomfortable at times.
But if you can find ways to stay in the higher vibrations and
higher realms through what makes you feel good, you will
greatly assist yourself in staying in alignment. Certain things
feel good to us because we are supposed to be involved with
them. And even when you find the good feeling things, you
will always need to "tweak" them on a regular basis until they
are in their purest form (i.e. new publishers or ways to get out
your writing, higher ways to present your music and art, etc.).
We will need to tweak things until we are at the point where
we are only wearing our one hat...not spending any of our time
consumed with other responsibilities.
This is one of the reasons why the ascension process places us
in a space where we can become disenchanted with life. We
are only supposed to be in our passion and in the energies that
light us up. Stay in these as much as possible. We are
becoming the pure gold nugget of our true selves and this does
not include being the accountant, sales rep, e-mail sorter, or
planner (unless that is your passion, of course). It was
intended for us to be our purest vibration of our contribution
and our creativity. And this is where we are headed.
I have days where I do not feel like writing, even though I
absolutely love it. On these days I paint furniture, sew, or
simply spend the day in nature. These are my other passions.
And I can and need to do this, even if I should be writing. I
have had to learn that nothing will go awry or fall apart if I
take a time out for me. Actually, it is just the reverse. If we
are doing what we love because we think we have to in order
to make money, it will not work. We have to know that we will
be provided for. Our mindset is very important here. Financial
support does not need to come from any kind of supply and
receive situation. When our usual passion ceases to be fun and
bring us joy, it is either time to tweak it or to shift gears and do
things only for the fun of them while we allow everything else
to fall into place. I am frequently asked to do radio interviews,
but unless I feel like they will just be fun with no agenda (like
book selling), I will not do them. (I rarely do them...I would
rather be out in nature!) And this applies to promoting as well.
If you stay in your creativity and bliss, everything will come to
you on its' own.
Am I suggesting that you go sit on a rock and wait for
everything to fall into your lap? Of course not. This is a
process and it involves trial and error while we are learning
these very New ways.
Our eternal connection also relates to individuals in our lives.
For many of us, there are certain people who simply feel like
home. When we are feeling discombobulated, lost and fearful,
the simple sound of their voice can bring us back home and
center us in record time. With so many instances of being
knocked out of our old grooves and now vibrating higher than
everything around us, we can so very easily feel like we do not
fit or belong anywhere. Nothing feels remotely good or right.
These individuals can bring us back home and connect us once
again. In this way, we never lose our connection. And many
times we are unable to be a regular part of these people's lives
in a physical "being together" sense.
At higher levels, we were "created" at the same time that these
individuals were. This is why we feel this strong connection
that seems unbreakable. And it is absolutely unbreakable.
Although we may be vibrating at different levels in the human
sense or have consequently taken on different assignments
according to what we agreed to do, know that we will most
certainly be re-united in the end. Our connection is eternal
and we will absolutely be together again.
We have soul connections that relate to projects, as well as
soul connections that come from our hearts. These very deep
connections from the heart are what I would consider twin
flame connections and they come with a devotion to one
another that is never ending. By having these people in our
lives in some capacity, we can feel eternally connected even
when we are feeling just the opposite.
Another way that I regularly feel connected is through the nonphysical
beings that I spend so much time with. I have to say,
I am very selective and feel the best when I am with the
highest vibrating of them all. And these are the only ones that
I allow in my space! These beings are incredibly loving, have
incredible knowledge and wisdom, cherish the ground I walk
on, and just plain feel good when they are around. So we are
back to the basics again...realizing that feeling good is being
Although the ascension process can make us wonder if it is all
worth it or question if we even want to remain on this earth,
the rewards are truly worth it in the end. If we hang in there
and are willing to let go and explore new territory while getting
out of our own way, we may just find ourselves in a place of
near bliss and deep connection to Spirit, while we are truly
living in the Promised Land.
As this unusual process continues on, we still have a very long
way to go. But the more we progress and the higher we
vibrate, the easier it gets. If you were to look back to whom you
were only a few years or even month ago, you would most
likely be amazed at who you have become.
While the process continues on step by step, we are all in this
together. We are having such similar experiences because we
are all one and connected through the very same energy. As
brothers and sisters we are creating a brand New universe for
all others to utilize and enjoy. And we are creating it through
Are you ready to live in harmony and alignment with your
passion and joy and who you really are? Are you ready to be
much more connected to Source? Are you ready to have a life
of expansion into new and higher vibrating realities?
May this book have served as a guide to ignite within you what
you already knew and to inspire you to know that you are
always right where you need to be. Until next time,
To access the newest WINGS post, kindly utilize the link below:
February 4th
From The Ascension Companion:
I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S wrong with me these days. I just don't
seem to care about much of anything anymore." "I seem to have
lost all interest in becoming involved with the things that I used
to." "I don't care what happens." If you have had any of these
thoughts or feelings lately, know that they are a regular part of
the ascension process and have a perfect and distinct purpose.
At times, we may feel as though we are going along, "acting" our
way through our daily lives. We are simply not present, as our
lives do not have the meaning that they used to. We don't seem
to be in alignment with what we had created in the past. And in
addition, becoming exhausted through all the trials and
tribulations that ascension can bring, can make one very
apathetic. We are just too darned tired to become involved with
or care about much of anything. "Let the chips fall where they
may," becomes our general course of action (or in-action!). "I no
longer have the desire to stay on top of things."
But apathy has a gold nugget within it. Being apathetic
actually places us in a higher vibrating space. It supports our
continual process of letting go of attachments. When we no
longer care about much of anything, we then become unentwined
with much. We are then left in a space of "no space,"
and this is the space of the higher realms. We are then much
more in the moment. When we do not care about much, we are
not filling our thoughts and emotions with things that are not
really "real." And we are much more out of the way.
In the higher realms, there are no agendas and plans. With no
attachments, with a good connection to Source, with great trust,
and a knowingness that everything is always in divine right
order, nothing really matters anyway. Being much more
connected to Source on a continual basis, keeps us more even
keel. There aren't as many ups and downs. And when we realize
that things are really no big deal, as we can create fresh and New
within any given moment, apathy, then, fits right in.
In order to create successfully, we have to have no attachments.
It is always precisely when we no longer care about having
something, that it arrives. And we do not really want to create
from our ego or dis-connect selves anyway. As we progress
through the ascension process, then, and become used to not
having much of anything go our way, or how we had imagined,
we are certainly placed smack in the middle of a higher vibrating
space. These experiences force us to let go. Isn't it strange that
the areas in our lives that we do not have strong opinions about,
seem to always go along just fine?
I had a web designer who decided that she was going to retire
from all computer work and web design. The trials and
tribulations that her work was bringing were no longer worth it
for her. The minute she let go and gave it all up, she immediately
began to get huge amounts of business, and the new clients were
the kind she has always wanted. It was when she no longer cared
about web design, as she was really burned out, that her business
really took off. (She still quit anyway!)
When things don't go our way, many times it is because we are
not coming from our "connected" self. We may be coming from a
desperate or analytical self that is trying to solve a problem is a
way that we feel is possible... even if we aren't even particularly
wild about our own idea. If we were to look back, we would
usually find that we were glad this or that had never happened.
Being in a state of apathy, caused by never seeming to get what
we want, among other things, puts us in that space of neutrality
where we can create just about anything. When we realize that
nothing really matters much, as what we thought mattered was
coming from our dis-connect selves, it is then that we are
successfully reaching the higher realms. Being happy where we
truly are, always brings the next step of creation to our doorstep.
When we have to have things a certain way, we basically place a
choke hold on energy. It is when we can be contented by simply
being, that all our needs are met. Passion is a seeming
contradiction to this scenario, as passion is a very strong
connection, because we know that what we are passionate about
is in perfect alignment in every way with our higher selves. So
there is a distinct difference in regard to passion. We usually
experience apathy when we are releasing desires that arise from
our dis-connect self. We didn't need them anyway.
If you have chosen this page, you are being encouraged to honor
your state of apathy, and to realize that apathy is a condition of
the higher realms. It is an indication that you are vibrating
higher and becoming a higher level being. Feeling apathetic is
simply great training for a higher level way of being.
Congratulations, as you are learning the non-attached state of
To access the newest WINGS post, kindly utilize the link below: