Think Before You Speak! 02/23/2009 - 03/01/2009 Communicative Mercury, active Mars and outgoing Jupiter travel together this week in inventive Aquarius. First Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on February 23 when you and everybody else will have a lot to say! Then the dialog heats up when Mercury conjuncts Mars on March 1. In the middle of this, it is time to start something with the new Moon in sensitive Pisces on February 24. The Mars quincunx serious Saturn on February 28 causes you to adjust your plans.
February 23: Mercury conjunct Jupiter and March 1: Mercury conjunct Mars Last month on January 18, Mercury came together in a conjunction with expansive Jupiter. Mercury returns to this aspect and it seems like everybody has something to say! You will, too. The dialogue heats up with feisty Mars in the mix. This is a combative combo and unless you are a debate champion, you may need to do a little homework to back up some of those big ideas and opinions! Expect to be challenged.
February 24: Pisces new Moon New Moons are always a great time to start something new. In this spiritual water sign, Pisces, it becomes important to take a break from the mundane world and set aside time to tune into your inner life. Can you simplify your schedule for the next couple of weeks and carve out alone-time to catch up with yourself? Take a quiet walk in nature, a leisurely soak in a bubblebath or curl up on the couch to catch up with your favorite magazines. You will gain inner strength and a fresh perspective that will help you deal with your outer-world commitments.
February 28: Mars quincunx Saturn Saturn in Virgo is known for having high standards and wanting everything done correctly with t's crossed and i's dotted. As Mars traveling through independent Aquarius meets this rule-maker, it becomes necessary to include factors you had not previously considered important. What will it take for you to succeed? Take into account the environment and the people to whom you need to appeal. It is time for a course correction.