My school apparently has the only MLT program in the country that requires a course in "oral communications;" either public speaking or group communications. They don't let *anybody* out of it. I have 20 years experience in marketing communications, working with cross-functional organizations, leading work teams, working as a team member, writing presentations delivered by executives to customers, etc. Not good enough. Another student already has a BS in linquistics -- not good enough. Bleah.
Well, I'm sorry but this course is pure bull. The syllabus doesn't give us a clue of its goals, purpose, what we will learn or on what sort of knowledge (or skills?) will be graded (other than a series of quizes, papers, a test, etc).
First class, I get the impressions the teacher has taken an immediate dislike to me. Not good. I double-down the next week, clamp down on my eagerness and try to be super-sensitive in my responses. We will be graded on participation, but I must be careful not to overdo. So I hold back. Things look up by 2nd and 3rd week.
We alternate each week with a quiz and a "response paper." So for the first paper, other than a topic, we got zero directions beyond 1 page. Getting as much direction as "double-spaced" was like pulling teeth. So we write the paper and get it back the next week. Mine has a # on it and 2 check marks. Other people got the same. No feedback. Zilch. 15 minutes into the class discussion, teacher starts going on about how important feedback is to communications. (I turn and look at the student next to me who was complaining about no feedback during break. We jointly roll our eyes...)
So I send an email to teacher, very careful to be as "self-effacing" as possible so as not to possibly offend or be seen as critical. paraphrasing: "I'm feeling a little lost here. Never wrote a "position paper" before, so not sure what she was expecting and or what grade is based on. Not a lot of direction to start with; I'm used to science lab reports where we get very specific directions. Also marcom, where expectations, audience, purpose, etc. were very clear. I also was a little surprised at lack of specific feedback. Not sure how I can improve without specific feedback. Overheard others express the same concerns. Would be grateful for any help."
The response was not real helpful, to say the least. First, she corrected me -- it's a "response" paper, not a "Position" paper. Oh, well. That makes a BIG difference. :eyes: Then explains that lab reports are "just observations" whereas a response paper requires critical thought, analysis and interpretation. (Personally, I beg to differ. If she wants to diss what scientists do, well, that's her problem. I'll remember that if I'm ever analyzing and interpreting the results of *her* lab tests, lol).
But here is the kicker. The specific feedback is the class discussion, and her checkmarks are where she's noted points made.
Well, she missed half my points. And I made *every* point that came up in the class discussion, plus one that nobody else thought of *except* me. So how the eff does that qualify for only a 3 out of 4 points. Which, by the way, is 75%, or a "D?"
Criminies. At age 10, my teacher wanted to submit my poetry for publication. I was an A or B student in every college level writing class I took, including creative writing, tech writing, and tech editing. These were, by the way, pretty good schools. At age 20 I had a nationally recognized poet ask me to help her with a poem she was working on. I rose to nearly the top of my field in marcom, with a 6-figure income that was about to double when the tech crash came. And now I'm getting "Ds" from a big fish at a community college in a teeny, rural village. Great.
And then came tonight. I'm still *really* upset. We were split into little groups, directed to discuss our experiences working with a specific age group. I started to say something to my group. She interrupted me from the front of the room and told me to stop being judgemental, we are just supposed to describe experiences not judge them. So I started to describe the experience and she interrupted me again and this time told me to stop being negative. She didn't do this to *anybody* else in the room -- just me. Just kept saying that I was doing it wrong in an unfriendly voice, interrupting me *every* time I spoke. I ended up so frustrated I stopped speaking altogether. And when it came time to report our take on our group's discussion, I sat in silence. There was a long, awkward silence, and then finally I said my last job had been with several people that age, including my boss and her boss, and that I'd commit suicide before I'd ever work with that age group again. The class laughed. She got flustered and told me that I would have to be able to work with all age groups. I repeated that no I wouldn't because I would commit suicide first. The class laughed again. Then she told me in that case I was really limiting my work options. And I said, "They poisoned me. I don't know how to describe being poisoned in a positive way." So then she went off on how I can't judge an entire group by them.
Well excuse me, but she FUCKING INSTRUCTED US TO DESCRIBE OUR EXPERIENCE. AND THAT WAS MY FUCKING EXPERIENCE. I didn't say this. I just shut up and gave up.
After class, in the ladies room, I got into a conversation with a classmate. She was sitting on the other side of the room so didn't overhear much of what had happened. The first thing she said was, "But that was what we were SUPPOSED to be doing!!" That's what I thought too. We were supposed to describe our experience. Not change it or make it up to fit expectations. Describe it. I'm sorry that being called names, taunted, and poisoned sounds negative. I don't know how to describe them in a positive light.
I said I wasn't going to participate any more. She asked me to not do that, because she really enjoyed my stories.
Then she suggested I have a talk with the teacher. She is right that I can't let this continue. But I am now afraid of the repurcussions. I suspect that her behavior toward me tonight was do to my email to her last week. I don't expect communications to improve in person since she interrupted and talked over me EVERY time I tried to speak. The only way she will let me finish a sentence is in a shouting match, which won't help.
This totally sucks. I've invested 10s of thousands of dollars and worked my ass off maintaining a 4.0 because I don't have connections, I'm not a native, and the only thing left for the selection process is my GPA. And this bitch is deliberately ruining it...I honestly don't know what to do.