plants in Seattle. I had this bamboo plant that continued to have aphids. One day I showed up to check it out/water, etc. and broke down crying when I saw it still had bugs! :wow:
At the age of 35 I had to have a hysterectomy. I had been on Premarin and could not get settled to where I wasn't very up or very down. After the incident above I just stopped everything and cried for weeks.
I went to a psychiatrist who put me on Lithium and Pamelor stating that he felt I was manic/depressive personality given my life's history, etc. I took the drugs and they seemed to help me a bit, but I hated the flat-lined feeling!
I started soul searching and working on stuff myself via books mostly. Not long after that I went started training for becoming a licensed massage therapist and everything I ever knew or thought I knew in life changed!! It opened me up, healed me, and gave me power/knowledge to move forward and become the person I selected to experience upon setting foot upon Mother Earth.
After several months of the meds I stopped them and have never had to use them ever again. I was on Xanax for several months after the invasion started due to all the crap happening in the US and the world.
I have alcoholism/depression in my family as well. Early on I was at alcoholisms doorstep, but got scared outta my gourd by something stupid I did and stopped... exchanging that for RW Christian fundamentalism.
The things that have worked for me are journaling; writing letters to people who have hurt me (then burning them or filing them away.. often times prayers while burning them help to free the emotions that keep you locked into those feelings/thought patterns); bodywork (receiving massage...cried upon receiving my first massage... total release! that is when I knew I wanted to become a massage therapist); healing music spheres, Native American, musically tuned quartz bowls, international music, etc.; talking to others; reading till my eyeballs hurt; watching the Wisdom Channel on satellite TV (wasn't there when I had my issues); watching/listening to FSTV/LINK TV (lots of stuff there for triggers, etc.); workshops; readings; experimenting; learning something new; and CHOOSING to be around positive people and drawing the line on abuse and negativity.
I ask that my guardian angels and guides meet with yours to keep/comfort and direct you to your path keeping you in the will of the Creator. May Light and Love freely flow to you for your healing and guidance. May the brilliant white light of true Love surround you continually and bring the peace that passes all understanding.
Life is a journey. It's about the learning, the growing, the bumps and bruises. You WILL make've asked for help and creation is always there when one asks. Sometimes it comes in ways we would never dream...therefore, may your dreams help to guide you and sort through the mish mash of chaos you see bringing you to resolution and healing ready for a more enlightened path that awaits us all!
Might check out Not sure what your finances are like, but I'm sending it to my friend for her birthday present and me soon thereafter!
Hope some of this helps.. however, I think I've only rambled! LoL :+