Dream of the Green Star - Comet Lulin & Maya Cosmology IssueAluna Joy Yaxk'in
In the late 1980's, while I was still living in Mt. Shasta California, I had a very strange dream. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but it was one of those dreams that you do not forget about.
In the dream, it was at the time of the great shift. I feel it is the shift we are experiencing now. In the dream, there was a weird light in the sky. There were many different colors in the sky, very similar to the Sun dogs that we have been seeing these last few months. The sky had an unreal feeling about it that is hard to describe. In my dream, I was watching all this transpire in front of me. It felt like it was at the end of the day, but I also realized that it was the end of the age.
It was evident to everyone that something big was happening. Everyone on Earth was scrambling in different directions. Some were acting out of their fear and were running and trying to hide. But there was no place safe to hide. Others were following an inner guidance that came from their hearts, and proceeded to go where they were called.
In the sky, there were multiple UFOs in the sky, and on the ground I saw many beings that we considered to be Big Foot. Many Ascended Masters were walking among us. It felt like all the dimensions were merging together. This was frightening to some, and very exciting to others. It was like Armageddon and the Rapture all at the same time. It was very confusing, but wildly exciting all at the same time.
The thing that created a lot of commotion was a glowing green stone. This stone shined like a star. In the dream, if we sat with it, the stone would awaken us to a higher realm of being. In my dream, the green stone, or green star, was in the center of a circle. The ones that were listening to their heart's inner guidance were also the ones that knew where the Green Stone was. We were all gathering around it, and waiting for what came next. We didn't know what it was, but we knew it was something that we had long awaited for. There were many that thought that the Green stone was evil, and they warned many to stay away from the light of the Green Stone. Some listened to the fear and left . . . but most stayed to be together. That was the end of the dream.
Over the years, I have kept my eyes open for a green stone like the one in my dream. I have been gifted many green stones from New Zealand, but these were not like the green stone that I saw in my dream. I heard about the stone called moldavite, and checked it out also. Again, it wasn't the green stone in my dream. Over the years, I forgot about the dream and went on with my life.
Just about the time that the Star Elders said that we had made the grand shift in the collective consciousness and a new age, something new has appeared in our sky. This is the glowing green Comet Lulin. Immediately, the forgotten dream of the star-like, green stone flashed into my mind. If the Comet Lulin is the green star stone in my dream, I don't really know. But I find it highly interesting that it has shown up now, and for many reasons.
Astronomers themselves say "Lulin is a very rare and quirky visitor". I find it interesting that this comet is not only green, but also appears to be traveling backwards. The Maya word "Zuvuya" fits the situation beautifully. Zuvuya means that you can understand things more deeply by looking at it in reverse. Could the appearance of this comet be triggering a deeper sense of awareness and truth? Could this comet unveil the illusions . . . negative egos of the world?
Since Comet Lulin's close fly-by in our solar system (February 23, 2009 being the closest fly-by to Earth), we have been experiencing a lot of interesting energy shifts. We have experienced some beautiful highs and have had to process some pretty deep lows. Emotionally we feel scattered and confused. Physically we are having stomach aches, nausea, and to sensitive ones, even a sense of your entire body being hit by a fast-moving truck. If you are feeling these physical symptoms, it means your spiritual, emotional and physical bodies are working to realign to the new energies.
Lulin has made its close fly by to Earth in the first few weeks of 2009 just as we have completed a 13 year solar wave cycle ending at Equinox in 2008. In this 13 year cycle, humanity has created a powerful momentum of awakening in the collective consciousness. This is the first year of a second 13 year solar wave cycle. This cycle ushers in a new era where we can actually create with the new momentum empowered by heart-filled collective consciousness. This is the year where all our healing talents will be empowered and supported by the mass collective consciousness . . . finally!
This comet will be passing close to Earth just as we enter portal and core days in the Maya calendar . . . including a rare core day falling on Equinox! Portal days thin the veils between dimensions. The core days act like the Kundalini of the solar system and have been historically proven to be extremely powerful days. Equinox this year falls on the 16th of 20 core days that will be greatly accelerated by this comet's gamma rays and the global Solar Wave Ceremonies. Two other comets have been within eyesight on Equinoxes in years past, but this is the first green comet that falls on a core day! According to Maya Cosmology this Equinox, March 20, 2009, is potentially the most powerful and transforming event that we will have ever experienced in recorded history.
Copyright © 2007 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 Ph/Fax:928-282-4622 -- Email: alunajoy@1spirit.com website: www.AlunaJoy.com
FLASH: Comet LulinIt cruised around our Sun quietly in January, gaining momentum and popularity as its visibility increased to naked eye proportions and now everyone wants to know the dets, at least that’s what the e-mail requests I’ve received indicate. What the hell is a Comet Lulin and, other than a great chance to observe cool stuff in the night sky, should I care? Actually, yes.
Comet Lulin was “discovered” on July 11, 2007. This comet possesses an extreme eccentricity: 0.999986, which means it has an orbit that is nearly parabolic and we get one look at this comet in a hugely long time. Tomorrow, Feb. 24, after nearing the Sun on Jan. 14, the comet comes as close to the Earth as it does, outbound. The result of this is the best viewing. It’s easy to find. The comet is near Saturn, whose moons are putting on quite the show for telescope viewers. The simplest star map is available on www.spaceweather.com. When you look near Saturn you’ll see the comet, looking a little fuzzy on the edges and its green color may not be evident to the naked eye. I saw it the other evening from the yard just as it was entering Virgo nearly equidistant between Arcturus and Saturn. Of course, Tucson lacks street lights in most neighborhoods because of our proximity to Kitt Peak. You might have to get out of town for better viewing.
Tomorrow, Comet Lulin and Saturn virtually hold hands in the sky. This places them conjunct in the sign of Virgo. Now the full import of a comet can be determined by checking the degrees of its node and perihelion. While I’ve found differing date/times for the exact perihelion, suffice it to say that the comet reached closest proximity to the Sun as we observed the Sun in mid-Capricorn. The node degree (heliocentric) is 8 Pisces 32. The comet bears a Capricorn-Pisces mindset and as it nears us it flavors its influence with a strong shot of Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler. So let’s see, we have reality vs. fantasy and hard-core life vs. inspired spirit as the comet’s prevailing themes? Yes.
Because of solar emanations and the gaseous tail of the comet, there’s a thing called charge exchange. This sharing of energy generates x-rays as the comet passes. So, we further receive an infusion of “look inside to examine the bare bones nature of the structures at hand” courtesy of these emanations. Feel it or not, it is happening. Yes, indeed.
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Comet Lulin - A Bright Green Cosmic Visitor've been asked to comment about Comet Lulin, the green comet now streaking through our solar system in apparent backward motion. Historically comets are regarded in astrology as distant wanderers, and while some return every so often, this is the first, and possibly last, time this particular celestial body comes to visit us. So just what could this comet portend?
While they were generally considered "evil" omens by the ancients, we have come to understand that nothing is evil in itself, so our interpretation must be adjusted. Supposedly comets show the end of an era and the beginning of a new one, along with history altering events and personalities.
One such was Halley's Comet, which marked the birth and death of Mark Twain, America's great literary giant and satirist. Comets also marked the births of Theodore Roosevelt and a generation later, his cousin Franklin D. Roosevelt. So I suppose we can forecast that at least one or two important personages will be born around this time period who will alter world events in decades to come.
There has been a lot of scuttlebutt around the web about possible meanings of this comet's visit, and I've even read that someone has confused this galactic wanderer with the planet Nibiru. Some say it's come before, while other sources say this is the first time it's visited our inner Solar system. So what's true, as far as we know?
I find Comet Lulin extra interesting because of a syncronicity. For the past couple of months one of my guides has come through to me as a rich green energy. The image I get is as if lapis lazuli had a variety that was forest green with lighter specks and sprinkled throughout with shimmering gold. This guide was a distant relative of mine was an acupuncturist that I only met a few times when I was little so I was not only suprised when she started popping in offering help but sending that delicious green rich healing energy shot with gold. I think I will soon t ry to tune into Lulin and see if I can't taste her energy as well :)