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FYI... How astrology came to be on DU

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 11:47 AM
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FYI... How astrology came to be on DU
Anyone here remember the beginnings of the astrology posts on DU?

Probably not too many..... Anyone remember how some of us fought so hard to get astrology a home where we didn't have to deal with attacks of those who do not feel astrology has anything of value to offer? There were a brave few who actually started posting astrological information and opened the way for others to do the same.

Once upon a time there were maybe two or three of us who tentatively mentioned astrology in relation to current events in individual posts. Then we did a few more posts...finally the few of us posting these things decided to get together and maybe do a we did. We actually started back in the Energy & Environment forum. It was really gratifying to have so many folks "come outta the closet" so to speak and join and and express thanks that we had the courage to post astrological threads....but then there were the "others"....

No big surprise, we got booted outta there because a few DUers didn't like Astrology or think it belonged there.They thought it was wierd or too far out or was not scientific and had no place on DU. So we tried the Lounge and GD and got flamed and ridiculed out of those places as well. Fortunately at this time, Skinner had the brand new Meeting Room all ready for us...So we went happily along to our new home....of course we still had to battle folks in there 24/7, but at least we had "permission" to be there.

Come last Nov 12th, 2004, we finally get our own "home" away from those closeminded and skeptical folks whose main delight was to derail & flame any conversation or discussion about astrology (and any other metaphysical subject that came up)....and now, for whatever reason, here we are, faced all over again with a lack of tolerance and acceptance for ideas that may be different than what is familair or accepted. Suddenly there is judgement here about what is posted simply because some choose to think and see things from a different perspective.

I know and appreciate and have certainly shared in the long hard battle astrologers have fought for respectability and totally understand that it continues on a daily basis...I have certainly done battle myself here with respect to acceptance...just ironic to me that some now feel a need to distance themselves from things THEY deem not suitable or irrational or just too far out.

Guess I hoped for a bit more tolerance considering what astrology has faced for many many years. I also hoped we wouldn't have to fight each other in this forum. I never saw anything stopping anyone from posting as much astrology as they wanted to here. But hey, perhaps a new forum is a sign of growth and not separation.

Things will obviously play out here as they need to ...

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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 12:29 PM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks for the background. The Meeting Room was up
when I arrived so I didn't know the previous history.
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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 12:33 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. glad to share...we sure had to battle TPTB...
AND all the naysayers. But Gloria & Different Strokes were- are - fantastic astrologers...they were really sharing some good stuff.

We sure had some mighty fine battles in the MR though :evilgrin:

Its ever so much nicer here now :) ...maybe thats why I just figured we could all get along and "fit together" somehow. :banghead:
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Pathwalker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 01:05 PM
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3. Remember the "Signs and Omens" thread in the MR,
posting all the omens against the Iraq war before it started, and after? I tried to find it, but the archives don't go back that far. It was one of my favorite NON-Astrology threads there. I remember when the Meeting Room was created, as well as all the fighting from the skeptics; they fought us every step of the way, and even fought against allowing the use of the word metaphysical. They must be pretty giddy today.
Personally, I had no idea Astrology had so much exclusionary dogma, disallowing so many "other" beliefs, but then I was under the obviously mistaken belief that it was a much more tolerant system. How'd I miss that all these years?

Also, my memory is that there WERE other "metaphysical" subjects discussed in the Meeting Room, all roundly mocked by the skeptics. Now, we are told these threads "NEVER" happened, but I remember them. Am I alone in my memories?
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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 01:29 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. No, you're not alone. I remember many other threads in the MR too
Edited on Wed Jun-29-05 01:30 PM by Desertrose
which is why I am so surprised at the attitude which is suddenly prevalent in THIS forum.

Of course there were many other "metaphysical" threads there.I had many many go rounds with certain unnamed skeptics there. Lots on "life after death", crop circles, UFO's , psychic name it, if it was off the beaten path we discussed it...and fought over it when we had to. Astrology was always one of their favorites to flame and how many were there to fight that battle?? I don't remember too many who now want their own forum were there to slug it out.

Even if history gets rewritten by a few, we still know what really happened..cause we remember...

edited to add: We also had many threads on ascension and Michael Sharp's book discussions.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 01:27 PM
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4. Looking at it from a different perspective, long before Nov 04
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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 07:52 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. What are you doing on this thread?
YOU weren't there with the rest of us before there was any place for us to be. THIS is strictly a reminiscence thread, not a thread for any other discussion. Are you just posting here looking for an altercation?


Just giving you a taste of your own medicine.
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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-05 07:55 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Oh El...snork.......
:evilgrin: you are so...Uranian :cough:cough:

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