As she said, everyone experiences it differently. What was really powerful was one of the first free call-in sessions I participated which was combined with a deeksha with Arthur Collins. It somehow brought up an issue of mine, which probably needed attention.
In any event she muscle tests the group energy and utilizes various modalities, depending on what she sees is required. One such modality she used was color and sound. She wanted us to stand up, I have written it down somewhere, but just as the chakras have a corresponding color it also has a note and sound attached. We worked on each chakra vocalizing and envisioning the color. It felt like I was balanced thereafter. There was certainly much more we worked on in that session.
I have so far intermittently participated in the free sessions or proxied myself in. I had not really participated most of the past year, and last night, I thought there is so much we can learn and understand when you actually listen to her as an added benefit. And I felt, gee..I really missed being there. Oddly, it is this strange oneness feeling, if you will, in a smaller scale and larger scale at the same time.
What strikes me most with all the sessions that trigger her follow up email of what was done and worked on, are the issues she worked on in that session. She finds statements in our energy field such as "I am not good enough" and then uses a modality, sometimes more. She turns that statement "off" and replaces it with a statement to the contrary. I believe a major and noticeable energy shift happens, when that unconscious negative statement resonates, and it usually is a core belief we picked up along the way which happens to prominently obstruct your truth at that particular time. The funny thing is that it is usually connected to and reflecting a problem you are having at the time.
Sometimes, on the other hand you may not feel a thing, and still you know somehow something shifted within you.
Last night session she took us to a free visualization, which I don't think I experienced before in her sessions. The rebirth in my case, I saw a door. Then it was in the middle of the landscape and on the other side there were beautiful rolling hills and it appeared to be at dusk. It was a great refreshing and free feeling. I did not see myself, though. I may have just blended into the landscape...
I think on her website she has a discussion forum, where you can read comments and questions. We all have so many layers, from personal, ancestral, cultural and societal beliefs which need to be worked on one at a time, as they surface. Sheldrake will call it in our Morphic Field.
I hope this answered some of your questions.