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So I've got this blog...

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:53 PM
Original message
So I've got this blog...
I've had this blog going for a few months now. It's not specifically about spiritual topics, since I link to it from my freelance/personal Web site that potential clients can see. It's more random ramblings about whatever strikes my fancy--a place to express myself, flex my writing muscles by ruminating on subjects other than my freelance assignments. I don't post entries as often as I'd like, but I do fairly well at keeping it up.

ANYway, Kentauros (hi, Kentauros! :hi: ) suggested that I link to it from my profile here on DU, but I'm still skittish about identities and so forth--I'm not too keen on my real name being visible to every d****bag on DU, to be quite frank. But if any of my dear friends here in the ASAH group would like to peruse my navel-gazing missives, send me a PM and I'll send you the link to my blog, okay? Thanks! :hi:
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kentauros Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 09:33 PM
Response to Original message
1. It's a good blog, too
Hi MG! :hi:

I haven't read it lately, but your writing is a good read ;)

I understand about being cautious, too. It's not just the crazier members of DU we have to contend with, but also the visiting Freepers and all other assorted "characters" appearing on this site. I'll have to see if I still have that PM since almost losing my main hard-drive recently (they recovered the info, but everything still has to be reloaded and reconfigured...)

I promise I'll have NZ images to share soon :D
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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 07:56 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Aw, thanks!
'S okay if you haven't read it lately; I haven't posted anything new lately!
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kentauros Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 09:20 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. No, I haven't looked lately.
I did get the impression you didn't post all that often ;)

Found some new animated smilies, for me and y'all...

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Manifestor_of_Light Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 11:33 PM
Response to Original message
2. I have a blog too.
And have posted a few times in The Lounge and the Bloggers Group asking people to go there and read and comment.

Nobody did. I would like traffic but have the same reservations.

So PM me if you want to see it. It's on a variety of topics.

Thanks all you good peeps!! :D

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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 06:40 AM
Response to Original message
3. I'd love to see it MG.
Edited on Thu May-07-09 06:40 AM by stellanoir
PM me the link if you have a moment.

I've a blog I started in '03 believe it or not, yet I've scarcely posted on it at all and it's graphically really uninteresting so is sort of an embarrassment.

I'm sure your's is far more appealing but that doesn't say much.

Have fun with it.
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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 07:55 AM
Response to Original message
4. You guys rock
What a response, even just overnight! Gee, I really hope folks like it now that I convinced you to visit it!

Thanks again! ASAH is the best! :grouphug:
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MagickMuffin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 09:59 AM
Response to Original message
7. Oh please PM me the link
In return I'll PM you my other blog that is my Artist blog and not my political blog which I have been neglecting.

My artist blog was being neglected but I've been trying to do catch up with it. I back date entries since it doesn't get much traffic and it has been more of a journal of sorts.

I'm looking forward to seeing yours.


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kentauros Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 10:18 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. I'm gonna have to ask for a resend on the PM, too
because now I can't find the link. Oh, and the rest of y'all can PM me if you like. I'll peruse your work and let you know what I think :)

I love to write, but I don't do blogs. I've tried the "journal" thing, but it just didn't appeal to me enough to keep it going. I'd rather write the fiction I love to compose than share all of my thoughts and actions in my life ;)
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Blue_Roses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 10:46 AM
Response to Original message
9. Hey, MG...
Edited on Thu May-07-09 10:50 AM by Blue_Roses
I sent you a PM. I would love to read your blog. I also have a blog that I do in the voice of my cat, Merlin. It's called, Diary of a Bored Indoor Cat. There's a pic of him and he's every bit of what "he" speaks!;) The link is in my profile. I need to update but have been so bogged down with editing a manuscript that is a living nightmare.

Also, I responded to your post in the writing forum too...the PM explains it more:banghead:

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MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 01:53 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. Nice blog!
I like a cat with "cattitude!"
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Kind of Blue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 11:05 AM
Response to Original message
10. A funny thing happened when
I checked out your blog back around mid April. At the time my sister and her family were into the Obama slogan, "Fired up and ready to go," especially their 8year old daughter who is just too adorable. When she'd say, "Fired up," we all respond now, "and ready to go."
My BIL had been trying for a while and eventually found a video of Obama just saying it. One day, something said Check Out MagickMuffin's Blog and so I did. Lo and behold, there it was, a video of Obama telling the whole story of how the saying began! It was just too synchronistic.
I love blogs. On the one hand, blogs are out there for the public and on the other, I feel like a stalker. So I'm glad you posted so that I could tell you how much more enjoyment your Obama video brought to my family :)
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Manifestor_of_Light Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 01:15 AM
Response to Reply #10
13. I looked at your pics in the Artists Group room.
Amazing, dreamy stuff!!!

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Kind of Blue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 03:11 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Thank you, Manifestor_of_Light!
I envy yours and MagickMuffin's sites. I'm still struggling with creating a website. But now I'm thinking of a blog instead of a gallery site or just breaking down and hiring someone to do do it. How easy is blogging? I could clearly pack in more info about paintings and yapping about the process. Thanks so much for the comments, especially "dreamy," because Dreaming is what I'm calling the future site :hug:
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Manifestor_of_Light Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 04:52 AM
Response to Reply #14
15. Blogging is really really easy.
I've learned some HTML to do my own websites.
Blogs basically have all the frames and you merely put in content.

BTW I have more painted silk pillows that are for sale, in my blog!
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Bluestar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 12:48 AM
Response to Original message
12. Would love to see your blog, MG
Please PM me the link.

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