's a weak stab at a revival of my long since passed attempts at crafting stellascopes for every fortnight.
It is far less specific than they used to be.
I did these for many, many years, thoroughly gratis.
The whole process got somewhat depleting over time as I truly suck at marketing, and I ostensibly had other bigger fish to fry, such as the small issue of completely unreliable electronic voting machines over which my stallward and somewhat OCD efforts may or may not have amounted to a true exercise in futility at best. Who knows?
Last night however, sitting upon my beau's porch, removed from my everyday grind, I was again, talking to the purple reindeer, and fixed my gaze skyward.
There, "to what to my wondrous eyes should appear," but Jupiter and the Moon tango-ing approaching a serious kanoodle on Sunday at 1:47 am EDT. In the interim, Saturn will go stationary direct @ 14:55 degrees of Virgo @ 10:07 pm EDT tomorrow night.
According to some, at the bottom of the tree of life, sit the worldly planets. Jupiter representing expansion and Saturn represting constriction and manifestation. This is simply when alchemical magic happens. Go for it.
Not only do we perhaps, collectively need to get on the veritable and virtual schtick, in terms of the Saturn station in mid Virgo and the dire planetary need to roll up our sleeves and do whatever we may in terms practicality, but with the pending explosive conjunction of Jupiter/Chiron/and Neptune, prepare as best we can more fully, for a total paradigm shift.
DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way shape or form, employing the word "explosive" in the catastrophic sense, but rather, in the sense that it can potentially implode all the old haggard and tiresome belief systems that are no longer appropriate for this still new millennium. (yikes what a yawn fest)
Dover has posted eloquently and informatively about this potential. Rick has speculated on this quite wisely. I've been doing some historical research, keeping it corked, and trying as best I can to find the right words.
However, I fully believe as deeply as I am able, that these are times bringing forth energies that we've not courted or encountered for 5000 years on this planetary plane.
It's perhaps up to each and every one of us to rally in the face of these forces in order to mollify the harrowing transitions we are facing.
Maybe the only force that hampers our abilities is the antiquated mind construct, that we can not. "Mind forged manacles" indeed. Ughhh.
Today is a day of focus and steely resolve. Let us make the most of it.
Tomorrow is a mixed bag during which we can potentially "break on through" to a different dimension, beyond yet another formerly envisioned veil.
Or as Caroline Casey might say, "I vote for that reality."
You all know what to do in whatever big or small way in which you are able.
I wish you all Jupiter's blessings in all of your endeavors and individually granted pursuits.
Hope you all have great and fortuitous weekends.
The next week will require more mindfulness than usual.
Consider staying quick and sprightly on your feet, meeting the immediacy of each and every moment as best as you are equipped to do so, and having gentility towards the very nature of our own human frailties and that of others, may indeed help.
This aspect is most simply about the global community as best stated by this old animation I've posted far too many times from an incredibly wise wombat. . . best and more to come,
ps here's another oldie but goody