Health Care Reform
As discussed in last month’s Skywatch, Neptune (drugs, hospitals) goes retrograde at the end of this month, in Aquarius (medicine). This station represents the peak of the most powerful conjunction of 2009: that of Neptune (universality) with Chiron (wounds) and Jupiter (social reform). The symbolism is crystal clear. Given this transit, there’s no way the explosive issue of universal health care can be put off any longer. It was fated to go public in a new way this year.5
What does it mean that this transit hits the Moon in the US chart? The Moon is the collective Inner Child. The reason this issue is so emotionally charged is that it evokes our most poignant need: that of being cared for when vulnerable.
Moreover, when we factor in the transit of Pluto opposite Mars that kicked off this calendar year, we can better understand the implications of the political power plays involved in health care reform. 6 Forces intent on total control are circling this issue like dark clouds announcing a storm. Any challenge at all to the entrenched American insurance industry constitutes the premier David-and-Goliath battle in a year that is being defined by such battles.
Locked Out of the Debate
One of the gravest disappointments Obama has dealt his supporters so far is his “taking off the table” the eminently rational system of single-payer health care. The reason for its removal from public debate is clear: it would eliminate private insurance companies.
Under the plan Obama has just removed from discussion, the public would still get their choice of doctors and hospitals; but the exorbitant administrative costs and obscene profits that insurance companies add to the health-care bill would be eliminated. This is, of course, how it works in much of Europe, where health care does not number among life’s worries. Is it any wonder that the powers-that-be don’t want us to think about it? For Americans to spend any time at all imagining how their lives might feel without the constant threat of falling ill and going bankrupt might make the for-profit system we have now seem too absurd to tolerate for one more day.
Its cost-effectiveness, fairness and workability make the idea of single-payer health care one of the most dangerous threats that exist to the current plutocratic system. It is for this reason that the media almost never mentions it.7 The only mainstream context in which it comes up is when ill-informed, corrupt politicians indirectly allude to it in their bizarre rants against “European-style socialism.”
Guerilla Theatre
Also in play is the other major influence of this period: the ongoing opposition of Saturn and Uranus, whose message is that if real change is to occur, it will not be through established channels. 8 It will be through ordinary citizens thinking creatively and acting surprisingly.
Russell Mokhiber, editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter, is an example of the Uranian archetype in action. Mokhiber plans to station himself outside the American Health Insurance Plans convention and burn his insurance bills. He and his cohorts are carrying forward the torch of the Viet Nam war protesters a generation ago, who lit their draft cards on fire when conventional means of arguing against the war hit a brick wall of establishment corruption and popular apathy.9
Guerilla theatre is Uranus’ cup of tea. And as Grand Cross watchers know, the Great Trickster is moving into Aries, the sign of sparking and igniting. What is happening to the popular mood will feel familiar to those of us who danced in the streets a generation ago. There is a clear astrological parallel between the creative disruption we will now be seeing and the wild antics of the 1960s. 10
Let the games begin.